
The Atlantic Vaice Banana Cheques of Govt.
Tenants to be Embargoed Vital aspect now seen in Spanish Conflict Terorganizing and strengthening Co. Propose New Fruit Developments What Industries Have we The Cost of our During the past fortnighe few in intended to protec: Coronation Festivities By recent issues of the San President, but no results were Jose Dailies it is observed that obtained. Now, hawever, that Devoted to the interests of the peope of the Atlantic zon2 the government have actually legal proceedings have been cum resorted to the Courts, as they menced the entire matter way Editor English Section: NATION sometime ago threatened, to no doubt be finally and we hope collect the amounts claimed as satisfactorily settled.
Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 19th. June 1937 No. 149 due and owing by many of the With regard to those occupiers occupiers of the Milla Marilima who do not produce Bananas Lands in this Zone.
and whose indebtedness cannot, The Legal representatives of in consequence, be so readily the Department in charge of the collected, the government have collection of these rents have decided, we learn, to take the under instructions, solicited the proceedings necessary to disnost This most cruel and destrue ficials are said to have retired. Further complications bet Judge of the civil Court to issue sess them of their holdings.
tive wariare which is fastepAmong those who have been ween the Valencia governaient embargos against such amounts Notwithstanding all thi, proacliing its first anniversary, following this cohtest it is be and italy are feared as a con las may be payable to the settlers have been reliably infocinea Bilbao has ow reached a stage when it lieved that the fall of sequence of the bombarding of ho supply Bananas to the that there is yet an opportunity should produce results of a ry will have an important bearing the merchant ship Madda a Fruit Company for this vexed question being decisive nature, on all future activities days ago out side As readers are aware by the amicably arranged, as the gov might possibly accelerate the couple of efforts to bring the contest to Spanish territorial waters by lo several articles we have carried jernment is disposed to forego all on his taking command of yalist planes.
an early close.
in these columns, a number of the old unpaid amounts if those the nationalists along the North these occupiers have been con concerned will come in and sign ern front General Davila, after tending that the rate charged the contracts and so start an them for Banana cultivations entirely new occupancy. bests the forces, per llcecutive wish above all elsen sive initiated by the late GenAs General Adiministrator ne to accept the project the two colones per hectarea not to have a complete record or eral Mola and after almost con of this Division of the Unit Company will refer same to month. is to excessive tinuous fighting has succeeded ed Fruit Company activities, the government of either Gua only in view of the class of land the occupancy of these laads as has temala, Venezuela or Ecua they have to cultivate and the well as full and correct parli: 11in breaking down the valorous Mr. Chittenden, very unfavourable conditions ars of the cultivations establish resistence of the loyalists and submitted certain very impor dor for consideration.
Basque warriors and of penetra tant proposals to the governIt is to be hoped that both under which they have to carryed thereon, but if this cannot be from obtaied they feel they have no ting their elaborate provisions ment for the more intense de che Executive and our Legis on their activities, but for the defence of the city. velopment of the country lative Body will remember how the fact that under the conces other alternative than to carry sion granted the Fruit Company throught the legal proceedings With the three columns in with mana business, and in which mucho we suffered when the rate for such cultivations is which he has been operating he several million dollore re su 1928 the regimen of Doa Rifixed by the government at the number of our citizens who have In the interests of the largest the is supposed to have now almost ppos. ed to be involved The ma cardo Jiménez rejected maximum rate of one colon per for so many years earned their entirely surrounded the city and ter is still before the Executi proposals the nsubmitted by hectarea per annum. Several livelifood from their industrial driven its defenders behind ve Council but our people are the Corrbany and thus find it efforts were made by these cul activities on these lands, we their last line of defences as anviously awaiting results, par possible to come to a satis tivators to have the matter ami sincerely hope a satisfactory so well as cutting off their means ticularly as it is noted that actory agreement.
cably adjusted, the last being a lution will yet be the re: ult.
of obtaining supplies of food should our government declipetition to His Excellency the and munition so notwithstuiding the stubborn resista ace which is still being made, fall is regarded as inevitable in well informed circles.
in Costa Rica?
