
Saturday June 26th 1937 Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Lord Baldwin Last Public Speech as Premier WATCH FACTORY LIMON COSTA RICA SODA Coming Functio per FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
min y Maderas HOP LEE LUNG bre Ser Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrote, Id his bas Our Army Smallest in Wor That greatest of all Sporting pated him as when he said Th energetic members of the toes: she further allegu he to Horse Magazines The The Torch hand you and ack and Ladies Social Department of the terrible scorer and heary en Costa Rica Burial Scheme that he keeps her der Hound. in its May 21st. Issue, you to pa from hand to hand gives a synopsis of the last im along the pathways of the Im clationsre arranging to bring dauglxir and herself awake re portant speech of this great pire, is a Christinn Truth off ather of their enjoyable and nighta which compels her to statesman, who, in consequen kindled anew in each aruent ge ruch appreciate social functio. sort to the use of a stiek toket Fábrica de Hielo ce of his astuteness in the maneration an carly det, ken him. As a result of the half Use men a3 ends never me.
rupulation of the Abdication afRefrescos On this casion the prircipal plaints of the wife the huelos fair, is being considered by tho rely as means; and live for te Item will we leara, take the form has not spoken to her form se who are in a position to jud brotherhood of man, which im of a very interesting Mock Trial months.
abo of plies the Fatherhood of God.
whicn the Plaintiff, a wife, is nk. As severel well known ge, as among the greatest Britain Prime Ministers, And again when, in a ringing ing the Court to grant her as Or men of the city have promine all Peace in some Thiz speech was dedicated to voice, he said der of Separatio from her hve assist, the legal arguments at the a the Youth of the Empire and quarters is proclaimed as band, on the grounds that he not be exceedingly Interesting at the 310s broadcasted to millions in bad dream, and war sanctified only gives her no money but feeds consequently tespeak a most ul parts.
as an ideal for rational men: LA FLORIDA her daily. meath in and out, on cessful effort ke The Magazine states Mr. Bald but as long as the British Em diet of Bacon, Eggs ani Potaan for win delivered a memorable ad pire last, we will raise our voiFábrica de Hielo dress at the Albert Hall, his ces against these False Gods. do not think need a pololast important speech as Prime Venta de Leche Minister, his immediate audien gize for quoting too the followinted ce being a great gathering of ing which expresses a concepInder the tion which lies at the very the inpire youth; but address was also broadcasted to foundation of our Empire. The millions of all ages, and it is to be young King and Queen, whom hoped that they listened with we have delighted to honour in The King is the symbol of the the the attention, which its earnest these memorable days, are Union, not only of an Empire, ness and wisdom merited. Cer servants of the sovereign people, but of a Society which is held dedicated tainly those at the Hall missed to them they have togethe by a common view of El más surtido en Matina none of the Premier points, their lives. That is the magic of the fundamental nature of man.
and more than once tiey antici monarchy which is everlasting. It is neither tire worship of a frhis tribe nor a class. It is a faith a value placed upon the indivi dual, derived from the Chris Importante Conocer Important Notice tian religion. The Christian Stale prcclaim human personality to be supreme, the Servile State According to the figures recent Haiti 2, 700 each and Hond Aceite verde Green Oil denies this, bvery compromise y released by the Military Autho 000.
with the infinite value of the ities of the United States at Wash The aggregate number of human Soul leads straight back agtrn, Costa Rica possesses the in the regular armies of all to savagery and the jungle. Ex smallest army in the world, ou: Republics on the American Para la picazón del Warranted to cure pel this truth of our religion armel force being giver as 700 Dent is given as five hun Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña lich, Mange, and other and what follows? The insolen men end 309 officers, which are thousand and that of the et Coinezones.
Skin diseases.
ce of dominion and the cruelty on a par, it is stated, with those world forces as fifty five mit of despoti. Denounce religion of Switzerland.
as the opium of the people and The interesting report which Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gettinga Francisco Fonseca C33 you swiftly proceed to denounce deals with various Latin American Búsquelo en todas Boltle on Salz in all political and civil liberty. Free and West India, Republics, disLawyer Kotary Publ las Farmacias Drug Stores dom of speech goes, tolerance closes that Brazil comes first with follows and justice is no more, 66, 000 men, a Jl is followed by for the fruits of the free spirit Mexico with 57. 000; Peru, Colom.
