
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page Saturday, June 19th. 1937. 19 The Cup Competition The Conimercial Treaty Proposals Still Unsettled Dr orta ed.
Guillermo Niehaus Co.
a 56 when HOP LEE LUNG Pleased With Pres. Cardenas On Sunday last a This Agreement is becoming points, have arisen between would not agree te a greater saat Cricket was once more wit to have no Rules by which fraught with annoyaces. The many prominent patsiots and crifice in her fiscal reforms nessed. Knowing there was a che Competition is governed. oppositionists in Congress, who the Executive Power. The latter the the sum of foot ball gane fixed for the hence no penalty can be in are in the mindrity, feeling they claim that the great American 200. 000 per annum Notwithafternoon, and being aware tlicted for infringing the eti have very favourable arguments Nation, being naturally our standing, to his surprise the og the fact that the two teams quette of the game. Under in support of their view points, mos accommodating neighbour, matter was rushed through dur1otive Power and the Wan such conditions it is better are endeavouring to delay the convenient trade relation sing his absence with fiscal loss derers were about equally for President Spyer to avoid crucial moment. the record ought to be encouraged and en to the country of over half balanced in strength, many ridicule.
ing of the votes; while the gov tered in with her so as to stir million coupled with the cpnseI!
the As our contributor. Resernment side of that House, mulate enthusiasts arrived at true Sriendship quent ruin of certain induſtries situa now being fostered by nationals. 24, o clock to watch the game but pice Finem puts it, Captais knowing they have a majority, which our geographical his reasons for separaand and must therefore win, have tion demands, though such men hence ople unfortunately the contestants cy is what is lacking argu as our ex Minister of Foreign Afting from the present Adilinises did not come out until after of course as the Clubs seem been tolerating all the am day. They commenced an to have no regard for the ments adduced up to now, but fairs claim that by the terms of tration.
In a day or two we expect unimpresive game nigh on ruling of the Board so have do not seem disposed to do so the proposed agreement we are Premier sacrificing far too much for the matter will be brought to a to one o clock.
the Captains no control over any longer. Our wise The Motive anything but he games. If this be the way or President of Congress is, how such friendship Mr. Jimenez or close in Congress and the vexed all; Power were dismissed for in which the Competition for ever, against rushing the mat tiz states that on being appro question settled once for. 59 runs: the Wanderers then the Cup to be presented by ter to the vote; he is rather dis ached by the American Minister but whether any modifications the went to the wickets, but His Excellency, the British Mi posed that the debates should it was agreed by then that the will be made to ameliorate run their full course so that matter should remain until his situation is left to be seen. We kes were ousted from the grounnister will be conducted it every member of the House as return from Buenos Aires when nevertheless hope that someshortly after three o cloc, by will he vonducted it would pe the footballers so the game be advisable not to enter the well as the public may be afior it could be more calinly consi thing will be done so as to resded the opportunity of express. dered and the convento sent to tore the harmony winch once ob was consequently unfinish Competition at all.
ing their feelings and thus pre Washington for signature by existed between the Executive, According to the understand vent their later on stigmatizing himself and the Costa Rican the Congress and our leading Cricket gets more and mc ing with the Board of Cultura his ruling as one of forceful lact Minister there, he, however, polititians.
op te frivolous every day by the Fisica or fhe Sporting League. to outwit the views of the pec made it clear that Costa Rica nonchalant manner in which ig a game is to be played adple on a subject of transcendenthe games are contested and hered to, and any Club contra tal importance to the economic is, as a consequence, fas: vening same should be penaliz and industrial life of the condevolving into ridicule ed. We would then see some try.
compared with the respect being given the game Of course, should the agreeeru other sports. instead of is being regarded ment be approved, such articles preveiling MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Be Foot Ball, Base Ball and even the gaming stock of the com as lard, pigs tails, fongues, Basket Ball munity.
