
Saturday July 24th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 Novel Air Graft Reminiscences of Jamaica Destroyed LA FUENTE Cuando viaje a Turrialba, visite When in Turrialba visit LA FUENTE LA FUENTE Cantina y Restaurant Contiguo al Dr. Portocarrero Coffee, Restaurant Bar Adjoining Drug Store Buen Café a 10 cts. la faza Dr. Portocarreto Precios al alcance de todos Splendid Service Good los bolsillos Coffee and meals.
In the year 1765 Three Finger. ninety three Attorneys who reDr. Jean Piccard first flighted Jack, a rascal who was known ceived the not very insignificant in his novel air craft which is as the Turpin of the Windward stim of 240. 000. 000 as their Com buoyed by multiple balloons, ter Road, was killed by another not mission for the year transacs minated, according to a cable orious person called Reader, 8tions.
report from Lansing, Iowa, in al Maroon. Reader was rewarded hazadous treetop landing.
with a pension of 20. per an In the year 1799 Jamaica had The gondola of the Pleiades, Inum for life.
30. 000 acres cultivated in coffee.
the first sounding balloon liftVery few persons in Costa Ric ing craft ever to carry a man of the large number of Sugar on would have thought that such aloft, burst into flames a mo plantations in Jamaica in the large coffee Estates ever existed ment after Dr. Piccard crept car 1796. six hundred and six in that Island.
from it and climbed down a of them were in the hands of tree in an isolated district nine miles from Lansing. He was un osoeooseGOO. GO. 00000s.
eeeeeeee An Infected. injured.
Minister (interrupting BridWee. Le nity of the Cieneguita Bridge ge Party. Aren you girls for Foot many of them refu getting that all this is vanity, sing to transact any business and you must all return to ESTRADA LUMBER YARD in the shop of Tuna: yet no dust?
Abarrotes y Licores report was made to the Sanita First Wife. We don have to Articulos del País ry Inspector of the Distries return to dust. Our husbands We have opened a Lumber Yard Precios Economics The only way in which will do that when they come where we carry in stock a complete home from work.
LA IBERIA district can te purged of wrong assortment of all kinds of Native or evil practices is by its inhabitants complaining to the puo Groom. guess you area Lumber. Special sizes to order.
The Louis. Schmeling per authorities and newspaper going to be the kind of wife We also have Portland Cement, Roofwhose a ope Farr Contention cause be just and davonj of ner, will you?
ng, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenvindictive motivez, no official or Bride. NO, can also use a tine and all other building materials.
Max Schmeling having failed newspaperman would give his cork screw, in his efforts to block the Brad informant away but would rat Send in your orders dock Louis Contest and having her shoulder the cases and in ciam but from that of adiniradeclined to carry out his agrovestigate before taking action: tion for the zeal and protective ment to meet the winner of that We have felt it our duty to impetus of our genial Medice LIMON TRADING COMPANY bout, is now endeavouring to remake there observations not 10 Health for the well being of vent Tommy Farr, from a point of view of ultiLimon Division the British our general community Champion, from meeting the world Champion as he claims Farr is Hasta para evitar que haya más gente sin trabajo secessde esec. coccoesve under obligation to first mes debemos comprar phim, It is, however reported FSIT tends boing to Rains all Saturday and sun things, thus putting the bathto meet the Champion in the En planillas de obreros y empleados cay washed out what was ex finders three and the Excalsior Yankee Stadium on the 26th del Hospital y del Asilo se distribuyen pected to have been the most two. The washout has cau ed August despito his earlier agree interesting match of the Commuch disappointment to cricment with the German. It is be Miles de colones cada mes petition the return game betket Fans though the players Heved that the same reacons ween the two strongest eams, themselves seem semi non cha which caused Braddock to igno Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL the Excelsior and the Pathfin lant.
Te his agreemezt with ders. The match was anziously ding are the underlying molives y ayude a evitar que haya awaited, both sides being well 80OTH for the present situation in con más crisis y necesidades.
balanced and full of confidennection with the Lucis Farr tcut.
ce. The Excelsior having three points and her opponents, two.
Best American Business Booms it was natural to suppose that Baked each would have done their COSTA RICA SODA Berlin According to a Washington re expected to place orders this best to forge ahead.
Bread rort an unexpected boom is an full, it was also indicated, for re This maton would either bave Buns WATCR FACTORY rated in American bus ness placement of huge quantities of placed the Champions in a very this fall if the nationwide wave absolete equipment.
Biscuits Cakes favourable position for atiof strikes be brought to an early. Farm crops generally are re nued championship, or LIMON have The People Bakery cose.
ported big and bringing in higa nrade the Ambitious Youth Box 179. Limon Despite loss of billions in na prices.
change the actual state of Fábrica de Hielo tional income through industrial slife and uncertainty over the Refrescos Administraticn legislative pro.
ramme, government economisis said there was every indication of a record breaking period of retail buying. Usual seasonal de cine in business activity during the summer months failed to LA FLORIDA niaterialize to the extent anticipated and employment and pay.
Bookings Close 5th. August rolls continue to run far ahead Fábrica de Hielo of a year ago Precio 1a clase Precio 2a clase The Department of Commerce Venta de Leche also reported retail dealers have ida y regreso Maderas been swamping wholesalers and manufacturers with orders for consumers goods. Railroads are FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
GRAN EXCURSION PANAMA COLON via BOCAS DEL TORO 12 dollares ida y regreso dollares Salida de Puerto Limón el 16 de Agosto a las ocho de la noche Regreso el 27 de Agosto Capacidad limitada. Inscríbase ahora mismo HOP LEE LUNG Remember Let go to Colon Book Now, Limited Capacity Establecimiento de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes This Might be Your Last Chance for Many Years El más surtido en Matina Barco motonave Bocas del Toro rápido y seguro El más Para informes dirigirse a La Voz del Atlántico o al señor JAMES NELSON Apartado 529. LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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