
To The Atlantic Vaice The Struggles Under which Spain Groans disors LEO How Bels 0513 Export Tax on Tax on Bananas En pl The confusion and turmoil whom are of monarchial ten ander which this unfortunate dencies and therefore will not Devoted to the interests of the peope of the Atlantic zona Icountry groans are ummagin tolerate the rulings of the Editor English Section: NATION able to the untrained mind. Republican Party. Should the The belligerent factors are latter be victorious it is expecs: Year II Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 12th. June 1937 No. 148 oeing aided by other warlike ed they will institute a gov nations of Europe the ernment similar to that exist Americas, and this tends to ing in Soviet Russia.
further the awful destruction Germany and italy the killing: mciming anafraid thit if Spain becomes a wounding of the best of the Communist State, this form of Complying with the tax o nanas shipped out the country. Fruit Company recently deposi country manhood and wo government will over runt two cents gold per stem of Ba 18 is known that the United ted in the Public Treasury the manhood, the wrecking o Europe and their Fascistrul bruge sur of eleven thousand beautiful mansion and pre ings will be in danger. Great dc ars to cover the exportation cious monuments of historic Brit:in and France regard per US of more than a hair iniliion stems of fruit during last 1o. th under the guise of civilization and fame, and bringing to nought, Fascism as a grave dangers consequently advocate From the 25th. May to the the commerce and business re there should be no interfere 2nd. instant 311. 852 stems have lationships of this once proad by foreign Powers in the af been sent out the country and and thrifty nation.
fairs of Spain, that she be alOn Monday next we shall ha. her, the Secretary of State for it is expected that the shipOne factor call themselves lowed to settle her internal ve another visit from His Exce Gobernacion and Policia, Lic ments during the remainder of The White or National Party: baffairs and reform her the month will aggregate bolt Cno Cws llency Lic. don Leon Cortes our don Luis Fernandez. he other, recognized as The mode of government so soon President. He comes on this oc The presentation of Mrs. Cor million stems. marked improvement or government Party as one or the other factor te casion to meet his dear wife who tes at the British Court o! 20has been on a holiday in Europe, yalty therefore makes her dou also been noticed in our impor are termed, tv the Fascists of victorious.
Germany. Com Two great systems of poli and had the opportunity of bly entitled to the ranking as tations during the last week of Italy and because they are tical philosophy are, therefor being one of the few very few The First Lady of the Land. May as coupled with the Bane munists Latin American ladies who were the The Atlantic Voice begs to na Tax deposit, the government being helped by Russia or the re, today conter ding foobtained in Customs revenue a tady Soviet Westminster welcome home our First provided seats Communist governarsetry not only in Shain, ment.
hut possibly Abbey to witness the coronation and wishes her and hers rany lone the sum of 354. 497. 62 coloof the wind, The rebellious or National hence it is veroing into the of King George VI in company very happy reminiscences of the nes. Not at all a bad week work.
wité the Costa Rican delegation tour.
Party are guidei en dsupport mastership of Caritalism headed by her illustrious brot ed Ly the Rich, the leaders of To page President to Pay use corner Another Visit has Reds Domestic Arts Sciences International Correspondence Schools Pann.
destening. Complete Course in dressmaking and designing, advanced course in dressmaking and ery designing, complete course in foods and home for profit ceed. Women every where wanted training in the housewiftly ity of caring their own living they could not leave home to them. So the Institute came. It wiped out distance. 1: service touched became at once a school and the time for Scranton, Penn Architect, Architectural Draftsman. Building Foreman. Concrete Construction, Contractor and Builder. Structural Draftsinan, Structural Engineer, Structural Steel Worker, Electrical Engineer Electric Wiring. Electric Lighting, Electric and Gas Welding. Telegraph Ergineer, Telephone Work, Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Draftsman, Machine Shop Practice, Reading Shop Blueprints, ToolmakerBoilermaker, Heat Treatment of Metals. Inventing and Patenting, Civil Engineer, Avia ion Eng nes, Diesel Engines, Plumber and Steam Finer, Plumbing Inspector, Heating and Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Sheet Metal Worker, Steam Engineer, Steain Electric Engineer, Marine Engineer, Refrigeration, Highway Engineer, Petroleum Refining Plant, Che nistry. Pharmacy, Coal Mining Navigation, Textile Disgning, Cotton Manufacturing, Woolen Manufactur ng, Agricolture, Surveving and Mapping. Bridg: Engineer, Automobile Works Fruit Growing, Poultry Farming Mathematics. Radio, Business Management, Industrial Management Traffic Management, Section Foreman, Steel Mill Workers, Fundamentals of Aeronautical Eng, R. Signalnan, Accountancy, Cost Accounting. Certified Public Accountant. Bookkeeping. English, Private Secretary, Spanish French, Salesmanship, Service Station Salesm Advertising, Business Correspondence, ShowCard Levering. Sign Lettering, Stenography and Tip ng, Civil Service, Railway Mail Clerk, Mail Carrier Grade co Subjects, Hig, School Subjec s: First Year College, lus rating, Cartooning, Lumber Deale.
