
Dead Body Found on Beach near Moin NIGHT CLUB YILVM ANITY Ids 3X 30 On Sunday last the body of DV. underwear, dark drill man was found on the beach rants and a pair of shoes.
around Portette.
The Police department took The body seem to have been charge of the remains and afin the water for quite some ti ter the usual formalities had me before discovery as decom been complied with they were position was so far advanced inferred. Up to this time no into prevent recognition. It howe formation has been obtained as vei appeared to be that of a to who the unfortunate man white man and was clothed in was.
כוחך IHON Plans Reforms Royal reunion denied in Brazil PUIXTV Kod ROME Close associates of the former King and Queen of Rio de Jaineiro, Brazil. Dr Insé Carlos de Macedo Soares, Spain said that although the cou Minister of Justice, told the Jus ple had met at the crib of a new tices of the Appelate Court that evardson they still were far from reconciliation, the government would undertake a sweeping revision of the penal Former King Alfonso and forand police systems.
mor Queen Victoria, from whom Eighteen months ago the Conhe has been separated since short stitution was suppressed to mainly after the loss of his throne in tain the social order, or, in other 1931, met at the birth of a soa words, to defend the law we sus to their aldest daughter, Princess pended the law. he said.
Torlonia Returning to the Constitution, Friends said, however, that it thie government will enact this was only a polite accident. The year a modern penal code and former Queen lingered to cuddl: the police system will be reorga the child, while Alfonso came in nized and modifed on a scientific refore he was expected. They bas s, he explained.
were humanly cordial to each Captain Filinto Muller, chief of otizer, an intimate asserted, but police, has been studying the that is far from a reconciliation.
world police systems and espeictoria still lives at Torlonia cially is interested in the tech Folace while Allonso lives at the nique of the Secret Service of Grand Hotel 11 United States, which was ex plained to him by detectives who that he planned to establish more accompanied President Rooseveit courts to expedite the work and on his South American visit: so to reduce legal costs to aid Dr. de Macedo Soares said also the poorer classes.
SPARKLING WATER delightful TABLE WATER The Doctor Max Peralta Mixture and HIGH BALL MIXER The Senate Leadership Conflict Re the Happenings at Bonifacio ان hos obtained its rapid and great popularity by having cured on immense number of persons who suffered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These now gratefully recommend it to all who suffer from such complaints as The Claims of. living, have been cultivating the settlements, hence it is unjust la se lands of the State and assist o exploit their efforts. It savoCostiveness, Foul Breath, Headaches. From Page 7)
ing the economic life of the counts, too, of spite seeing they are Loss of Appetite, Skin Eruptions, Nausea, and the elements to establish try. The large majority of these foi coloured origin without any Biliousness or Indigestion ti eir small farms on these lands. reople are old coloured settlers apparent voice or protection in of this Functionary would think who braved the ravages of yel the political life of the country.
a bit, he would realize that these low fever in establishing their lands could not fetch more than 200 colones per hectarea AT GOOD SALE, hetice the annual rental of twenty four colones WASHINGTON. President Harrison said he had received would in four years represent Roosevelt has endeavoured to assurances the Chief Executive their full value per hectarea. At THE EDITOR ve been reported in your Jourinske it plain that he is playing is not taking sides. time when the Institutions of have read your note beal nal; they were instead guite no favourites in the hot conflict Harrison, backed generally by Credit in the country have redu, ing on the laxity of reports falsely reported by the Dario over the selection of a Senate Democrats who have opposed the ced the interests on loans, it does from this end and think you de Costa Rica.
Majority Leader to succeed the President Court re organization act seem justifiable that the gov have just cause for same.
When we read the report of iste Joseph Robinson. He callBail, is running against Senator nument should maintain such an There have been many hapthe affair of Mrs. Johnson and ed in Senator Harrison, Democrat Larkley, Democilt, Kentucky, abnormal ratio to the prejudice penings here recently which ar her son, we all wondered where of Mississippi, one of the candi who served as Assistant Leaders ou rpoor coloured people who, fect the welfare of the West in such a misrepresentation cites, and after the conference under Senator Robinson.
in order to earn an independent dian community and should ha facts could have originated and We are hoping to locate She author of the glaring falsehood.
Reports like these are mast detrimental to the reputation of the locality, more so, when prematwias de la vejez de la vejez tómese the parties alleged to be respon tómese sible are described as gentes de color; though, if the truth were known, it would be seen that the cause of such scandals generally point in quite the oppoSegún Dr. Rich. Weiss, las tabletas el preparado hormonal site direction, del REJUVENECIMIENTO If you would appreciate it, cculd send you correct reports del REJUVENECIMIENTO.
para mujeres, según Dr. Rich Weiss ou the happenings here from Pidase literatwia.
Pidase literatura time to time as am in a pothe activated gland hormone preparation, successfully fried sition to obtain the real tacts. Women take FERTILINETS. the activated procreative out by hundreds of thousands of men against male gland hormone preparation against frigidity, clineurasthenia, mental and bodily exhaustion.
macteric and menstrual disturbances. Bonifacio, July 1937 PIDALO en todas las BOTICAS y SOLICITE PROSPECTOS y MUESTRAS a los AGENTES EXCLUSIVOS Edmund Moore ED. NOTD. We have alreaFEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO APPEL dy pointed out that our corres, APARTADO No. 329 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA TELEFONO No. 4478 pondents notes would be much appreciated at all times, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
En manifestaciones En apariciones prematuras OY Viilinets Fertilinets


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