
aturday June 12 th. 1957 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 937 ALLAN SIME Call For Our Old Metal Dr. MEDAL Jr.
American Surgeon Dentist From Loyola University, New Orleans, SA e LIMON, COSTA RICA importación y Imports and Exports Exportación Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Compra de Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased The country seem to be ini for a general clearance of all its scrap iron and steel machi.
nery large Canadian firm has of fered to purchase all the Pacifie Raildroad old material of steel and iron, and is willing, We understand, to make similar purchases from others who may Cirujano Dentista Americano De la Universidad de Loyola, New Orleans, EEUU.
Ofrece sus servicios profesionales en su moderna Clínica Dental instalada contiguo a la oficina del Cable.
Offers his Professional Services in his New Lipto Date Dental Clinic.
Located nex to the All American Cables her be in possesion of these in sut The Project of Our Tarrif.
The Struggles Under.
a ng under No Such False Rumour our real beneficial market inc from a Activities Before Our Law Courts ficient quantitire From page brought forward a most con From page points, but on the next we are The government is willing to ever the government side of vincing argument in support of ascim over Labour diag told tha tthe loyal Party redispose of about 500 tons osed Communism. No fiercer gain lost ground. There is this junk bu so as to obtain the House can count, we un of his attitude. He bases his derstand, on 26 votes, it is evi contentions the very best prices possible, the on the illogical truggle is it present taking therefore no telling what may Minister of Finance has decided dent the project will be car deductions of our present Mi blace than the conflict bet happen, it will only be the wis with cer inister of Foreign Affairs in his to call for public tenders, when ried through but veen these two political enti dom displayed by the great of course, the Canadian firm tain modifications.
speech before Congress in de ies, with every land groan diplomats of Britain which will be able to submit its offer Don Lico Jimenez, who retosce of the Agreement.
the impact. The will avert a terrible catastro along with other interested par signed his portfolio, in conser In arguing on the benefits nations can world is bewildered. Not since phe. The only ob of his cisagreement derived from our Coffee trade ties.
quence thi the debacle of the Roman. Em pray for that greatest of all with the project, has again with the United States, don pire has humanity been more coeceptions. The Peace of the way Lico points out that England like men at sea without a World men compass lost in a layrinth The nationalists have fully where we get forty per cent of conflicting counsels: daza reorganized their operations The Editor:lege of Lawyers of San José more for this com than ed by the e cathedra pro following the great calamity ish With the title of False Ru This law will soon take effect, in the United States. Reviewnouncements of material scien they suffered by the death of mous. came across an article and be enforced throughout the to ing the transactions during ce: perplexed by the theories General Mola, their best fight in your issue of last week in re. Pepublic without any considera the past ten years, he proves of class philosophies; afing officer, and four of his gard to a new law by which tions whatever cen frighted by dread of totter chief assistants.
that at an average price Eng.
Be this as it may, its purpose laod has pai 6. 11 4 per rone others than lawyers or ch ing governments; torn by con General Davila, who now censed legal practitioners will be is not to oust unlicensed, and cwt. which, at 65 to the therefore ignorant, law practitradictory civic precepts the sis whole world reels and totters front, his concentrated what has command of the Northern authorized from now on to hand le and present cases before all tioners from earning their illegal pound sterling, equals 29. 75.
in the while for the same period the dark. Economic coi Jefaturas Politicas way of living, but rather to enaa. Tapee also threatens on every proved army with which he and Police Agencies of the Rep. ble clients, to have among others. average price in the United Sta side.
the following advantages and se Ites was only 19. 67, thus ublic.
has commenced since yesterishes. currencies are depreciat curities:vielding us in the English mar ed, budgets remain unbalare cainst Bilbao. On the other day an intensive offensive a ket a favourable difference of (1. An assurance and guaran This is not a False Rumour. 10 08 per cwt.
ed, while millions are unem hand we are advised that the propos tinn of law was created ty to the general public, particuployed. Demoralization, which the effect by farl ythe coloured people who do Don Lico also shows that comes from idleness and pub loyalists are getting together and proposed to a force of half a million men Magistrate Lic. don Antonio correct procedures by those whol point, the American exporters not speak Spanish, of absolute.
lic relief. is eating into our with whom they propose tocado of the First Court of Ap have a full knowledge of what have had for the same favourable trade standvery vitals and countries are ten make forced to mortgage the gene long all the fighting fronts.
a general offensive reals, and was unanimously taken they do.
