
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday June 12 th. 1937 The Gases Hydrogen and Helium Importante Conocer Important Notice PROCRASTINATE Our Treasure Island America Best Boss 2go Germany had established EL ATLANTICO Maderas del país. Exis Best native lumber en Having regard to the ter great airship the Hinden hydrogen, the following Aceite verde Green Oil rible disaster which recent burg as the result, it is sup should be of interest: ly occurred to Germany posed, of the use of the gas In the standard chemical iable element Nº is hydro ge nand element Nº is he Para la picazón del Warranted to cure lium. Both are gases that one cannot see, smell or taste Cuerpo. Sarna, Rasquina lich. Mange, and other and you may bring about much suffering Hydrogen is the lightest gas Coinezones Skin diseases.
Make an Immediate Investment of all and helium is next.
of TWO COLONES with a monthy contribution of Here similarities end and Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont De ay in getting a :IXTY CENTS and you not only protect yourself when differences begin. diffeBúsquelo en todas Bottle on Sale in all sick and assist your family in case of Death, but rences that meant death or disfigurement to many of las Farmacias you are also able to participate in all the HumaDrug Stores nitarian Activities of the the passengers and crew of the world greatest lighter COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION than air vessel, the hydroEstablised 1928 gen filled Hindenburg.
Hydrogen is an active com bining element. It burns or explodes with the oxygen in the air, forming water. It This supposed Island of all the expeditionists who obis abundant and cheap, but Fortune has again cropped intained concessions to seek the dangerous.
to prominence. From time to untold wealth, have gone away Accordiig to the Philadel branded as a Red or a time different proposition: a sadder but much wiser men, Helium is inert and will phia Recora. Harvey Gra Bolchevik. The turning not burn. This makes it safe, ve been made to the govern as their efforts have all been vell, a well known Capitalist point had however, he warı but it is also expensive and ment for the exploitation of in vain.
of the United States, has won ed his hearers, arrived and rare. so rare that it was cific coast where there is sup Adventure Films Co. said to this Pa There has been the British nation wide attention as Ame employers of labour would not discovered until 1868, rica best Boss for having do well to change their view and then it was found by as ne hid away in some subterra Recovery Co. who have been posed to be an immense fortu be interested in the Treasure somewhat recently distributed points before they were chang tronomers examining the 100. 000 dollars among the 76ed for them.
nea: cavity by pirates of goue endeavouring to get in touch spectrum of the sun. Its na by days do with the Golden Hall, where employees in his million larr However, despite the icone Bergsmaan claimed he dis Would that our great indusme is from the Greek word concern, the American trialists and financial magna for sun. Twenty seven ye.
Chemical Paint Company indulged in ani their charts To page 10 which he started in a smalles could be converted to Mr ars later helium was identi geads told them, the fantasies covered the cave of Fortune world fied on earth. Nearly all the shop in Washington, 22 years Gavell ideas, the known supply is in the When asked about this would soon be rid of the ma We, tern United States in Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard unusual procedure which some ny and serious disturbances Texas, Kansas, Colorado and which so often interrupt na NACIONALES referred to as a generous act Utah.
of charity, Mr. Gravell iasist: tional and international traed his gift should in no way de, producing huge financial PROP.
losies to those directly con and maintained a remarkabe regarded as such as the ceried and fostering much of ble record in successful use Frank Maduro hijo, men got the money because the antagonism existing bet of the dangerous hydrogen.
they had it coming to them The individual gifts ranged ween Capital and Labour, as While Britain and Francewith the knowledge that, his where the first power drifroni 100 to 000 dollars.
tencia permanente Mr. Gravell is said to have worth is fully appreciated and ven airship was built in 1852 nuestro depósito. at moderate prices that he has a financial in and the United States vil always held the belief that erest in the Company the man who produces the for tually abandoned the field which he works, no employee after a series of di asters, wealth the lebouring man is entitled to share in the sucreti thus causing the eli to prove that dirigibles were cess chis company along with its owners; and he took itation of communistie idear practicable for war and com STATE VISITS the cportunity of cmphasi and all the other pericicus merce.
factors sing this at a luncheon given In July the King and July 15, to Caernarvon Cas him by a large number of his Queen will pay state visits tle, where Their Majesties to Scotland, Wales and Nor will be received by Mr.
admirers. Speaking on the sub ject. Mr. Gravell said that thern Ireland. From the 5th Lloyd George, as Constable employers employce relation Librería KINGSTON to the 12th they will be in of the Castle.
Scotland; on the 14 and Wales is celebrated for chips are still being based on the old idea of slavery. One TODA CLASE DE ARTICULOS DEL RAMO i5th in Wales; and on the her singing and the royal 28th in Belfast.
crowd he pointed out. produ visitors are to be entertain Revistas mejicanas, argentinas, españolas, americanas y ces the wealth and another ma An episode of special ined by a massed choir, drawn del país. Novedades. Artículos de sport. Especies fisca. terest during the stay in from the neighbouring nipulates it to its own benefit.
les. Recibimos cualquier encargo o trabajo de imprenta. Wales will be the visit, on towns and villages, who will and anyone who attempts ti disturb such a position sing Welsh songs.
is Todos los precios más bajos que en San José.
Situada frente al Mercado, esquina del Correo Caernarvon Castle dates from the reign of Edward (1274 1307) and is one of COMERCIANTE the finest examples of that por más de 20 años Uncomfortable Gusts of Wind and Rain Wee. Le great period of castle build Establecido en la Provincia ing. Its chief title to fame, Vende al detal, Vinos y LiESTRADA however, is that it was the cores extranjeros y del país. During the past few days the lower than forty or fifty eet birthplace of the first Prince abarrotes en genernl.
rains, which have ser falling to earth, otherwise we would not Abarrotes y Licores of Wales later King Ed MISCELANEA in the locality, hae changed have had many Bananas Artículos del Pais stablecimiento esquina from the forenoons to the after stipping this week. We would ward II. According to lePrecios Economics gend, del Mercado.
King Edward to noons, accompanie1 wit very not however, be surprise to Entre 46 the pacify LA IBERIA Welsh people heavy winds. Fortunately there hea of losses being experienced pass a bit high, har lly coming in some of the other sectors.
following the defeat and capture of David, their las independent prince, brought Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remork at the back out the newly born infantde su recibo que dice. a prince who could speak of receipt which reads.
no English on a shield Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office and, showing him to the cina dentro de los primeros 10 días throng surrounding Caerbefore the 10th. of the month de cada mes narvon castle, proclaimed, Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Here is your prince. It is Le Dopamos recordar ésta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which held by many people that de tener que cortar su servicis.
we would much regret to take the Prince of Wales motto. Ich Dien, is a corrupted spelling of the Welsh words Eich Dyn (your man. used be the King on that occasion.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
will ever think of injurine in the Germans had gone far THE KING AND QUEEN EDGAR YOUNG SALOMON CHIN Norte Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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