Office: of man do not grow in the garbia and Cuba with 15. 000 each: Adjoit. ing to the City den or tyranny. It has been well Chil, with 14. 000; Uruguay and sald that slavery is a weed Ecuador with 500 each; Vene Public Library Mov that grozs in every soil. As long zuela 000; Bolivia and Paraguay English Spoken very as we have the wisdom to keep 000 each: El Salvador and Do.
teret the sovereign authority of this minica 000 each: Nicaragun and This locality is certainly regain was not mutilated as it would country as the santuary of libFormer Judge of the Limd this District Court body ing much of its former reputation have beca had he been killed by aerty, the sacred temple consemaki During the earlier days of the pretrain and a chop was observed in crated to our common faith, day Gent century the district was the che head. However, it is left to be men will turn their faces toward GUACIMO GUAPILES Besos boll seat of many muriers and pecu seen what will be the findings of us and draiy their breath more Juanita. Alguien escrito 0liar occurrences, and within the the Alcalde who examined the freely.
que un beso dice más que coste past few months we have had to dy on the spot a: have beea Cantina, Licores volumen.
report several somewhat similar making the investigatio is usual in Congress Rescirds speExtranjeros y del país. Pedro. tiene such cases.
Tienda bicn surtida Ahora, Juanita, ya que nos dy The deceased was a hard booze Last Sunday morning the reAbarrotes en general mos a casar ¿no te parece Ben mains of a man inmed Stewart fighter and gambler, hence the deberíamos empezar a fort Los jas Shortie, were discovered on reason for the many conjecturas At last the right of etering the Precios sin competencia nuestra biblioteca?
Dav regarding his unfortunate ed. ngress Hall to listen to the de.
Che Matina Bridge with the head MA completely severed from the body the Stewart, the well knowa enenty However, be this as it may, Shor vates delivered before this august lery, admission ssemblage without a special per There have been mary conjectu of Walter Bogle of Estrada, is being threafter 800TH, accorded only by means of per xes regarding the cause of the nit from the As semly Presla gone the way of all flesh; maxlent, has again been restored the mits extended by request and un tragis occurrence. Scine persons ais soul find rest.
Best Recently, public attribute it to the ad of a pashowver, much scussion Baked Tais privilege was taken away that this humiliation shculd sing train, they being of the opiBerlin nion be must have been drunk add some time ago when Sin oma a disturdone away with and the agitation Yald across the track; while others banca took place, during a dabe.
Bread Un hombre se está poni:n continued until last week the mat and entertain the idea that Stewart Buns e, ir. which unpleasant epithetster was brought before the House do viejo cuando camina alre were directei against certain Dewhen, by a vote of 40 to 2, the was the victim of a wilful mur dedor de un charco y no Biscuits Cake der, from the fact that the bodyl. ravés de él.
artis by the visitors ia the gallong standing privilege was resto The. People Bakers and ed Thu, the prevailing unpeasant Box 179. Limon ness has been relieved.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard bourers residing on such farms shall be admitted to hospitaliza NACIONALES tion under the concesion granFRANK MADURO Si en el Hospital no hay Suero Antitetánico ted the Banana Industry.
o lo que se necesite en caso de accidente y The question of the facilities PROP.
si USTED desgraciadamsnte es la víctima. of Railway Passes on passenger Frank Maduro hijo, USTED ESTA EN PELIGRO.
trains is also being discussed PROP.
and it is expected that in anotMaderas del país. Exisher week or so this privilege tencia will also be afforded to enable permanente nuestro depósito.
y ayude al Hospital y ai Asilo para bien de todos the sick peones to be conveyed at moderate prices to and from the hospitals.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Another Matina tragedy LUIS WA CHONG mis 13 COME cial Permit System Siqui Bran local der a rose bi TOUT quite from Lime Hospitalization of.
Ud. está en peligro EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber Compre Lotería Nacional en


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