
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday July 31st. 1937 MY YEARS Coptic Bishop Repor: Dr. MEDAL Jr.
ted The report a les wante239 Babies an Hour Japanva in 19 tric Compañía Eléctrica de Limón CARD Red Activities in Jamaica (By Myriam Francis)
Life has placed my best, and their thorns.
Cirujano Dentista meorican American Surgeon Dentist My Ycars! with murmurs years in my arms and press De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, New New Orleans, EE. UU.
Orleans, SA.
them to my bosom as if they of fountain songs and tie!
were a bundle of roses. waves. Years as sweet as ho CAIRO, Egpt. The Foreign Ofrece sus servicios My Offers his Professional Years! beaming like! sy though as fugitive as wind flowers with all their aroma filled sails. Years which have off. ce was informed by the Egypt profesionales en su Services in his New Up Minister in Rome that pasan as swiftly as the flight moderna Clínica Dental tc Date Dental Clinic of Sca Gulls; some of which the Abuna Cyril, Coptic Bihop to instalada contiguo a la LUIS WA CHONG be left a perfume like of the Ethiopia, is bele held a virtual Located nex to the mignonette some a rhythmic prisoner in Venice because of difoficina del Cable.
All American Cables GUACIMO GUAPILES whirl like tht of a waltz and ferences with Primier Benito Mus 0others a period of calmness solini.
leading to forgetfulness.
said Duce Cantina, Licores Extranjeros y del país. This midwal betweea Life the Abuna to declare the indepen Tienda bien surtida and Death the roses of my age dence of the Ethopian Church, Birth Rate le are heading their petals un shich has been branch of the Abarroles en general TOKYO. Japan produced 239 Taking the death rate into od der the influence of my chi Egyptian Church since the Fourth Precios sin competencia meras.
dence of the Ethiopian Church, babies an hour in 1936, the gov serption that meant an en alt Century efnmynt dieclosed recently. meat of the empires population the rate of ninety nine pirsgi an hour. Even so, the birth Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remork at the back was the lowest in twenty year de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
29. 92 perthousand.
Las Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office The year brought a net pop. cc tion increase of 871, 525, wh Bros cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month was 147. 000 1:5 than de cada mes The total population includi Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le topamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Japan proper, Formosa and rea was estimated at 98. 556, de tener que cortar su sersticio.
we would much regret to take The popu ation of Japanese dor nated Menchulco was placed about 33. 000. 000 has fure rom Igral Com KINGSTON. For the second There is reaso, to believe that mintern made a declaration We are grateful for a Cardes Mrs. Franklin a long and or third time daring recent years, the local authorities are aware of Moscow that after effort to platos from our mcuh esteemed citi useful career in her profes Commainints in the United states, what is occurring. It does not how the doctrine in the West Indies zen of the Zent District, Mrs. sion as a reward for her pain the State of New York, it is ever appear that what has been bad been decided to leave the Franklin, which disclo tient and assiduous effors re be ieved, have been endeavouring represented to Communists of New communities alone, the Negros ses she hrs very successfully gardless of domestic duties. to foster Sovietism in Jamaica York to the effect that progress was stated, being from the Ry passed her studies with the This should be an impetus to Kingston is the centre in which is being made in what those par sian view point, too ignorant College of Chiropody and se others to endeavour to impro individuals in America who have ties in America think is a good absorb ideas winch efforts cured her Certificate as a Surve their cbilities along the dit allied themselves with Moscow field for the spread of Sovietism been made to instill into the rom gical Chiropodist.
ferent lines of professional use, and the Red Government of the is correct. There is nothing to minds. Around that time it the The Atlantic Voice wish fulness in the Community Soviet Republic of Russia, hope show that this is the case.
known that coloured seamen Wiciz that the doctrine will take root Receatly a party came from were employed on certain perfectio the and remained a that come here from the ports hile ant spread to other section of short time. Immediately aiter his London, brought ramphlets ander the island.
departure it transpired that his other matter printed in Englis try On Sunday night the 25th. mission to Jamaica was to report those were distributed to doseraf instart the scene was changed upon the progress made for the labourers and others, but failolled information at the Liberty Hall when, hupor agents in New to strike a responsive chord, Thiar pily, instead of the usual Club York of th Thir Internationale coup ed with a previous unsuith Denecs a programme consistof Moscow, Rumour has it that he esful effort by an American Gerne ing of songs and speeches was returned. North and reported that to organise artizans and workmden fo recruits were being obtained gone through as the AnniverI of Kingston Into a Labour Unioitish sary Ceremony of the Organiwas but a matter of time and whore outlook it was intended Hkrov zation, the dedication of a new there would be many adhtrents. the sitor should b3 Red, was, byer Rostum was also most refresh The party in question is a Jawa; thought, responsible for titans ing.
maican who has resided in Amer Commintern announcement. at th Th: attendance of members ica for some years. It appears a su El más surtido en Matina and well wishers WEG exceed ht Moscow is contributing mningly scanty, due no doubt to ncy to Red agents a New York feno the inclemency of the weather.
to crsate and develop Sovietism here. It might be stated, however, pth that Rel propaganda is not being COMERCIANTE ich por más de 20 años brought into the is and through Establecide en la Provincia to the mall service. There is nothing Vende al detal, Vinos y Ll. Ver Son muchas las ventajas que le to show that monty is being trans cores extranjeros y del país, fert limitted here from New York to abarrotes en general.
asist in lighting the fire of Com MISCELANEA munism as it exists in the Russia stablecimiento esquina Roublic.
Norte del Mercado.
Entre 42 nen Four or five years ago the Com TH An Anniversary HOP LEE LUNG Establecimierto de Licores, Tierda y Abarrotes EDGAR YOUNG the It is ofrece a usted, señor agricultor, nuestro ya bien conocido plan de COOPERATIVA.
Aumente hoy mismo el número de nuestros favorecedores. Tráiganas o envíenos su CACAO.
Depe ALLAN SIME ED Fra LIMON, COSTA RICA importación y Imports and Exports Exportación Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Compra de Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased Made Tenis BANCO DE COSTA RICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional viguer


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