
Wars and the Threat of Wars The Atlantic Voice The Month of July During Wednesday, Thurs Synonymous with Liberty ed many Cairo Needs a Water Supply In consequence of the ruse As a soluiion of this new of Germany and traly in complication the two fascist conre lion with the bombing nations have snbmitted, for the Leipzig there is to the consideration of ail he Devoted to the interests of the peope of the Atlantic certainty as to what may yelj Powers concerned, the sug.
Editor English Section: NATION happen throughout Europe. gestion that both the loyalists Both these nations have and nationalists b: conceded withdrawn from further par ull belligerent recognition. It Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 3rd July 1937 No. 151 ticipation in the international is expected that this proposal control of the Spanish coasts, will be rejected by the mem!
but are decidedly opposed to bers of the non intervention The Inundation Engl ndard France assuming Com nittee and that England Of Siquirres full control on th: ground and France will immediately that these two are sympathe proceed to fill the gap protically inc ined toward the duced in the control system. cause of the loyalists. But by the withdrawal of the day and Friday of last week are not Germany and Italy German and Italian ships incessant rains were expethe sworn supporters of the despite the objections which rienced in the districts suci The month of July seem favoured with hipy thoughts nationalists? Have they not Hitier and Mussolini may rrounding Siquirres with the lof freedom from unequal yokes which have hed certain been aiding them, with men persist in making. The inter result that this thriving agri Communities bound to others against their Will. Tomor.
and material, throughout the national situation therefore cultural centre was badly row is chronicled as the glorious Day The Day of the period of the conflici; and becomes more acute each mo inundated. The river over Independence of the greatest of all Republics, the United have mey not openly declared ment and any opportunity flowed its banks, flooded the States of America.
their intention of continuing may be seized to ignite the railway tracks to a depth of How much the leaders of the people must have been this aid unti. General Fran. conflagration two feet and completely imbued with the sentiments of Liberty which led, the co gains a full and complete isolated the Station. Trains to resolve that whenever, in the course of human events, victory. To page 8) were prevented their usual it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the political movement for some time, bonds which have connected them with another, and to as the engines could not assume, among the Powers of the earth, the separate wade through the heavy and equal station to which the Laws of God and Nature The American Colony current.
entitle them, which hold that All men are created equal: Of Limon The dam which was erect that they are endowed by their Creator with certain una years ago by lienable rights, among these being Life, Liberty and the Cordially invites you to join in a cele Messrs, Lindo Bros. in con pursuit of happiness such rights shall be claimed and nection with the electricity enforced at all costs.
bration of the One Hundred and Birtyfiral supplied the town, as also a Such a resolve must have been eppermost in the Anniversary of the founding of our Re part of that constructed by minds of the great leaders of the revolutionary movements the Municipality under that which brought about the independence of the people of public.
efficient French Engineer the greatest of all Republics constituted one hundred and Community House Martineau, gave way to this sixty one years ago and which has inspired the same the immense body of flood feeling in the minds of every nation on the Continent of July third, nineteen hundred and thirty seei p.
waters, so that on Friday the the Western Hemisphere. The American Nation hay much town was without light or of which to be proud as the result of the inspiration seiwater. The consternation of zed by her leaders and inthused inio the minds of the the residents may well be lesser communities of the Western World She has led imagined the entire world in the righteous thoughts of Liberty and To page 10 that which it represents. Long may her examples of recThe lack of a water sup agent of Police and have Titude and integrity along the lines of freedon and love of justice sh ne forth and continue to emanale so that the ply for the thickly populat him draw up a Petition to Joe LOUIS May less fortunate may be exampled thereby and be always ed village of Cairo has been the Municipal Fathers and brought to our notice on another to the Railway Au Visit Costa Rica a blessing to mankind.
more than one occasion, and thorities, who are known to The month of July seem to be traught with happy it is generally thought that be always ready and willing thoughts toward Liberty and Independence as we find that the revenue arising from the to assist in any and every that, according to an announ. dence of the Republic of Venezuela; the 20th tht of the recent New York cable. the fifth is also the day of the declaration of the Indepencommercial impuestos of the thing which tends to improvement of Promoter Jacob district is sufficient tn in a community through which no World Champion, conten the 24th we commemorate the Dit ihday of the greatest the advanced and progressive Republic of Colombia, and on thuse the Municipal Offi their operations pass.
cers at Siquirres with the There is a never failing number of Latin American counsethe inauguration of the Independence of Peru plates making a tour throuyn a of all berators. Simon Bolivari. On the 28th we also idea of initiating something stream of splendid water tries in wich he would give esfor the improvement of this running to waste at the Combition Bouts. It was not, bu Nation with her sons and daughters sca tered in every The Atlantic Voice hopes that to the great American rich yet neglected pueblo. pany water tank at La Fran ever, yet decided when he would country of the world as ensigns in comme cial, dip omatic We would advise the resi cia, just a little more than a start from New York.
dents of the village to get in quarter of a mile from Caiand social relations, the morrow my big tham special touch with their most geniall (To Paze 9)
It is to be hoped that the favours and happy recollections of pride and pleasure in Champion itinerary will in their different stations clude Costa Rica and so afford us the opportunity or Seeing him in action.
Westfalia Road to be Repaired The present roadway, pass, Governor, don Ricardo Al ing through Cieneguita, varado, realizing that these SERVICIO DE VAPORES from Limon to Westfalia, must be effected at once to We exceedingly regret having Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK to note the saf death of Carlos was constructed by the push prevent its falling into an con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA and energy of that indefa impossible condition, is mov Enrique, the five vear old son, tigable, far visinoed Govering toward its renovation by o cur estemed Governor, den LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Ricardo Alvarado nor of the Province, don Jua means of a Detalle sysEUROPEOS AMERICANOS During the evening cf Wed. ito Romagosa, who, getting item, whereunder a small tax resdar last the infant had the in touch with the Officials is to be levied on all resid misfortune of falling front al securing the usual readiness along the route as well as of the Railway Company and ents and property owners VAPORES SALIDAS window of the upper floor of our Superintendent, Mr. a reasonable charge against the residence of his parents to Frank Sheehy, to assist in all automobiles, motorcy PETEN Julio the sidewalk below, a drop of any undertaking for advanc cles, bicycles and horses: about metros. He was accoring the interests of the Pro the amount of the contribu VERAGUA Julio 11 ded immediate attention by Dr. vince, got all the necessary ion will be guaged by the in Rubén Umani as also the ne: tallast brought in from Yas come and possibilities of dicos tached the our local QUIRIGUA Julio 18 Hospital, and it was thought efforts were free of cost. Don Juanito each citizen. As this is the also that the injuries which he had facilitated, and the road outing from the city, it is greatly only outlet for a pleasant sustained were not of a very, made adaptable to every des hoped that all will readily serious nature; internal compli cription of present day traf subscribe in keeping with ALVARADO CIA. Sucs. citiors, lowever, ris and re fic, by his obtaining from the their means.
sulted in his death vesterday Messrs. Hebbard Company Agentes para Limón Puntarenas.
On many of the highways The Atlantic Voice joins the asphalt left over from in Europe a Toll gate is placthe entire community is exten their work on the reconstruc led at certain points where Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United ding its heartfelt condolence to tion of our streets.
Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica each passerby is required to don Ricardo and his wife in TELEFONO 3156 The readway is now sad deposit a toll or tax to assist this, bereavement which has soly in need of repairs and our in defraying the cost of the suddenly fillen on them.
present pregressive young (To Page UNITED FRUIT Co. fatal Accident y a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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