With the object of relieving the serious tension to which their troops in the Bilbao rec. or so we have heard tor are being subjected the va about the protection of our may feel that our Evecutive There has been much ad who subscribed to make the lencia government have started industries. Much heated argu Council are mistaken in their wa somewhat extensive offensive ments have been indulged in judgment; but in this instanverse critisms and comment festival a possibility, and we in the vicinity of Madrid and Congress in connection with ce the broad mind cannot but regarding the origin of the are publishing it without the cther important parts, a; hey the proposed commercial feel that the policy of ourdoney expended by our Brit Knowledge of Mr. Johnston ligure the nationalist comiend Agreement with the United present administration is ich Viceconsul in the cele in view of the criticisms re will be compelled to heavily it States, the principal points criectly sans and farsighted brations on May 12th. Whilo ferred to: inforce their troops stationed in in the dispute being the loss By this we do not wish to travelling on the railroad we loyage 9)
these parts and thereby pre ent which the Public Treasurywid cast any aspersions on tac were told by a Mr. Beauford a further movement toward the sustain as a result of the se gocl intentions our past allmi of Rio Hondo that a lawyer ever, reported to be making ed on various articles.
the stated it published vement to tion offered our indusries by here we a necessarity for of 2, 500 pounds. which port a largue number of the Law of 1934. But where offering encouragement to ing had been allotted by the the Bilbao defenders and or are the industries which this the promulgation of prospec British King for the cele.
tive industries which caused brat ons in this ci. We then to issue the protective endeavoured to prove the According to the official Ca lew. But how many of lie in such a tholic Director for 1937, the Caslanderous Our left tholic population in the United thoughful citizens have found tale, but the man States had increased 436 181 ed a line of industry which ellieving there was some during last year, making the would afford our dininistra truth in it.
grand total 20. 959, 134. This is tive leaders a just reason for As a further proof to Mr. an increase of 2, 080. 412 since SERVICIO DE VAPORES continuing to provide the pro Leauford and others of his 1926, and of 4, 375. 034 since 19.
tection for industries which ilk, who are always ready Converts to the Catholie faith are not teing established to believe slanderous stories last year are set at 62, 062, a dew Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK One therefore cannot come to propagated against every crease of 789 from 935.
con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA any other conclusion than laudable cause, we publish The Directory lists four earLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS that it is time to curtail such herewith a statement of the dinals, 14 archbishops, 107 bish support which has been aval amounts expended and the op and 31. 649 priests, 7, 445 paEUROPEOS AMERICANOS lable for nigh on three year. sources from which the mo rochial schools, 325 orphan uyto the detriment not only ni nay. were obtained. This lum: 170 Catholic homes for the VAPORES the Public Treasury but tc statement has been sent by aged, and 672 hospitals.
The SALIDAS the economic life of every ci His Majesty Viceconsul to most populous of the archdiocetizen.
the Churches, Lodges, Club ses is Chicago with a total of VERAGUA Junio 20 T! we take Pig Industry Associations and individuals 142. 860 members.
which is the one most serious QUIRIGUA Junio 27 ly affected, it will fe found PETEN Julio that the revenue has conside rably decreased by the prohi tive duties imposed under the provisions of that law: bu APOGADO y NOTARIO LAWYER and PUBLIC NOTARY ALVARADO CIA. Sucs. should a modification be 00 Tiene el gusto de ponerse a los Teke pleasure in ellering s Ordenes del publico en esta provincia tained, as is the idea Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
under this proposed agreement, there OFICINAS San Jore: Frente a la OFFICES. San Inse: in front at is no doubting that there will rreos y Te egrelos imón: Cent guio Northeast Corner of Post Office BuilPara otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United ding Limon: divining the British be increased importation of Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica. the porcine products whics San José: 1463 TELEFONO 3156 he local industry is no in a Apartados: Boxes Limón. 34 (To påge 9)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
North, General Davile is, how ious duty reductionn suggese nistration for we are of the opil of San Jose, Mr. Marincha Catholic Adherents preparations for a detinite o the frustration of the protec hen Executive must have felt sum. Da peandattere Increase in us UNITED FRUIT Co. Guillermo Arias Delgado fessional services to the peeve of This province esquira Noreste del edifcio de Coal Vice consulado Britanico Vice consulate.


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