
Maritime Settlers The Atlantic Voice On are The Spanish Conflict now heaviest around Madrid An Infected Spot Testing Our Railway to are For the convenience of our me fame. Each hectarea will produ riy readers interested in this ma: cc cn an average say stems ter, we translate the art ele pu monthly, especially these Devoted 10 the interests of the people of the Atlantic blished in the Spanish section of which mainly second class Editor Engliuh Section: NATION our issue of a fortnight ago. lands.
Several days ago the occupants The cost of a stem of fruit put of Railway lines is Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 24th July 1937 of the Milla Maritima forwarded along side No. 154 a Memorial to the Secretary of about twenty cents however ecu Siate for Finance asking a just nom cal the owner labour might 1ebate in the month y rental of be. The Company only pays thir two colcncs per hectarea now bely cents per stem count, there ing paid for Banana cultivat ons, Ifore the sales of 250 stems would that Advices reach ng us from tou, place over the mountains fifteen advises as the parties interested deem lealize seventy five collars while the air bombings this price far excessive and ma the cost of production would be Hed Spain indicate that the Maniles West of Madrid is regard jand produced several hundiet additional damages nifesting that the Fruit Company dollars, leaving a net earn crid Sector has once more bed as one of the biggest dur ng deaths and y collects only one colon perling of twenty five dollars month came the principal object of the the whole period of the warfare: curing the past couple of days. clarea annually 1y from the ten hectarcas for the fighting which has taken place squadrons of insurgent war pla. It was also stated that on the ses during the past week or so. res bombed the government tien erai fronts around the city the Until now the Secretary of Fi settler, at the rate of exchange Insurgent air and land forcesches but were opposed by a most intense ghting was being rance has taken no notice of the DL 50U would equal one hundreu Just claim of these settlers and land forty, colones from which he are reported to have mashed at streng force. total of 160 pie repl up, and that the government Covernment positions on the West, nes is said to have been engaged: had launched attacks against im still continues to collect the same must pay the government for of the Madrid front in a drive to the government claim they shot portant positions held by the in rate without taking into accounti. cspital Yees eight colones and the cost of production under the forty cents, plus twenty colonel regain territory which was lost in jcown 13 of their copponents and surgenots in different sectors, but for rent to the Tributacion, leav the recent red offensive. suffered a loss of only four.
irksome conditions which these these were being strenuously re citizens labour.
ing him a monthly salary of one The aerial confiict which took Under yesterday date Madrid isted with varying results.
Instead of taking into account one hundred and eleven colones the claims set forth all that has which is less than the wages of been done is that the office of an ordinary labourer who has no Tributacion Directa has instituted responsibility and invests no cajudicial collections against those pital.
We would invite the atten. toi lack of interest in their who have not been able to pay This income is not even certain tičn of our Sanitary Chief town welfare as they should ha the back rental.
for as stated these lands are real rumours current around the ve lodged a report with our Our genial Tratte Superinten it is well to contrast this rasniy not adaptable for bananas and Cieneguita vicinity here, it Medico of Public Health months cent, Mr. Frank Sheehy, must praecure with that which con cultivations are liable be, the rumour are correct, two or ago. Our people seem afraid of certainly be proud of the mantec gress has set with the Credito own down by the sightest sea three persons died in a Chine reporting such matters to our in which his Railway has stood Ipotecario. While the Bank has beezes and in addition, the di: se establishment from Tuber Officials or newspapermen; but the test during the past week of stretched out an open hand to heulty of drawing the fruit forculosis within a comparatively it is essentail that this should tremendous rainfall. Those of us all its debtors, pardoning the in many wiles to reach the ra lway short period of time.
be done in the interests of 30 who have had experiences of this in much bruisings terest and giving great facilities cars results The existing Health Law calls vital a thing as our HEALTkind here expected there would by long term payments for cash ihence rejections excessive for the exammation of all per. The most zealous Sanisry have been the accustomed interborrowed, we find the Sec The unhealthy and inconvenient sons engaged in dispensing eata Officier may sometime everlook ruptions, happily however there ietary of Finance dealing with life on such lowlying lands does Ibles to the public; this provian incident, especially aere was not a hitch despite the ferothe cultivators of the Milla Ma not add any benefits to the farm son has apparently been over where there are only four in sity of the attack.
itima in the same manner thatlers, while the cost of living in sighted in tuis area of our pectors to run the entire City Thuis is due to the efficiency usurers collected taxes from citithese far awa yregions is increas township or elee Tuna (a Caij The public should consider it or the preparations made by the zens in the 18th century. by ed doubly what it would be in a naman) could not have been their duty to co operate with Management of the Railway. The the proverbial pound of flesh. township as the merchants do not allowed to all food, such as our officials and inform the points where landslides have fre Hiua there been any idea of jus sell their goods for the mere love raw milk frescoes, pudding, not only inconveniences id quently occurred have been vigbread, cake and similar arti connection with the sanitario rouely attacked by the steamtice for these deserving people of trading.