The course is the substanze; price is the shadow. The offer value, not cheapness.
Box. 1211, San José, Costa Rica THE PROJECT OF OUR Market For Banana Flour Uur Cacao Industry TARRIF REFORM the United States Nicarage UNITED FRUIT Co.
TO that a By the statistics recently as de public, we observe that frem 1: is noted that as a result stiff battle against the adop This scam to be the period subjected to much considera te ist. of January to the end of the debates which liave tation of the project. As how for the making of offers whose tion. Last week we ooserved of May we have exported 61. 487 ken place in Congress in con To page realization will however be an offer from a Canadian Co. sacks of cacao with a net weigat Dection with the proposei for the purchase of Banacas of 905. 781 kilo3 and yielding Commercial Agreement from our independent produ 781. 056. 20 dollars or about cers, an dduring this one there 373. 914. 72 colones.
has suggested a similar Agree has come a request from The For the same period in 1936 meat with us having regard to Burroughs Terzan Enterprises we exported 32. 893 sack, weh the special favourei nations Inc of Hollywood, California, ing 459. 929 kilos valued Clause in the Agreement betSERVICIO DE VAPORES 215. 992. 90 dollars or around to the Chamber of Commerce ween the five Central Amer1. 209. 560 24 colones.
here, for information as It will thus be seen that can Republics.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK whether our Industrialists can bave nearly doubled our output It is well known con escala en CRISTOBAL HADANA supply them with 190 tons of and as a consequence of increase rery considerable trade is con3 nana Flour each month. The sed prices we have almost qua ducted with our neighbouring LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Enquirers would like to know drupled the cash brought into Republic in such commodities there are producers of this the country. We hope the car Es Lard, Beans, Rice, Lumber, EUROPEOS AMERICANOS con modity already established rent year may give us yet bright Cattle and Pigs, so naturally, in the country, what quantities ter results, if the United States deserves VAPORES SALIDAS they can guarantee monthly Last month we sent BVY special tarrif treatment for her an1 the wrices being asked on 12. 135 sacks as against 446 du products then she (Nicaragua. he spot, and IF, ring the same month isels she also has a very spe PETEN Junio 13 Los Angeles or New York, year, which produced 28. 215 cl cial laim on us. VERAGUA Having regard to the rejec ler; whereas the shipments as Junio 20 As mentioned in our last is.
tions noticed from time to timer. th yielded us 146. 191. 39 ir 1lars. QUIRIGUA sue the proposed Agreement To page Junio 27 sue the proposed Agreement with the United States is being strongly opposci in Con ALVARADO CIA. Sucs. We note that our genial Co Marcial Chavez has also been Eress, particularly in connec tion with the suggested duty Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
niandante of Police and Plaza, transferred to Heredia, in Colonel don Juan Jose Arias, similar position, and his place redactions on Land, etc. which has resigned his position and is filles by Colonel Ismael Pantoja will, it is claimed, have a vePara otros informes dinjase a las oficinas de la United succeeded by Colonel don Artu Arguedas.
ry disastrous bearing on our Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ro Loria recently in charge of It is hoped that our new on Pig Industry, and as this is the Traffic Department, San Jo ficials will be as affable and specially protected by law, the TELEFONO 3156 se.
genial as have been their prede.
oppositionists are fighting Our Second Comandante, Col. cessors.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismFascismFranceGermanyItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSovietSpain

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