
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday June 12 th. 1931 British West Indians Honored Life of Doubt pe Inc the to ar Mr.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY LONDON. George Frederick Others honored included: Companions of the Imperial Ifuggins headed the British Weat Lieut Colonel Horzye (lyril Service Order: Dumanoire, ve read many Bibles and fervently prayed, Indians mentioned in the King Hickling of Trinidad.
Deputy Surveyor General of Tri Being ever in fear was yet unsaved: Coronation Honours List. O. Robert Charles Crawnidad: Neilson, Inspector From a tender age ve sought for Him sident of Trinidad, he received a tord. Bermuda: John Merrill of Schools. Jamaica: BindWho would, was told, all sin forgive.
Knighthood for public service to Cruckshank, Resident Surgeon der, Barbados Customs Depart that colony General of the Bahamas: Joseph cent: George Hamilton WestFrom an early childhood ve longed and sought Charles Campbell Woolley, Co. Gonsalves, British Guinea; Leon maas, British Guiana.
To do those things my mother taught; onial Secretary of Jamaica, mard Isaac Henzell, Leeward Is. Meaal Edward Arded In silence and aloud d often pray ceived the award of Commander lands: Renwick, Wind Carter, Band Sergt Major, British To the Christian God to show me the way.
of the Order of St. Michael und ward Islands: Frederick Jacob Guiana Militia Band.
St. George (C. Seaford. British Guiana; Captain As no answer ve got which satisfies me, J. Stebbing, Leeward Is The Hon. Woolley, who wonder still where this God can be.
lands has been made CMG, has had Where dwells the Creator? where to be found? Captain Michael a distinguished career in the Fa: For oft doubt if he be yet around.
Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Ralph DeCordova, Jamaica; Wi! Last. Before his appointment as Co Dam Parliament Adderley. The lonial Secretary, he was Personal Oft, too, have wondered if my poor brain Lawyer Notary Public LahamasThomas Edward Beck Secretary to Sir Edward Stubba, Were sufficiently strong to bear the strain es, Trinidad; Norman Keith Lc the Governor of Ceylon, who for of clearly understanding God gift to man, Office: khart, Leeward Islands: la period of years successfully ou And making proper use of His good plan.
Adjoit. ing to the City Taylor Registrar of the Supreme ministered the government of Ja Court of Grenada, Windward Imaica.
Sometimes think that we do not konw, Public Library lands; Miss Ina Evelyn Usher, Major Michael DeCordova, Just what is the plan God sought to show, English Spoken British Honduras; Arthur has been one of the most That there are some things we fail to find Charles Westmorland. Jamaica; enthusiastic members of Jamal.
As we wander around like the deaf, the blind.
Former Judge of the Limon the Rev. Harold White, Chaplnin ca defence forces, an dhe has District Court of lonely Tristan Da Cunha Is Gone a good deal to advance the Oh Master! do let me walk with Thee, Kingston Infantry Volunteer In lowly paths of service free: orce.
Teach me Thy secret, help me bear, The Hon. Westmorland. The strain of toil, the fret of care.
Ooooooooo 00000000000000 one of the foremost planters of that Island, has helped materiaily Help me the slow of heart to move in advancing the welfare of JoBy some clear winning words of love: maica in more than one direction Teach me the wayward feet to stay Mr. Neilson. And guide them on the homeward way.
was one of the most successful LUMBER YARD Inspectors of Schools of the IsN. Derotus.
land. He recently retired on his pension We have opened a Lumber Yard Guillermo Niehaus Co.
where we carry in stock a complete in Lighter MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS assortment of all kinds of Native Lumber. Special sizes to order. Vein LIMON We also have Portland Cement, Roofing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenCompra Cacao Material de Tranvia Bride. cooked the sup tine and all other building materials. per tonight, darling. Guess Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo what you re going to get?
Send in your orders Groom. good attack of Importación de mercaderia en general indigestion, suppose.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY Actor. m the kind of Didn I hear the clock strik m trying to forget a ba Limon Division man who loves but once. ing two when you came in las: tiful shapely blonde, but Actress. Yes, can see night?
afraid there is only one you ll never be able to love Yes dear, it was going to by which shall be able PO 10. 000 anybody but yourself. strike eleven so stopped it do so. fearing it would wake you up And what that way, wl key?
No, a date with a beaut Just Opened up at shapely brunette like yours From page re it was supposed to have and was in possession of beez valued to the extent of Mc. Guinness charts which he had made of tens of thousands of pounds this wonderful aperture with sterling. He and his Captain LIMON Chamberlain its wwinding crevices; and Polkinghome as also one Han who was said to have myste key were, Es a result, thrown riously sent much of the booty but the country by the gov10. 000 Yards Ladies Lumber. Madera he had located to Canada whe ernment and their effects confiscated.
Dress Goods of Every Description Laurel, Cedro, Now comes another proposi At Very Low Prices José Achion Ng tion from one Mallabey, who is Maderas coloradas Comerciante Detallis a said to be the owner of both Hundred of Designs to select from the British Al venture Films Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, and the Treasure Recovery Artic ilos de Ferretería y Co. for the taking of pictu Wife, after a lengthy tirade. Say, did you ever ride an Precios Bajos Eléctricos; todo se encuentra res for films; the government You re a brute. Words actual animal called a jack ass?
en este estableciniento.
ly fail me to let you fully un No, Why do you ask?
would do well to demand Deposito: Well, to cover for derstand just how feel. was thinking it PRECIOS DE SITUACION strong deposit Hasted. Well, my dear, might do you a lot of good if Contiguo a La Proveedora mer surprises and losses exLIMON Derienced by past administra shouldn wonder, it about you tried to get unto yourself.
time they did so tions.
RICO POBRE Our Treasure Isla.
Jack Orane Store HOP LEE LUNG Ud. está en peligro Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes El más surtido en Matina You re a funny guy. cali you a skunk, a rotter, a bum and a crook. and you do no Si en el Hospital no hay Suero Antitelánico hing but stand there and smi o lo que se necesite en caso de accidente y le.
si USTED desgraciadamsnte es la víctima, Well, you see madam, it USTED ESTA EN PELIGRO.
like this, used to be a base vall umpire fora number of years.
y ayude al Hospital y al Asilo para bien de toda Compre Lotería Nacional Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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