LIMON hams, patent medicines, iron beds, windows, doors, etc. wiil Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía be subjected to very small duing ties and be able to be sold at Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo prices more in keeping with the 08 wage earning capacity of our Importación de mercaderia en general workers. Our industrialisis howen ever feel that such a procedure would destroy the efforts Our Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes men and women have been making to augment national dustries under the inducements El más surtido en Matina of the protective tariff inaugura President Manuel Quezon, but also one of the most ins ted since 1934, by forcing them of the Philippine Islands, whetructive have ever undertainty unfavourable competition extended his recent visit to the ken. What impressed me most with American producers. and United States to include Mexico were the character, the high this without even first amend returned home full of praise for ideals and noble purposes, the PANAMA ASK HOTEL BIDS ing the law by which they were the Mexican Executive, Presivision and grasp of Mexican induced to invest their capital dent Lizaro Cárdenas. My trip principles, the patriotism PANAMA CITY, Panana and years in such operations, The government has requested The Hotels Washington at Coto Mexico. said the head of the devotion to the welfare of the bids on a concession to build lon and Tivoli at Aneon, Arguments which are mos! Filipino nation, ha; not only people of the Presideat of the tourist hotels in this city. Celoa frequented by tourists, are ownnow convincing from both view been one of the most pleasant, republic, Gen. Lazaro Cardenas.
and six interior towns. President Cardenas, in my ed by the Panama Railroad Com The concession exempis conspany and operated by the Supopinion. the continued, is ole truction material from importply Department of the Panama of the greatest men Mexico has duties as well as equipment un Canal.
puede sacar produced, and under his fonest pobtainable here. It limits natioand efficient administration, The Panama Government will en el nuevo plan la de LOTERIA NACIONAL onal and municipal taxes for ten receive bids until Sept.
under his wise and strong leatership, and with his great huCon la lotería que más se importa man heart, the common people con 00 sólo saca 000. 00 of Mexico will have the lpportunity as they never have had By her recent appointed Jancomic problems of that large before of improving themselven Bolin coloured became the ecloured quarter to public ateconomically, culturally afid no first womsn to hold the posistention. She will start her new litically.
tion of Assistsat Corporation dutics in the Court of domes: y sacará MAS dinero castando MENOS PLATA, Counsel in New York City tic relations where many cat Además, que, así ayuda al Hospital y al Asilo.
The Filipino Presidentſm. git Miss Bolin is a graduate of ses involving members of her also hava said that Cardenas Welles sy College and took Race are handled.
has kept the country quiet. her law degree at the Yale There have been sporadie acts law School in 1931. She is a considerable assistance is fur of banditry, but these have been promptly put down. Conditions County Lawyers Association are no worst in this respet pos.
sociation for the advancement also of the Harlem Lawyers of Coloured people.
sibly than across the northern As A3 LONDON The coronation time for visits to the Abbey border. With Plutarco Calles out Association. As a member of sistant Corporation Counsellis over, but Great Britain con After awhile the rate will be of the picture political troubles the latter organizuion, she she will receive a salary oftinues to make money on it. Ilve shillings and later it will be have lessened. Further, he has has brought many of the eco 3, 500 dollars annually. total of 3, 893 persons paid reduced to one shilling.
initiated a program or internal 50 a piece for the privilege of development including the bulle walking through Westininster ding of much needed roads.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Abbey and gazing at the spot Mexico, economically, is a betwhere George VI was crowned ter shape today probably than NACIONALES Attendants said the majority Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON it has been since the days of FRANK MADURO Jr. of the visitors were Americn:15.
old Porfirio.
Several complained because Abogado PROP.
they were not permitted to sit, Frank Maduro hijo, y Notario Público even for a moment in the chair the sovereign used.
Oficina: Altos Pastencia permanente en nuestro depósito. at moderate prices The British authorities decidcual Ingianna led to charge ten shillings for a Con 00 usted 6. 000. 00 Legal Appointment for Coloured Woman Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL Miss Bolin has also been of 3, 893 Persons Pay 50 member of the New York elvering the work of the As To Visit Coronation Spot EL ATLANTICO Maderas del país. Exis Best native lumber Always Read The Atlantic Vdice Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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