
Saturday July 24th. 1937 Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Mr. Petgrave Explains Position of the Siquirres Property Panamanian Excursionists nists from Colon, Boras del To LUIS WA CHONG ALLAN SIME As a Importante Conocer Remember This Mr. Editor trying to palm it off to justify who had been fusilli, the on la reply to the article ap his allround actions. From the ly true and sincere musstoa of As a member of our Society you can pearing in your popular paper inception of the matter 11 the NI the dueaof the 10th July written by cl:ell was adversely disposed to tion of the Young Race by confortably sleep at night for your memberMitchell, president of the Liward relieving the sitration of transforming the tall or Liher ship ALONE AFFORDS FULL DEATH mion Division, permit me, in the the Siquirres lands. He and sty into a common house of ga GRANTS to your Mother. Faiher, Wife, fust place, to rectify your 28 Dk combatted the idea and ma me and sports (Glee Club) and Husband or Children from to 15 years.
certions in the issue of the 26th de all sorts of obstaclra ir endeavouring to do all in his June that The Educational bad had any good intention to power to make the property COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Board had bought a portion of ward this Division, ne vould ha bring in monie to use for his the lands from us is a Com ve used the power lancu hunaims and ambitions of procurEstablished 5th. May 1028 mittee, and that the balance of to have the title registered 30 ing other pertie: Greal purchase money was to be paid that we would have been 12 God, who trzane minds can but could not be done due to to cell to the Dducational think this man Sincere?
the lack of a proper title for Board, pay off our deb and anyone believe that such inen insoription, etc This is 40 void this embargo, as Messrs. Franklin and Roerror, no lands was ever sold by With respect to the amounts berts, as Trustees, would storp The Launch Bccas del TO nity of returning the visit of u to the School Board; rather received by the Division for tre to do what Mitchell tries to say ro. owned by the Sargeant their friends and relatives from it was their desire to do so but sale of the three lots to Mess of them?
Bros, arrived here last week Panama and the other points they would not attempt unless Binnis, Mosley and Rodger Thanking you Mr. Hditor erid with over eighty excursiowe had a duly registered the these were paid in to the regu PUTGRAVE This was the reason why the lar channels and afterwards in ro and Almirante. Those who Officers and members of this verted in paying expenses ID NOTRE The witər aid not go to San Jose or cther GLIACIMO GUAPILES Lines, were Division thought it safe to have the erection of a Soise on the claims, in attempting as he says points along the 0had the half of these lands ti premises and other just and to correct our earlier sve kept very much indoors by the Cantina, Licores tle which was traspasado by legal debts. Regarding our aut that no lands were sold to the heavy rains we were experienExtranjeros y del país.
Messrs. Calder and Dawica hority to sell these lands which Educational Dept. the payment cing at that time. The boat left handed over to the Limon Di were bought by us, and not of which is pending Will he on her homeward trip on Mon Tienda bien surtida day afternoon vision for them to have some with one cent of the moneys clarify the point as to how the Abarrotes en general Mr. Nelson excursion, which inscribed so that we would be of the Limon Divist. we leave School Board or Educational Tept. got into posee 3510 goes to Colon next month, will in a position to sell and give a thi; to those who know. IL Precios sin competencia Of title to the Educational Board would be too inconvenient to the portion of land they afford our people the opportulOCIt. now fully three years sin make a dissertation here. Mit cup3. who put them in possece we have done this, but due chell tries to palm it off that ssion and for what purposes?
to the several subterfuges ud we are acting arbitrarily aid We do not question the right.
dogmatic attitudes adopted by without his authority to sell to sell, because if money vas Mitchell the matter has not up our lands and that he, on the needed to pay debts it would to now taken shape except that contrary, is safeguardia tie bc better to sell and pay rather LIMON, COSTA RICA our monies paid in to the Li interests of the Lioon vivision than allow the embargo to sell importación mon Division have not been ty throwing out the Teacher, at a sacrifice.
y Imports and Expurts returned and the title has not been registered conse Exportación quence, the property, not producing any revenue of an api Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit preciable nature and the Muni cipal Impuestos having mounImportant Notice Compra de Cacao en ted up to the appreciable sun grano Cocoa Purchased C 502. 05 the Municipality Aceite verde Green Oil have already asked ior end have embargoed the propecsy for these debts.
Referring to the statamengs, Para la picazón del Warranted to cure of Mr. Mitchell that did not Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña Itch, Mange, and other Test them to communicate with the Educational Board Coinezones.
Skin diseases.
this is a flat lie; and he is cnly on the 8th June the family Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gellinga of our esteemed friend and ciBúsquelo en todas Bolile on Salz in all DALBOA, Canal Zone. tizen, David Sutherland, Francisco Fonseca Ch.
las Farmacias special engineering section has increased by the gift of a fine, Drug Stores been established by Colonel healthy daughter from the Lawyer kotary Public Ridley, Governor of the Pana Stork, ma Canal Zone, for the purpose The Ninita was baptized at Office: of preparing plans and estimates, the Universal Church on the for building a third set of locks. 6th, instant, in honour of which Adjoiting to the City Colonel Glenn Edgerton, En the God parents gave a dance Public Library gineer of maintenance, will super at the Hotel Roma on the night vise the work of the section which of the 5th, it was attended by English Spoken During the earlier hours of, wers again commenced and con will be in charge of Designing a large number of the friends Thursday the 15th. instant, we tinued throughout the entire Kingineer Randolph, who oe of the parents.
Former Judge of the Limon experienced a terrifie display of night.
District Court lightning and thunderings to We have fortunately not cupred a similar post in connecbe followed soon after by inces heard of any damages to our tion with the construction of the Corresponden: sant rains whioh continued day surrounding Farms or villages.
Madden Dam.
and night until last Tuesday and our Railway communica This work was authorized by José chicn Ng experienced tions have not been incapacited resolution of Congress, May some sun for the first time but in any way.
1936, which directed an investi Comerciante Detallista According to a London cable, toward night the heavy ahogation of means of increasing the the fixth set of twins within Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, copacity of the Canal for future Articulos de Ferreteria y pesi of eleven years were born needs of shipping.
Eléctricos; to lo se encuentra bir and Mrs. Fifield last month at Putnam, en este establecimiento.
Connecticut enough to handle the largest Flient is a abourer fifty se The present locks PRECIOS DE SITUACION Surface and underground ga. sed last Saturday and injured ships afloat.
in years of age, while his wife soline tanks in the storage more than 170 persons.
Thenre only 1, 000 feet long una 110 LIMON is thirty nine. They have fifteen plant of the Pure Oil Company first of the series of explosions icr: wide. The work is expected children, three were born singly at Atlantic City A, explo was preceded by a fire of unde to take several years.
termined origin. Six surface tanks. including two of 10. 000 Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard gallon capacity one underBats ground drum of the came size Balls NACIONALES and numerous barrels of fuel FRANK MADURO Jr. gave way while firemen operaPads ted in danger of other subterra Wickets PROP nean tanks exploding: Gloves Frank Maduro hijo, It is estimated that the exScore Books plosions released 50. 000 gallons of burning fluid over a large EVERYTHING FOR THE GAME OF area of the surrounding vicintencia permanente CRICKET en nuestro depósito.
at moderate prices ty. The fire was brought under control after a three hout batat JACK ORANE LIMON tle by the Firemen.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas de ministerio de Cuntura y Juventua, Costa Rica New Canal From Turrialba Locks Incessant Rains Six Sets of Twins on Wednesday we 14 SERIOUS EXPLOSION The new locks will be large EL ATLANTICO CRICKET Maderas del pais. Exis Best native lumber


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