
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday July 31st. 193 NEW CULT IN LIMON. strange burglary chargil hind sucsa со Church of God The Apostol SALOMON CHIN whe sic En manifestaciones The Project. prematurias de la vejcz in apariciones prematuras de la vejez tómese Vuilinets Fectilinets The Jamaica Town District fined under a charge of thrown in confuzion glary.
ad How is it possible that the which forbids the entry into signers are we now to add the was The residents in the loc religion of Jesus should be so she country of any more Re Panama Spiritual Centre to muerday and Wednesday as the cm are much aroused and an ir prostituted. We find there is igious preachers or leaders of them? How, in the name of a result of the arrest and procedure. as the za application before the Gov Sects: and in the face of our thats Holy, will they be ableinement of a very respectable by trnor of the Province for the late experiences with Alti. operate? Great Heavens! woman, and one of the oldest claim it is imossible for residents of that locality.
woman to have entered whi eevelopment of another Cult how can we entertain any mo what a people for Religion.
under the guise of Religioa. Ice of the Penticostal or Pna We wonder if this is the man room which was to boo!
It transpires that a faith of the Revd. Doctor Ja man, named Ansealy The solicitude hr been made manian Spiritual awakenings, Davis and in which he was asleep it by one Mrs. Lillian Allen re How did this lady get here mes Panama? Well, lets sesented an appartment from toe possible for her, in ber fi tently from Bocsa del Toro, with such a request we won what don Ricardo is going to woman and lived in the home feeble condition to have a Aus and he name of her Scheme der? Who could have bolster do with Mrs. Allen and her as almost a member of the ra ed into the ceiling, without is the Panama Spirtiual Cened her up with such a cour Spirits.
mily. Davis returns tam workeld of a ladder, to concealene at a. Tuesaay valise, apart from the fact mor tre cage? We have the Come ye lock, himself in his room and it is known she was not in There is a decree, in force out from among them. The goes to sleep. He awakens 21 thome during that forenoon about 11 a and finds 1:1 The concensus of opinig Faith All by valise missing in which he all that for some scinister mou Francisco Fonseca Ch. Faith. The Pentecostal nion. The Pocorias. and Wee. Le ges he had placed thirty. severe valise might have colones. He reports the malier placed by the actuar Lawyar Notary Public he bedwardites. We also to the Police, a searcs is made was found. However the Plains have the two Adventists who ESTRADA and the valise is found in thesre investigating while the or Office: we see, have lattery adopted Abarrotes y Licores ceiling of the house over the woman is still in confinen Baptims: The Russelite Faith: Articulo; del Pais room of the landlady with a couA wise Solicitor has been en Adjoining to the any The Rutherford Faith, or Wit ple of shirts Intact but Precios Económic ys the ed by the husband and the Public Library nesses for Jehovah As all money is missing. The sick el lody till enfovs or contid there faiths are bing car. id LA IBERIA derly, and much rerpreted lant and sympathy of all who English Spoken o namong the coloured for lady is then arresied and con her.
Tects Former Judge of the limos Tag District Court te ell Iniste hu he etts (2TON PAGE This rvice servci by the latter or by liin conseil lawyers.
el preparado hormonal arth Licend Lawyres, Bachelors según Dr. Rich. Weiss, las tabldas ved at Law of Solicitors (Judicial del REJUVENECIMIENTO.
del REJUVENECIMIENTO Procurers) shall be suspended para mujeres, según Dr. Rich Weiss from the exercise of their pre Pidase literatura.
Tidase literatura 10:35:07 when (1) There the activated gland hormone preparation, successfully fried (Women take FERTILINETS. the activated procreatihe 602against them criminal out by hundreds of thousands of men against male gland hormone preparation against frigidity, cliconvictions disqualifying them neur asthenia, mental and bodily exhaustion.
macteric and menstrual disturbences)
Jug in any form. 2) They refu PIDALO en todas las BOTICAS y SOLICITE PROSPECTOS y MUESTRAS a los AGENTES EXCLUSIVidge Be to render accounts to their clients or constituents without ad FEUILLEBOIS. CARVALHO APPEL Te in just cadde. 3) They appear to APARTADO No. 329 haus in any manner incurred SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA TELEFONO No. 4478 feath misappropriations, embezzlements or illegal use of the or dignity of the profession, so it may be published in the ac funds of their clients without Zulia With regard to the above judicials Bulletin.
taki. into consideration their fccun penal or civil responsibilities. effective from the indictment a Lawyer, any client or other provision, suspension will be To secure the suspension of feath (4) They falsely authenticate (By The Optimistic hungry passengers may enne or conviction, and those so persoa may present Reviewer)
eigatures or lend themselves sucpended will not ble their food without clest Decover cusation before the Tribunal ing. Conductors will be as to litigations by persons un sheir right to practise until fonour of the College of Law We are glad to find there nolied with baking sodlesti euthorized under the law. 5) hey are absolved, have com yers; but if the accusation be Their conduct is deemed noto plicd with their punishment or not proven drive distribute freely among are people who can the complainant cars without being mad with sengers.
riously vicious by drunken are re qualified. So soon as may be fined from fifty Lunes or scandals (6) They the conviction is signed, the three hundred and sixty colo Teverybody or with themsel. That is how We are glad to know connitt generally any misde functionary shall communicanes with costs and damages some of them look when a Bill will be presente Rep tacanours against the probity te same to the Supreme Court occasioned the uecused.
Ithey want to appear impor legislate for future con long tant.
sional elections. It prove trees that no one can be a cales y We are pleased to obser date for congressman ulani ve that some of our friends he has spent a year abr.
are as friendly to us now enlightening himself, rese that they hold Government can present a clean hounia jobs, as they were before, record.
like us, poor fishes out of the fish pond.
We are delighted to be Bookings Close 5th. August there have been no Precio 1a clase Precio 22 clase It is a pleasure to know complaints about passenger letters, at the Main ida y regreso trains may soon stop long Office in San José.
ida y regreso enough at Siguirres so that Teen WE ARE GLA an ac Mar GRAN EXCURSION PANAMA ound ing COLON via BOCAS DEL TORO rem mia dollares that westbound 12 dollares Salida de Puerto imón el 16 de Agosto a las ocho de la noche Regreso el 27 de Agosto Capacidad limitada Inscríbase ahora mismo Remember Let go to Colon Book Now, Limited Capacity This Might be Your Last Chance for Many Years Barco motonave Bocas del Toro rápido y seguro Para informas dirigirse a La Voz del Atlántico o al señor JAMES NELSON Remember This As a member of our Society you can Bes confortably sleep at night for your membership ALONE AFFORDS FULL DEATH GRANTS to your Mother. Faiher, Wife.
Husband or Children from to 15 years.
COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Established 5th. May 1925 TH Apartado 629. LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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