
hurday June 5th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 Guillermo Niehaus Co. Our Cricket Cup Guillermo Arias Delgado Competition ricket Swingers The Foot Ball Tournament LIMON TRADING COMPANY one a on COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY ABOGADO y NOTARIO LAWYER and PUBLIC NOTARY NADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Co Tiene el gusto de ponerse a las Take pleasure in offering his proórdenes del público en esta provincia. fessional services to the peeple of LIMON this province reg Sunday last saw the defOFICINAS San José: Frente a la Offices. San José: In front of il eat of the Construction squira Noreste del edificio de CoMaterial de Tranvia Northeast Corner of Post ince Builompra Cacao by the Pathfinders Sport rreos y Telégrafos Limon: Contiguo ding Limon: Adioining the British al Vice consulado Britanico Vice consulate.
ſervicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo ing Club.
The Pathfinders were got San José: 1465 ng Importación de mercaderia en general rid of for the small score of Apartados: Boxes Limon 34 49, and all the spectators and backers of the Construction envisaged an easy victory for this great batting side, but the unexpected ser as the bowling dyline is not intended, ing the erstwhile ungentle happened capabilities of the Youths if in the course of my manly and expressions. ofd It is gratifying to note the se previously beaten the present were wrongly estimated.
Els at the crease you are what more they are learncond victory gained by The trundling of the Champions and the Libertad.
young dow and again, you must ing to smile and enjoy their Heredia Team last Sunday Smith Cunningham and Bravo, to the Boys of the ibute it to your being too game regardless of footed in the march of way Fate points her doubt could not be withstood, con ver the Independiente of the City of Flowers, you have sa sequently the Construction Argentine Republic, who had ved our faces.
present innings.
ful wand. This, at least, cons went down like so many nine have been told that the titutes one point in favour them. pins before Noor. 0080. 003.
They Ish Minister for Centrall of the C, Association. could only muster 25 thus erica has donated a tro What has become of that the Costa Rica Cri amusing writer The Ball leaving the Youths the ea y Victors Association for anual One secures his copy of The petition among the Clubs Voice every week only to The status of the Clubs in The Province of Liaon, be disappointed with the the Competition now stands LUMBER YARD that the matter now worst possible sketch of our Excelsior points with with the Board of Conlone great pastime, yet noth two games to play: Pathfinbrit and our Vice Corsul, ing from The Ball. Surely. ders points with one game We have opened a Lumber Yard Johnston. If this be Mr. Editor, you cant expect to play: Construction then we owe very many the sporting public to be sa point with on other games where we carry in stock a complete dks to the Hon. Adam tisfied with so meagre on hand: Motive Power mi.
assortment of all kinds of Native his am sure. morsel. Maybe The Ball has nus one point with one game appreciated kinciress. left it allup to our Infante to play: Wanderers minus Lumber. Special sizes to order.
he Cricket Board of Con Terrible, who, was given one with two games We also have Portland Cement, Roofwith its long accustom to understand, used the hand: Surtidora minus JA 60 as you please ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenway, other fellow pen name to with one game to play.
told us nothing about write a scurvy article some tine and all other building materials.
matter, and one or months ago. Cur trick, whether this Competi dear Ball, but you see the old will begin this year er axiom is ever right Who Send in your orders edt next. One thing in ever knows better should do bet.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY Laite certain, it must be ter. Come, come, old Ball, of anized and that, in any, take your own again and let Limon Division should be starte, now go.
the Country Clu93 must LIMON afted in and this will. Offbreakers day is here at see the Inswingers and codecod. o. o.
en quite a few week: for the Board.
iast: the having Fábrica de Hielo Although our Coir peti and takeh experiment. As imade law of the well tried What of ourCricketBoard?
y Refrescos almost haif way far as our actual play is conh, it is certainly of cerned, this will not affect Mr. Editor been on the streets for many impressive. Co istrueyet Permit me to ask a few ques weeks but we have not despite their us much, but it is to be hopatting led that the Umpires wili tions of our Cricket Board of heard anything on the acle of last Sundy, stem begin to enforce the rule.
Control who seem to haveject from our Board.
be nonetheless the best which means just this That lost all interest in us now a For many weeks no Ungi setting side. The Cham ball. pitching just outside days res have been appointed, as e are still holding their the bffsitump and turning LA FLORIDA 79)
There is a strong forrierly, hence only Messrs.
Put like the firlin, and would have struck Drummond and Fisher are think, they ar: snf the wicket but for being that through the instrumenta being continually used. Why Fábrica de Hielo lity of our veteran Cricket TK from a stale mate. obstructed by the striker does the Secretary of the Board latter team seen. be person, the striker is out Venta de Leche Fan, Mr. Sutton, His Britan not detail the official Umpi st oft for their tour to nic Majesty Minister for Cos res as was formerly done?
einnièa. Their battica ta Rica has offered to donate Does the President not obser Maderas ce a failure compared a Cup to be competed for by the slacknesses many what it used to be durRespice Finem.
our Clubs. This remour has going on? The Construction the past Season. Smith DO Club suffered the loss of Obowcoscoooo000 ss) is still their best man 00000000000 Coasovesove possible point in their match Fis somewhat fond of the Excelsior swing his cricket away account of the Board careless when he seems fairly in. was told that the ness in not acquinting the Go HERNa dos taler pur stated in Jamaica vernor office of the fixtures they (including himself for the current year: has this course)
had outgrown BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE been done yet? It is understood sta Rica Cricket. Well!
that the Secretary has no sta at a sorry farce! What UNICO EMISOR Infante Terrible of our STATE BANK tionery to enable him to send out circulare etc. There are Sket! Nothing can be said ne other Clubs. they may ofrece al púplico los Offers the Public the Rules to be supplied the Clubs a game or so, but as they why are not have a hundred servicios de su not serious about their Services of its of these printed and distribut ed? Is the Board passing ket, in the end it resolitself into look you, look a cy? If this. ffice and the Davil take the dermost.
the President nor call on all EN LA IN THE the Clubs and ask them to One subscribe the funds required for stationery and printing?
ch the game is The public anxiously ved. At long last our men learning to take an Umpara toda clase de awaits information regarding All kinds of Bank Service the Minister Cup, and what decision with the usual servicio bancario Rendered will be done in so far as the of salt, and walk back Country Clubs are concerned.
e pavilion without ventceocon DDOSSODDI ODDDDDDDDDDGoosovo. ag. copo. Player Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
rumour 1s ve a on against BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE through a period of bankrup obvious ie the spirit in Ciudad de Limón Ciudad de Limón City of Limon.


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