
Qur Water Supply The Atlantic Voice THE SPANISH WAR are he Passing of Mr. Edgardo Yglesias Royal Stamp Collection Being Kept Up 02 trociousCrime on Westfalia Highway. Grand Lawn Party This continues very scanty sion five Engineers visited Sugh. fortunately, the rains de locus in quo of uur pro greatly assisted our Sa Jected water supply. It is to tion as many of our citr be hoped that this wont stop Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic resorted to catchments of just with the visit, but that Editor English Section: NATION water to flush their ss the work will be put in execu ery conveniences. Had it tion immediately by the Public been for this, there might Works Department so as Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday Olst. July 1937 No. 155 117 e licen much inconvenience alleviate this most unsatisfacTerienced from the effluvia tory state of affairs. Ia most Hing from the lack of water. homes the daily bath has been is noticed that the Mu a thing of the past for months pality has decided to de now, and the washerwomen hd the construction of se have had to catch and carry This goes on unabated, to do not dominate Gibral. have no misapprehensions as fage connections in Jamain water to do their launderings thousands of lives are stilitar as this Fortress would be there were surprises in store Town, but without a good as best they might. The Rains being lost and the serious able to dismantle them in for any attacking nation atar Iply of water how will this have, therefore, beea a great destruction of property con quick time, they having been which would marvel the by controlled?
blessing tinues.
old guns which were in the world. He also stated that tri ring last week CommisThe rebels, since they hands of the Spaniards prior the airfleet was up to such took Bilbao in the North of to the war. In so far as the a mark of fighting efficienvule Spain, concentrating national defences are con cy that it fould soon be imtheir forces around Madrid cerned, Sir Thomas assured possible for any aerial poIt is with feelings to make this the decisive the Oppositionists they were wer to attack them. Sir Arof few short weeks ago he left battle front, while the loyal up to the latest hit and that chibald Sinclair, the leader greatest sorrow we an for the United States for party are holding out and the British populace need!
ance the loss which our special medical treatment; seem, in spite of the hordes (To pag2. inmunity has suffered by it was found necessary for of nos sad passing of one of him to undergo an opera diers of Italy and Germany technically trained solmuch respected, useful tion, and shortly after this to be keeping their орроi energetic citizens, Mr. had been done he died, last nents at bay and inflicting di LONDON Rumours re The Collection includes many igardo Yglesias, ManagerThurday in Rochester heavy losses on them.
garding the disposition of the rare and expensive specimens the local Branch of the To the widow and all Due to the dissatisfaction valuable stamp collection of an dis wlued at around Itional Bank.
25 other members of the bereav created by the original non the lake King George. have and is valued at around Mr. Yglesias health had ed family the Atlantic intervention pact, as a re boua set at rest. It Ecs been Ring Gcorge began the do en causing him much an Vice offers its profoundest sult of the trickeries of Ger annou ced that Sir Edward Balcollection. When a boy: it was ity for some time and a condolence.
many and Italy, and their con will continue in charge of his personal interst and proviolation of the Zones of the collection which is contain perty and was assembled by controline Mediterra ed in two hundred or more al purchase and exchange rather nan, a new conference was burs and is kept in a separate than through gifts.
rom time to time we have pair from the party of the dis called at London when al at Buckingham Palace alosed in these columns that abled car who had decided to new proposition was set bevicinity of Westfalia has walk home, they di mounted im icre the 27 nations. getting notorious for acts mediatsly and accosted the lo This new Treaty has been immorality, and the latest nely pedestrians. The first en agreed to by all of them, it appenings confirm our denun gaged the man by name of PON provides that all the interitions.
eil, a son of a one time pros national volunteers now The St. Anthony Fair Techis otherwise quiet and pea perous butcher of this town; a fighting with or against the!
will be held on the Catholic Grounds rul neighbourhood is used asight ensued. The girl. Folry government forces are to be rendezvous for town folks! Mullings, was in the meantime immediate withdrawn, September 13th. 14th, 15th.
nt on carousings and licen seized and drawnaway from the leaving the sons of Spain to daus revelries. These take the roadway. Powell, seeing the unsettle their rebellion as best Watch These Dates Look and Listen portunity of the absence of aequal situation, seized one of they can without foreign acident police officer to get the horses and galloping to interference, that all MORE ANON ere at all hours of the niyat town reported the matter to the tions wiil keep hands oft the to carry on much to the police headquarters and a Pick conflict and that the rebel sust of the decent residents. et was immediateiy sent out. party will be provisionally few nights ago some pleasu on the approach of the Police accorded belligerent rights.
seekers visited the vicinity, as the fellows decamped in the The Labour Party of Britomary and on returning bushes with the horses whose tain are bitterly opposed to The Rains continue though Traffic on the main road to ime the car in which they owners have not yet recovered this.
not as incessant as during the san jose was also interrupted, are travelling got disabled. them. One of the men has been The insurgents have now previous week. So far, July has the offender on this occasion tree young men commandered arrested and is now in jail, ac assumed a terrific offensive been the deluge month of the being 48 12 mile where there tree horses and went for a ride cused bythe woman as one of with the object of cutting year was washout. Mr. Sheehy that direction; they met (TO PAGE 9) off Madrid from Valencia Many games and pastime and Roadmaster Doubleday and so decide the sterſe be were set for last Sunday bu, however were on the job and fore the arrival of the time nothing outdoors could be had all trais going through for the departure of ail the hought of. On Tuesday the on Wednesday morning.
foreign fighters.
Estrella Train could not ope The Banana shipments from Great fears have been en.
ate as many of the bridges Puntarenas did not suffer as tertained in England by a 23 well as much of the track all the three Boats got their rumour that powerfu. he were many feet under water. fruit on time.
witzer guns have been erect losose0. 00 096 SERVICIO DE VAPORES ed at Algeciras by the Germans and Italians which are Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK GIcon escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA capable of smashing braltar to atoms within a few short hours. As a coilLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS sequence, the opposition EUROPEOS AMERICANOS LUMBER YARD party in the House of Coinmons asked many questions severely criticizing the acVAPORES SALIDAS tions of the defence ComWe have opened a Lumber Yard tee; these brought out where we carry in stock a complete VERAGUA Agosto satisfactory, though reluctassortment of all kinds of Native QUIRIGUA.
ant, replies from Sir Thomas Agosto Inskip. He said it was un Lumber. Special sizes to order.
PETEN Agosto 15 fortunate that such ques We also have Portland Cement, Rooftions should be brought be fore the House just at a ting, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenme when they would not liF. ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
tine and all other building materials.
ke any sarcasm to be thrown which might kindle feelings Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Send in your orders of resentment in the minds of the German nation and Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United which might retard the sign LIMON TRADING COMPANY Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ing of the non intervention TEI EFONO 3156 pact; however he was in a Limon Division position to state that the batteries and guns referred DOOSODDOTODOS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
naThe Rainy Season UNITED FRUIT Co.


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