
13 Tore per construction mange tine Income Tax Dept. Order expansion of the industry along is neat and busy, its white hors and healthy climate. There are men Iti hu CU Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday June 19th. 1937 Co. Authorized Br. Guiana Timber VISIT TO ST. KITT to Import Labourers Cambio estampillas usadas Experts Boom Visitors to the TV Tadies locally. Crumbling stone towers de Costa Rica y Panamá stopping off at St. Kitts are gre are all that rem nor the pri Although the government por revistas.
eted ty the rhythmic strains of mitive windmills that were long of the opinion there are suffia native orchestra As the ship the island only method of excient labouers in the country Por cada 100 estampillas variadas to take care of all the work of de Costa Rica o de Panamá manGeorgetown, boom drops anchor a launch puts tracting the juice icon the suje fering, and is consequently a daré revistas de fecha reciente in the Hearth timber in which out from shore carrying three gar cane. Good roads lean he gainst the suggestion that imthis country holds a menopoly or four musicians. To the stac round the island and autumnu cato beat of drumstrummingbiles make the cirent in a contes ported hands are needed, per Para Ti. Carteles. Cinelandia. Cine Mundia was forecast by Major mission has been conceded the Chic. Elite. El Suplemento. Leoplan eto Oliphant, Colonial office forest guitars and long handled gourds ple of hours, including a stop at um dexterously shaken passengers Brimstone Hill United Fruit Company to import product expert, who is visiting are ferrted ashore. Smilinaa number of men from Honduhere.
SL short distance from Apartad, 115. CARTAGO tives offer for sale everything Kitt is Nevis, a muca smaller ras.
Addressing a meeting of time from fruit and flowers to live island, but one that is known ne As these men are being brought bermen Major oilphaut urged ducks. Basseterre, the port town for its good bathing benches special work tramways required for transpor Revision of Traders Books ing methods of marketing simu blic square a riot or brillians from a hillside hotel in Nevis. than tation of the large quantity of taneously of Account blossoms. Few visitors muss heat commands a sweep or the all fruit ow being produced on the drive to Brimstong siin, of bay, a view frequently coinyarPacific side, the government did The Government has intro the island historic spots, from ed to the Bay of Naples. Vegenot consider they would in any Serious doubts having duced legislation providing which there is a supe, view of tables ral:ed in Nevis are farriway prejudice the local arisen, it is said, regarding compulsory inpection by Fores the bay and neighboring islanded over to the St. Kitt market, who are not versed in this class the correctness of the finan try Experts of all timbers of cor or St. Iustatius.
a sore point with Nevis houseof work, hence the concession cial particulars given in a tain grades.
Sugar cane is the biggest erop wives, who find the home marnumber of Income Tax Re: Timbermen report that in of St. Kitts and a larte portion married the widow Nisbet ud ket depleted. Here Lord Nelson turns, instructions have been prices of iron and steel due to of the island is zien over one may see his signature in the Mc. Guinness issued by La Tributacion Di. world armaments was boosting plantations. One of the most old church register. Here wex EN recta, the Department in orders for greenteart, ona in modern mills in the vost in ander Hamilton was bora.
charge, for a complete and reporting more orders for the dies handles all the cane raised Chamberlain careful check of the Books first three months of the year of Account of several Com than for the whole of 30: Lumber. Madera mercial, Industrial and Agri while another, after advertidas Salve una familia de la desesperación y el dolor!
cultural Firms located in locally for 60 more woodcutters various parts of the country. was forced to seek permission of Ayude en el plan de recolección de la Junta de Caridad, Laurel, Cedro, Should this revision re ultbour from the West Indies.
the Government to bring in la para que tengamos la clinica moderna de Rayos para ei fratemiento del cáncer y las úlceras rebeldes.
