
3: Saturday June 12 th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 Cricket Swingers Swingers The Rumoured Military Guillermo Arias Delgado with your SEEN IN ECLIPSE The anti Cancer Campaign as Alliance Captaincy is, at times, fifty sho, among the skippers. It ABOGADO y NOTARIO LAWYER and PUBLIC NOTARY per cent of a team success a pity his natural aptitude Although nothing definitc Tlene el gusto de ponerse a las Take pleasure in offering his proand so think it will be ra does not lend itself to his has been given out by offcial ordenes del público en esta provincia. fessional services to the peeple of this province ther nice of me to swinga few playing better cricket. Any circles, a great unrest is said OFICINAS San José: Frente a la OFFICES. San José: in front of short ones at our local Skipway Stan you can console to have arisen in London as a esquica Noreste del edinelo de CoNortheast Corner of Post Oifice Builtpers. shall not deal with yourself fervent consequence of the rumoured rreos y Telégrafos. Limon: Contiguo ding Limón: Adjoining the British al Vice consulado Briténico Vice consulate.
them in order of merit, but love of the game and keep on Military Alliance between Ita shall tackle the Sultan first. amusing yourself.
ly and Germany.
San José: 1463 Apartados: Boxes notice that as Skipper of During the British Corona Limon 34 the Champions, the Sultan is The Wanderers are here er tion ceremonies an assurance not that active chap he used masse, sans caps, sans boots, was given by the representati to be during the past seasons, and believe it our not sans alve of Germany that no such and has actually played in on Captain. On Wanderers, Wan alli:nce was thought of, how ly two matches to date. It is derers, who now shall lead over there have been persis said he is not enjoying the the fallen children forth and tent insinuations on the part Unfortunately the heavy four and sunset lass Tues best of health, though to me long accustomed lick. lick of Mussolini of such an under clouds, with much wind and day.
he looks quite fit; may be Fa bondage un. create? The standing and his receat declarain, prevented es from watch We do hope that this having ther Time is taking toll of his Cricket Capitalist deserves his ration when referring to the ing the interesting phases of the been the nearest prexindly cí physique, then it would be a meed of praise for keeping bombardment of the Spanish eclipse of the sun which should the three bodies. Sun, icon case of the help others, but there together. Get a little Port of Almeria by the ships have been visible here between and Earth its passing have the effect of lessening the himself he cannot help Take child to lead them Lord Har of Germany, that Italy stards intense heat we have been expe a few doses of my prescripris.
firmly behind her in whatever tion Sultan. more sleep dur.
steps or actions she may un into a recognition of his exploj riencing recently, it has been most unbearable and has. LICing the night, early morning Finem deriake, gives colour to the tations in Abyssinia. It is hard duced much sickness in the con sea baths, and a wee tot daily rumour ly possible that Herr Hitler munity of Ron Corori.
wouid be so lacking in judg There Talking about short order BOOTH are those howeve: men at this juncture as there sleep; don Vic. of the Irons who feel that the Duce is only is nothing to be secured by Joe Louis to face the has the Sultan out by streets bluffing Britain and Francel such an alliance.
Champion Best Oh. Boy! there the respect The refusal of the Nowack Baked which lends calamity to the Court to grant the Madison whole of the Iron existence.
Berlin Equare Corporation appileaVic. may be the best skipper Bread tion for a mandamus against available in the Club at preBuns More determined efforts are and scientists, well as higin. Jimmie Braddock for breaking sent, but he certainly has to Biscuits Cakes being made on all sides to curb Government officials are cooper his contract to meet Max Schtime to fill the bill What a the spread of the much dreadedjating in this movement, and that meling, having been upheld by The People Bakery grand old Play Boy! Pon my disease of Cancer. Our local Me he is now compling a long list of the Superior Court, it is evident Box 179. Limón dicos have commenced a mogt in important organizations whicli that Joe Louis will be. ble to word, he is the doyen of the Costa Rican Skippers, and his tense campaign against it and we have pledged their support. meet him as arranged in Chicaallround note, from the following, that the general The project looks entirely or go on the 22nd. instant.
same is being gone in the United thy. In the operation of such a Joe has offered, if ne be vic.
