
No Trace Yet of the Missing Plane THE VOGUE JOHN ROGERS where it was thought the Ban on Windsor Wedding Films chess of Windsor Movid the royal family frowned Our Commercial Weights COSTA RICA SODA WATCR FACTORY FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co. Frightful Case of Murder Another week has gone by, mountainous and more dif a most systematic search to since the Enta Plane, ficult districts, but all to no be conducted in the Naranjo 3, has been missing with its avail; the mystery still re Savegre district. This search Pilot and five passengers: mains unsolved. As it is is to be made on foot by all Ladies and Gents Tailoring and although the most stren thought that no better re the Engineers serving the uous efforts have been con sults will be obtained by Company on the Pacific For Style Character tinued to locate it, nothing continuing the extensive sear side.
absolutely has yet been as ches from the air these will We can but orice more and Good Taste.
certained as to how or where be curtained but those by express the sincere hope the accident, which produc land are to be increased and that these final efforts may ed the awful catastrophe, kept going or some time result in success, as even if If you want the experience of took place.
yet. Indeed, Mr. Chittenden, they fail in rescuing the unf wearing a real smart ouifit, come Another batch of Ameri the Manager of the United ortunate travellers alive they along 10 can Army planes came over Fruit Company, who has will, at least, relieve the befrom the Canal Zone at the taken a personal and keen reaved relatives and friends commencement of the week, interest in the matter from of much of the harrowing and along with those of our the day of the sad occurren suspense they are now exlocal Companies were cons! ce, has given directions for periencing.
LIMON tantly in flight over every section of Ladies say he is adept at making may have Various land expeditions, orThe British public is to when the decision was made Coals, Costumes, Breeches, Etc.
ganized in different locali be deprived of any showing of that the Duchess could not ties, have also scoured the films in connection with the be called Her Royal Highwedding of the Duke and Duness the second was when.
executives were all set to put down on any participation by on the act when a Sugges its members in the wedding and Measures tion from the highest quar festivities; the third was the ters pointed out that it would church ban on any of its cler The government is deter been giving us justice; int not te wise, and, of course algymen officiating at the sei anined that retailers shall most cases we are given 14 Suggestion from such a vice: now comes the Movie give justice in the weights ounces for the pound, hence LIMON source is equal to a com suggestion.
and measures they dispense the Authorities have issued mand. Inasmuch as the Bri To the world at large it to the public.
crders that these infringetish newspapers went at some might seem that the royal fa There is a law which pro ments of the law must cease.
Fábrica de Hielo length to print stories ani mily is taking it too hard. vides that double faced scallustrations of the crowning taking it in the same way as les shall be used in our re public to report to the police It is now up to the buying Refrescos act in tre Duke an Duchess father who torbids his tail establishments in order when ever they are not fairromance it is hard to see daughter to marry one to that purchasers may see ly treated in this direction where the repetition of the whom he objects under, pain they are being squarely and so compel traders pictures in Movies of the being disowned.
to Love dealt would make much difference Enrws no obounds as has been friends have, however, not tronize them.
with. Our Chinese properly treat those who pas brit szems it docs.
plainly shown in tr. Duke ana This would appear to be Duchess case. The surest way LA FLORIDA only another indication that to keep a situation alive in the roval house remains dee jprblic interest is to do just ply offended over the ex wiat the royal family have Fábrica de Hielo king marriage. The first o! been and are now doing. Cn Saturday last an awful, while the usual investigation is Venta de Leche the recent punitive acts crime was committed at Peash being conducted by the Crimis urst, the property of the Peash nal. Authorities.
Maderas urst Banana Company of which There is an abundance of truit Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Mr Findlay is the Manag of all kinds on the Penshurst NACIONALES property, particularly on the FRANK MADURO Jr. The information gathered by parts purchased by the late Mr.
us is that Nathan Cousins.
Galbraithe from the original set PROP.
very quiet, respectable tiers, who is said to have sever young From page Frank Maduro hijo, man from the district of Sizaola prevented his labourers from en upkeep of such roadway. If and a Cricketer who plays for Joying them as they were of no a Toll gate (Porton de PeaPROP.
the Surtidora vent on an Best native lumber commercial value to him. Under je) were placed at say the Maderas del país. Exisorange tree to secure some of the present administration, Cieneguita Bridge, where tencia permanente en at moderate prices the fruit to bring for his famly however, we are told that this every car, cart, or other ve nuestro depósito.
who are residing in this city.
privilege has been denied the hicle or animal owner could He was accosted by a notive labourers and native guards and pay his toll, or show the whose name we have not been police are set to watch the trees.
officer in charge his card as able to obtain, but who is em This has resulted in an inoitensive young man being cruelly the Municipal Board, much property. Words passed between murdered for a fev oranges (From page 7)
funds would be collected to missary and a third at the them and culminated in the which are still of no commerfrom assist in making this much ro; if proper representations Wesleyan Church native inflicting several ghastly cial value to the Estate, end frequented road a very pleas were made, the Municipalty, which the citizens would be wounds with his machete on the which some of the very ing boulevard.
could easily apportion say able to receive a constant head and hands of the unfortu who are employed as watcomen We again express the hope soo metres of two inch pip. supply of pure water. The nate young man who was un are known to bring by the bags that no one will begrudge ing and, with the consent of cost of this work would be protected. Both were brought into town and sell around iCenezui making a small contribution the Company, construct a very small and if carried out ty the Estrella train, but cou ta and the City market.
for the purposes described, small concrete tank to res a great improvement would sins died the same night and The community of Pensturst as it would be indeed sad to ceive this overflow and con be afforded this quiet yet was buried the following day by and Bonifacio is shocked and know there are characters vey it to Cairo. Three stand important agricultural villa his Clubmates and friends. The much aroused by the incident.
there areamong us unwilling ripes could here be erected; se bringing much happiness murderer is now in confinement to subscribe toward the em one in the upper section of and contentment to its pobellishment of their vicinity. the village, one at the Comvulace.
The Director of La Voz del Atlántico is always willing to assist in bringing the need of such facilities to the attention of the Authorities LIMON, COSTA RICA Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist concerned as also, where nec Importación De la Universidad de Loyola, From Lovola University, New essary, to that of the Raily Imports and Exports New Orleans, EE. UU.
Orleans, SA.
Tay Supervisors, and if this be done we are this Ofrece sus servicios Exportación Offers his Professional long oversighted improveprofesionales en su Depósito de Madera Services in his New Up.
ment would soon be secured Lumber Deposit moderna Clínica Dental to the satisfaction of the reto Date Dental Clinic.
sidents of Cairo. Will not Compra de Cacao en instalada contiguo a la Located nex to the some intelligent resident ingrano Cocoa Purchased oficina del Cable.
All American Cables terest himself in this impor tant matter?
Westfalia Road to. EL ATLANTICO a having paid his Detalle to Cairo Needs a Water. ployed as a Stockman on the men Dr. MEDAL Jr.
ALLAN SIME sure Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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