
Dado 17ue 1937 OOooooooooooooooooo The Cedulas S MON TRADING COMPANY of identity THE VOGUE the pri Tere Jong od of ex Fan SL benches bere ate JOHN ROGERS Nevis compar Ver e lam Ne son Vhat Industries Have. Rimom page Railroad Employee killed by Electrocution ex We take this opportunity of LUMBER YARD once more calling attention to the requirements of the Jaw which makes it obligatory for the sale have opened a Lumber Yard every male resident in the counLadies and Gents Tailoring try to obtain his Cedula of here we carry in stock a complete dentity For Style Character ssortment of all kinds of Native It is stated that as an exceedingly large number of those and Good Taste. Hopaumber. Special sizes to order.
who should do so have not yet Ve also have Portland Cement, Roof submitted their 1936 Declara If you want the experience of tions to enable the Cedulas to mille lg, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenwearing a real smart outfit, come be issued, the authorities coninom ne and all other building materials. template taking the necessary along to steps to enforce the fulfilment of this obligation.
Send in your orders We would advise those of our of the IMON TRADING COMPANY readers who come under the LIMON provisions of the law that they Limon Division take early steps to file thair Declarations with the Governor of the Province, and so avoid posLadies say he is adept at making hout. 990 sible future inconveniences Coals. Costumes, Breeches. Etc.
Those who have the right of the Franchise should also obtain their photographs to be attached to the Cedulas.
ving a prohibitive tax of forty tion to supply and whi colones on every head of oxen sust obviously produce in imported for slaughter 05 THE COST OF.
sed revenue to offset an otherwise as well as heavy From page dolor eciable part of the sacri cuty rates on Milk, Cheasc Tre city was greatly shoci appreciated by all his co wor suggested in our fiscal Butter, e tc. when we neither To subscriptions cd last Wednesday morning kers aridad, ings.
have suficcient have suffi from 15 Lodges 253. 00 by the news of the death of The decease is survived by para cient milk for our children To subscriptions Benjamin Burgess, a son of M: his aged and sorrowing mour Administra present from Churches con 110. 00 and Mrs. Joseph Burgess of cher and father to whose sup consist of men of clear aor steers for our meat sumption. It is well known To subscriptions Swamp Mouth, who was em port he contributed in, who see that this pro much.
from Associations that fifty per cent of Our ve Law has been promul ployed as a Brakeman by the The Atlantic Voice offers 60. 00 mcat comes from Nicaragua and Club twenty five years Railroad Company.
its sincere condolence to the of its time. Our youngs Nects an export tax of and as that country also co To subscriptions bereaved family form Individuals The tain conveying five 36. 00 the are not yet prepared ta dollars (U. Currency)
Shortage paid perso gang to clean the railroad on the situation, and those Pls by Viceconsul each head, must not the cost 68. 70 cars of banana trash was or Co. to Cultivate are financially capable of the its way to the dump when for aca in Bocas del Toro ng out great Pig farms of our beef be outside 526. 70 mechanical reasons the Engi not thinking in that dirce reach of our labouring class?
therefore neer brought it to a In view of the arrangements Is it any wonder stand. they live in a sporting that our working men, wo By refrshments to still, and on burgess giving now under way for the and are therefore moure mea and children are und. Children 219. 30 he signal for it to continue ploitation of the Abaca In osed to indulge in ter ed and consequently inefoPrizes in Sports 99, 55 on its way his hand came industry in this Province, it is sures derivable from au cient?
Music Parade contact with the high power of interest to note that the obiles, radios, Cines, etc Town Band 45. 00 jed wires of the National Elec Panamanian government has de those of a more humble Where are the industrie Flag Poles 24. 00 cric Company, the unfortuna granted the United Fruit Com a us, who of necessity keep which we are endeavouring to Making enclosure e young man was immediate pany permission to cultivate ouple of pigs to augment protect? The small etto:ts and Stand 41. 00 lv electrocuted and thrown off the plant in that Republic, and. scanty carnings, cannot which are but poorly attempt. Advertising 65. 00 the top of the car on which tha: they propose to start ope ery far in the responsabili e are in the hands of a ve Cabling for Flags and he was travelling for the cations in the Changuinola sec of such an industry. Im ry limited few. Our cattle and other items 32. 85 hettes guidance of his train tor of the Province of Bocas tations must therefore con pig rearing farms cannot sup Hiss ad end is deeply deeplor del Toro where 300 hectareas le and the Executive Coun ply our ordinary demand and 526. 70 ed as he was of very kind and will be hrought inder cultiare perfectly alive to their the administration of don onsibilities to the popula Leon gentle disposition and much vation.
Cortes know tha: as well as to the Public these efforts are futile there From the above it will be ured, asury by giving their sup, fore they see the absurdityiseen that Mr. Johnston had to lower rates of duty shortage of of pursuing a policy of proto bear the Just Opened up at This line of thought holds tecting industries which can 68. 70, that is, the differFord with all other articles got give adequate service.
ence between the amount tead first necessitl. Imagine ha When we shall be in a po collected and the sum exsition to produce and man pended, rather than being LIMON imufacture the products, which allotted the 2, 500. 00 Mr.
Fery are now being protected, ia Beauford would have us becommercial quantitites.
lieve. The eleven grosses of 10. 000 Yards Ladies Union Jacks distributed for shell then be justified in ing the necessary protection the parade were the gift of Dress Goods of Every Description not before His Britannie Majesty Minister Mr. Adam.
At Very Low Prices We have here a factory LIMON Hundreds of Designs to select From for the weaving of woollen and cotton fabrics, and becau José chion Ng Fábrica de Hielo se of this we are called upon Comerciante Detallista Fifteen Urged as Minimum to protect it against foreign Refrescos trade yet we are not produc Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, Working Age ing the necesary cotton nor do Articulos de Ferreteria y we possess sufficient sheep Eléctricos; todo se encuentra MEXICO, President Congress is expected to approfrom which to obtain the re Lazaro Cardenas will ask en este establecimiento.
the ve the change, after which the Mexican Congress to approve a amendment must obtain a 1aquired quintity of wool Is it PRECIOS DE SITUACION constitutional amendment set vorable majority from the state cot farcical? Again, we have ting the minimum working age Legislatures.
a protective tariff for shoes LIMON for the country at 15 years, ac It is reported, however, that LA FLORIDA though we must import most cording to an official announce Mexico has refused to enderse of the material for their ma ment. The Mexican Constitu the forty hour week, as sugge tnufacture, Where is the inte ta Rica legislating for a hugction now permits no Fábrica de Hielo children ed by Geneva. The forty fourlligence in such a policy? tariff well against countries under 12 to work.
hour week is generally in foree Venta de Leche All enligntened and progre on whom we are dependent President Cardenas is asking in this country, and it is reportssive countries are advocating for the sale fo our products the change to bring Mexican ed that the government does Maderas freedon in trade so su to red and who have opened their law Into line with the sugges not want to upset existing con.
ce the cost of living, where gateways of commerce. free tion of the International Labor traets between empolyers and therefore is the wirdom in Cos to us?
office at Geneva.
employez at this time.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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