and accepted by our Bar and Col years, a trade superiority of rations yet unborn to provide (2. To stop ignorant, unli. 52, 950, 601 over the Costa themselves with armaments censed practitioners from stealing Rican exporters. Why then, Ar sources of defense. In the people monies by making silly he argues, should greater samidst of abundance the world petitions before the Courts ofcrifices be demanded, which is multiplying in roverty, and Wednesday last was an imporShould the claimants be able to Justice which take most of the would not only diminish our fear of the future haunts eve tant day among our legal Lights, prove contributory negligence on Judges valuable time and atten Customs revenue, but destroy pro land. the Psalmist Der with the First Alcalde Office the part ofthe Engineer and his tion from other important mat Isome of our industries so as to vid onts it. The Leaders are engaged from the early forenoon crew: the case may of course ueters carried by authorized and increase their exportations.
at their wits end.
with lawyers from San José as cced: but should the Company therefore intelligent, licensed la well as many of our litigating lawyers convince the Court that yers. and the struggle pro Fans. This was the day set apart there was no such negligence ceeds in that com demned (3) To guarantee the public for interrogating witnesses in the then the issue will be a doubtFrom page country, while Germany and case of one Mr. Solis, who it is fulcne, more so as it is said that an ample, responsible and careItaly, although signatories to alleged was knocked off the east the claimant, in his confusion, ful handling of their cases; which the Non intervention Pact, ern trestle approach to the Mati jumped or fell from the narrow means a security and assurance me, as well as the amount of are greedily, eagerly watch na Bridge, sometime in October, ledge of this Bridge and that which no unlicensed and, conso five and six hand stems proing for the slightest pretext of last year, by an engine of the did not take the necessary pre quent, ignorant legal psactitioner, duced on the worn out lan 5, to enter openly with their ar Northern Railway Company. cautions to avoid the accident.
or Shyster Lawyers as they there is no reason why, prices mies und navies to further des The proceedings are being keen are commonly called, can give. being convenient, an extensive troy and demolish the little ly watched, not only by our local The Rumour to which the ar industry could not be brought that yet remains, but Mr. Solis, a travelling Agent the ticle referred is therefore not fall into operation here. The Unitthreat of England and France the Limon Trading Co. claims he for the San José department of legal Lights, but by all who are Fruit Company, however interested in the trafficing of this e: you can depend on that, Mr. ed that no such thing will be alis the best concern to found the only way Editor between Matina lowed keeps them in fear and bral column by the fall and is was very badly hurt in his verteand Estrada ANTONIO CRUZ, BA. LL. such an enterprise, for having.
trembling: If there be proviso in the con Authorized. Licensed Lawyer as she does, everything at het in consequence, incapable of con and Notary Public command, she could acquire Every day brings fresh inuing his occupation. His wife cessionary rights of the the most adequate machinery news of perplexities and ac is also claiming damages for the which compels an Engineer, on San José, June 1937.
for the drying, curing and grin ditional mixings. One day the injuries sustained by her husband. sight of a pedestrian, to stop his engine on terra firma nationals will be reported to the claims aggregate we learn of the outcome of these matters ding of the product.
before striking the bridge, then this so as to warn them of the danger It is hoped that something have gained many important about 2, 000 colones.
involved in using the Railway may produce a favourable find more will be heard of the matwithout proper care.
ing for the claimants, but we ter.
doubt this eventuality, hence out Excursion To Panama interest.
The Motor Ship «Bocas del Toro» will leave Li There is a quasi similarity be mon on August 16th, for Colon via Bocas, arriving tween this and another case at Colon August 18 and will leave Cólon on the re Liverpool, where a man was ki! Cuando viaje a Turrialba, visite When in Turrialba visit turn trip on August 24th. also via Bocas, arriving led without the knowledge of the LA FUENTE Limon August 27th.
tsain crew and the body carried LA FUENTE Several chains before the train Cantina Round Trip. First Class 12. 00 Restaurant Second Class Contiguo al Dr. Portocarrero Coffee, Restaurant Bar 00 was brought to a stop. This casa is also under investigation by the Book Your Passage AT ONCE as space is limited Buen Café a 10 cts. la taza Adjoining Drug Store Dr. Portocarrero same Court to find if there was Tickets and all Particulars from negligence on the part of the dePrecios al alcance de todos Splendid Service. Good Ceased in the use of the road vay los bolsillos Coffee and meals. NELSON Box 629 Limon.
as a highway CLAUDIO BRENES Cia. We shall acquaint our readers And so Market For. A FUENTE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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