
Page 11 Saturday, July rd. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Matter of Milla Maritima Lands NIGHTCLUB LIM ANITY Vds 3Xn 30 an7 IHOIN 19 Quixo Baad The Executive Council is de horbitant and contrary to the termined that each occupier of law which fixes the rate et one the government lands must ent centimo for the first mile and er into a contract for such or cne half centimo for every mile cupancy and must pay the zen thereafter What a diference! tal demanded of them.
However, as these unfortunate When the delegation from Ca people cannot kick against the huita and Limon approached Pricks the must bow to the the Minister of Hacienda he exirevitable and so as to prevent pressed much sympaty for the their farms being embargoed Cacao growers and promised to and taken from them for a few have the rental for such cul paltry dollars, it is just as well tivations fixed at fifty cents per to: all to sign and begin rayhectarea per month. hence itirg. It should be remembered was expected that the modifica that it does not cost the governtion would have come about; ment anything to carry through but something seem to have their legal proceedings, whereas happened for nothing has come every move which a tenant of his promise.
would have to make represents In so far as Bananas go, it so much actual cash, was promised that the Company We therefore advise the sig.
ould have been asked to re ning of the contracts and the cognize the contracts with the Keeping up of an intelligent tenants of the government and and persistent agitation for paypay the forty cents per countinent of the legal charge for the bunch. It now transpires that haulage of Bananas over the they do pay forty cents, buty ten Tramway. Cultivators would also cents of this goes to the Pen do well to keep the exact cost of shurst Banana Company for their Cacao and other productramway haulage. This is ex tions as well as the prices obtained until the four years are up when they may be able to secure a reduction on proper representation being to the sucWee. Le ceeding Minister of Hacienda.
Again we advise our readers ESTRADA to bow to the inevitable but to keep on protesting against the Abarrotes y Licores injustice meted out to them by Artículos del País those from whom they expected Precios Económicos leniency and proteetion. The God of Justice may, one day.
LA IBERIA come to their rescue.
SPARKLING WATER delightful SALOMON CHIN TABLE WATER The Cricket cup Competition and HIGH BALL MIXER Another Old Landmark Gone In Grateful Acknowledgment No game was played last Sun ren wino should have been vicday, as due to the heavy showersterious if their fielding was as which fell during the previous determined as their batting.
night and early morning of that Tomorrow we will seet the Buil day the ground was consideredders against the Ironsides of the too sodden; but as it dried up Motive Tower Department. The On Thursday, a week ago, the monument of communal 191 end, and in offering its mos and the day developed into a game in anxiously awaited. portal remains of Mrs. Henriet which would indeed be an asset sincere condolence to the be hot sunny one, there are those la Hart were laid at rest in the to any environment, reaved ones, the Atlantic Voice who felt that an auxiliary pitch Cemetery here followed thiorer Such a life as was lived by hopes that, inspired by the life could have been prepared at the Louis Offers To by an immense procession of the the deceased must of a necessity of so model a mother, they may Chie of the Coloured element of find Peace Neither the Excelsior nor une meet Schmeling ine community in the Great Beyo be greatly comforted.
Motive Power were however 80 dispoed hence poor Jupiter PluFrom New York it is stat The desea sed emigrated here vius got the blame.
ed that Promoter Mike Ja many years ago with her huson the previous Sunday a very cobs has offered Max Sch band, a most efficient teacher.
exciting finish was witnessed ins when the Wanderers secured a meling the opportunity of Mr. Hart taught the younger Mr. Joseph Burgess of He is particularly gratete with the Champions. The being the first to meet Joe generation of Germania and Wanderers made 62 and manag: World Championship.
Louis in a contest for the cther stations along the Linus, Swampmouth District begs ful to the members of the and died leaving the care of his io express to his many fri Loyal King Obed Temple of ed to take the last wicket of six sons and two daughters to ends who, by their thought the British Order of Mosaic the Excelsiors when their score Jacobs is reported to have me no deseased dellet. Mrs. ful kindness in one way or Templars for the noble way also stood at 62.
informed Schmeling that as carried out the task imposed on another, helped to lessen in which they relieved him On Monday the 28th, that ie the Boxing Commission of her most creditably, producing the sorrowful burden so un of all the responsibilities and doubtable young Captain Dixon the State of New York had eight members of our communi expectedly brought on him vorries connected with the or the Pathfinders brought off declared Louis the World ty who have commanded the self and his dear wife by the interment. fine game with the Zent Champion, if he, Schmeling, respect and admiration of every unfortunate circumstances These acts of unselfish who succeeded in hitting off wished to be the first to citizen, men and women who which led to the death of kindness will always remain a spectacular inning of 72 rns. meet the new Champion the have lived most exemplary lives their veloved son Benjamin engraved in the hearts and Captain Dixon, with a second matter would be arranged in accordance with the example Burgess on the 16th. ulti minds of both Mr. and Mrs.
class team, however made 36, Schmeling reply is not yet set them by a faithful mother.
Burgess thus vanquishing the country. known.
Mrs. Hart had the privilege of LA FUENTE Teaching her fourscore years Remember This und there is not one person here who had aught to say either of As a member of our Society you can her character or her love and Cuando viaje a Turrialba visite When in Turrialba visit confortably sleep at night for your memberdevotion for her children. She LA FUENTE has left the mothers of Limona LA FUERTE ship ALONE AFFORDS FULL DEATH splendid example of Cantina y Restaurant MotherGRANTS to your Mother, Father, Wife, hood which, if emulated, would Contiguo al Dr. Portocarrero Coffee, Restaurant Bar Husband or Children from to 15 years.
Adjoining Drug Store command the admiration and Buen Café a 10 cts. la taza Dr. Portocarrero esteem of all. She inbibed in her COS RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Offspring that spirit of self priPrecios al alcance de todos Splendid Service Good and los bolsillos.
thrift Coffee and meals.
de, respectability Established 5th. May 1928 pixich has demanded the recoz.
nition of the Hart Brothers as a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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