Lespective of Race, he would We rgard all these reasons cles up to the last few hours laws, but breaches of Law and shovels and the Roadbeds made have attended to the claims of sufficient to operate in favour of of his life wile in an advance order affecting the communitz so, wide that when the slides take the colonizers of the lands with the Petition asking for a rebate stage or TuberculosiHe It was only Wedaesday place they do not so readily atthat what we nov. report was cut having recourse to blindedci fifty per cent on the rate or sent by his associates, we unfect the tracks. In places where last ental of these lands, and which derstand, on Monday LO brought to our attention Pe or politeal influences.
the rivers were arcustomed to Let us take for an example would not make any diferenca San Jose where he died the lowere told that for months the wash, scour and break through, small farm of ten hectareas of in the Nat onal Etimates. If Conlowing day of, as rumours sare had beer great unrest among skirtworks of enormous boulders the dread plague.
Tiananas and see what figures cress and the government are en the people residing in the vicihave been set to protect the hea In cases such as this will say. To put ten hectareas deavouring to direct the nation vy trestleworks by cannot but blame the substant al of Bananas public in production will teward increased agriculture. To page 11)
sine piling driven below the bed cost about six thousand colones. is only logical that some consiof the rivers. At other low lying les one year of labour, and dcration should be afforded these points, where the rivers, when whether the lands are of the Sta people who, without assistance in flood were liable to break te. the Fruit Company or private of any kind, have fought nature It would seem as if this long, that this section of the imporover and excavate long strelGnr ership this cost remains the (To page ciscu sed and highly needed tant highway is to be construe ches of road bed well set rein project is about to materialize ted, as we feel confident it will forced concrete break water ons a, according to the information bu an incentive for the project Coundations going below the rive released by one of our Dailies to be continued to the airport beds have been constructed and the Municipal Authorities of Tu township of Siquirres and mabolstered by old steel rails to con rrialba have placed the sum of king the entire Jesus Jimenez fine the flood waters within the twenty five thousand calones proposition an earlier poutibi liver beds. The Tracks have also SERVICIO DE VAPORES which is the estimated cost of lity.
teen well retied and ballasted.
the work, as the disposal cf it is said that the work TJr. Sheehy and his start of en the Minister of Public Works Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK the Peralta Turrialta section gineers and expert technical con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA As we have repeatadly stareil will be commenced during the workers must, we say, feel prida wc greatly appreciate the facti coming week.
and satisfaction that their work has stood the test of six days in LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS cessant tropical rains, and we EUROPEOS AMERICANOS ir ay apply to their efforts the cla adage. whats worthwhile VAPORES uring is worth doing well BosSALIDAS LONDON. British fficialment of a systein of neutra! ton should be pleased that at last have declared their belief that it rs on supply chips en terug they have those who are able to PETEN.
Julio 25 the long deadlock over Turo Spanish water and granua o dominate the irritating situatica pean neutrality in the Spanish united belligerent rights to the annual interruption in the VERAGUA.
Civil War has been broken. Al warring factions, Agosto Tailway service.
ter Britain new plan for isolating the conflict had teen QUIRIGUA.
Agosto presented to the twenty seven ration Non Intervention Committee, British spaltesmen caid Our all members of the unforteate ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Conuitknown Vegetable and Fruit Esch tee had accepted it as who have bein compelled to pay porter of Cartago Mr. Varza we basis Agentes para Limón the anormal price fifty cent indertand, has importer some 5000 for discussion Puntarenas. A Sub Commitee will con r pod for Rice for some ti quintals of the commodity which, Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United der details of the plan which me now, will, we gathe bo at in kecpting witr the directions Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica calls for withdrawal of foreren forded the much needed relief assued by the goverrment shall lo volunteers, dissolutia of The result of the arrival of. appreci retailed at not more than TELEFONO 3156 neutral naval patrul. rstS! sh lable quantity from Panama forty cont pe pound.
Dir. Mario Vargas, we ll wa on we The Peralta. Turrialba Roadway UNITED FRUIT Co.
Britain New Isolation Plan Rice Importations consumes Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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