States:central institution all expert in toricus, to ing fifty summers.
engage Schmeling formation on the subject of can sometime Captain Reid Here?
in September of the Buil bill has been introduced in cer can be consolidated and avail were in the United States, on ders is doing well with the the United States House of Rep eble to those engaged in fighting the understanding that the bat, and is really working his Edgar Hoover, Chief of the resentatives for the establishment disease.
funds arising from the contest team into shape. But Sir, dur Federal office of Criminal in of a national cancer research cen wculd be divided fifty fifty.
ing a match that chap certainvestigation of the Untted States, ter. The location of this propoly behaves like my grand mc. has authorized a reward of ten sed center is not given in the bill, clicial source disclose that a tev Figures just seleased from an ther old frizzled hen with her thousand dollars for informa but its sponsor, Representative couple of under. the wea tior which will lead to the cap Maury Maverick, of Texas, fa short of 4, 000 of the inhabitants ther chickens. That wont do ture of the kidnapping murde vours Washington as the logical of this country succumbed to the skipper, get off the broci and rer of the ten year child site malady during the past fifteen play the game.
years, the quota for this province Charles Mattson, why was se As planned twenty officials of being 255. The total deaths last The other day saw Cap. cuced from his fachers new. e the Public Health Service, under tain Henry of the Merchants on the 27th December las, year. whose direction year aggregated 321 of which 19 Last Sunday should have witthe institution occurred in this Zone.
nessed the Pathfinders gaining mowing down the Builders.
The revard has been broad will be are to be asigned to the an easy victory over the Sartido when some rather nice things casted to every 2010 ry o! Ces center for research work in con ra, but rain came to the rescue were said of him by a few fairtra: and South America includ nection with the caure and preanc denied the Trailers the admirers. Bravo. well bowled ing Costa Rica. The suspect vention of cancer. the greatest privilege of securiag thu e Lutes! Of course, you must described as a man of aboat 34 scourge in the entire United Stapoints in the first half of the GUACIMO GUAPILES not exaggerate your little years of age, five feat seven in tes. The Center would cooperate Competition.
achievement rememhnches tall, and weighing between with the state helth boards, and Tomorrow we hope to see the that when play all the old ti 145 and 165 pounds. His colour would have authority to make Cantina, Licores Motive Power and Wanderers mr galibraak was is stated to be Brown, such loans to state universities reExtranjeros y del país. cortending for a footing Stan Dixon of the Trailer: ay is found in these couries search students.
Tienda bien surtida firni soil, so as to proceed en is the Irfant for millor the south of Europa, and Representative Maury statea the second half of the season Abarrotes en general sievertheless he is the only big he wore a beard when last seen it leading cancer pecialists games.
PRECIOS sin COMPETENCIA LODOOooow960sec. 00. OOSO. 090600603900 ability belie his fast approach. Is The Kidnapper someThe Cricket Cup Competition LUIS WA CHONG OT.
BANCO DEL ESTADO cier, known on the stage au Jean Harlow, is dead.
UNICO EMISOR Jean Harlow waz much beloved by Movie enchusiasis; ter great personality forget away Offers the Public the for her to the front in a manner Services of its almost unprecended and fithough only twenty five years of ase, she was able to amas; great fortune by her genius She had a beautifal hentet EN LA and IN THE Beverly Hills, Hollywood, had endeared herself to all with Adrom she came in eun act. She married three times, the first been at the age of 15 years She succumbed to aa attack para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service of influenza, contracted white servicio bancario Rendered preparing a film witn Clark Gble for the Metro Goldwyn peuoooseOOOO. OOO0eano. 000sec. oeos Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano de Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ofrece al público los servicios de su SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Fábrica de Hielo Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
LA FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche y Maderas Ciudad de Limón City of Limon ple


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