Maderas coloradas in disclosing any serious diserepancies the parties Rising wheat prices in world concerned will no doubt be markets coincides with the issusubjected to the penalties ing of a report by the GovernPrecios Bajos prescribed by the law which ment nutrition committee urg controls this matter. We caning, increased use of loaily Importante Conocer Important Notice Deposilo: but express the hope that grown rice flour by Wakeries none of the declarants who e, and hou ewives. The commisContiguo a la Proveedora Aceite verde returns are being so revised sion points out that not Green Oil only operate in this Zone.
is the rice possessed of greater nutritive value but bread made from the mixture is kept fresh Para la picazón del Warranted to cure longer. xperiments carried out PROCRASTINATE Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquina Itch, Mange, and other at many public institutions revealed the use of rice flour was Comezones.
Skin diseases.
and you may bring about much suffering not noticed by eaters.
Make an Immediate Investment Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gettinga of TWO COLONES with a monthy contribution of Th Covorno report Dusquclo en todes Bottle on Sale in all. IXTY CENTS and you not only protect yourself when plans were already complete for further nutrition experiments, las Farmacias sick and assist your family in case of Death, but Drug Stores you are also able to participate in all the Humaamong them distribution of milk nitarian Activities of the to selected school children. In view of the gathering of data COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION the Commission found that the dietary was generally wellbalEstablised 1928 East who through reiigions scruples would not QUITO, Ecuador. Any, poration must be acquired.
and have a tendency to certain adventurous person who They will be granted only diseases which may be due to wants to get thrills or mov on proof that the applicant undemnourishment, since fellow ing picture and book mate is a genuine explorer. For LONDON. Gun. firing at platest improvements, will add Negro labourers on sugar estates rial out of Ecuador wild a six months trip the head half minute intervals apnro greatly to the range of action were not prone to the same hereafter will have to pay of the party must pay a lipriately punctuated the recent and vision of British ships, or seases.
for the privilege.
cense fee of 100 for himlaunching at Birkenhead of the ing the past two years, Britain There are stin about self and 25 more for every most up to date aircraft carrier air defences have been built up 171, 287 square miles inember of this party.
of in the world chiefly from the point of view wild territory in The act of launching, by the of protection against air attacks.
breaking of a bottle of saam on the population.
ed by white men and to this pagne against the boys, There is, ho vever, the father COMERCIANTE Terrain have turned manis GLIACIMO GUAPILES performed by Lady Maud ware. problem, to be eonsidered in con por más de 20 años thrillseekers as well as seEstablecido en la Provincia wife of the First Sea Lord, after nexion with the improve nent ovious travelers. The moun a short religious service.
Vende al detal, Vinos y LiThe air services, of ensuring the safe cores extrunjeros y del pais. tains and Indians offer many Cantina, Licores carrier, which has been ramea conveyance of Britain food abarrotes en general.
opportunities for adventure.
Extranjeros y del país. Ark Royal after one of the supplies in time of war. In this MISCELANEA But the number o ftho e seek; Tienda bien surtida Hlagships which defeated the respect, aircraft carriers of the stablecimiento esquina ing the thrills has become Spanish Armada in 1538, cost type of Ark Royal will prove Norte del Mercado.
Abarrotes en general tno large.
about 000. 000 to build, and is an invaluable aid to the BritEntre 40 Precios sin competencia the largest of her kind in the ish Fleet.
Hereafter permits for exBritish Fleet.
She measures about feet in length with a displacement of Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remork at the back 22. 000 tons, and is capable of de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
carrying 70 aircraft.
Whereas in the past aire:aft Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office have been carried by ships built cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month for other purposes, Ark Roya!
de cada mes was designed specifically as a Be so good as to comply with this request and do not carrier of aircraft, and is the Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our servicc, a step which first of a series which the Admide tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
ralty intend to build in order to increase the strength of the Fleet Air Arm.
These carriers, embodying the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
anced except among swali na Explorer Must Pay To Enter Ecuador Jungle Britain has New Aircrafi Carrier eat meat EDGAR YOUNG hat have never been vii LUIS WA CHONG was Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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