
Sist. 193 borte of me, without to conce! fotenoos of op at have the preme were and (TO PAGE 10)
aturday July 31st. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 chargie Excursion to Panama The to Panama The Ptoject to Ptoject to Control Ve have been asked to The Excursion is timed to the Legal Profession COSTA RICA SODA hind all who intend tak leave here on the 16th of There is so much agitation Excepting in one provid: WATER FACTORY cases Nel August to the a the ba grand excursion to visiidem, so every one who have now going on with regard to ed for by law only Lawyers, a and air friends and relatives no less 10 the Legal profession and the Bachelors at Law, and SoliciLIMON dure the neighbouring Repu which to enjoy themselves part which those nown as Shystors may represent litigants ir silbie tore of Panama that the time and see the sights of the caster Lawyers have been play civil or criminal proceedings entered which they are requirednal as well ing before the Courts, that before Tribunals Fábrica de Hielo Chaw book their passage is near, other places of interest. As we translate, for the benefit lower Courts or Alcaldias of was alles its close. No bookings this may be the last opporof our readers, the project the Republic. No Lawyer, who y Refrescos to habet in be accepted after 5th. tunity afforded our people now befose Congress for the is en employee of the Judicial August so all should see to spend such a splendid control of the matter.
or Municipal departments, can FLORIDA ICE AND it their passages have vacation at so reasonable a It is pity our Supreme will exercise their legal faculties before en secured, cost, be at ly a limited amount are who can possibly do so to Oral trial. Shyster Lawyers behalf of themselves of their FARM CO.
Tas not u on hand.
seize it.
would then have to lay low nearest relatives.
and it would be a matter The College of Lawyers LA FLORIDA the survival of the fittests. It will, from time to time, adMite versus Rite is understood that some of vise the Courts when they con our young Lawyers are advo fer Degrees in the profession, Fábrica de Hielo wat vett is understood that, actement; but, of course, cating prac that reVenta de Leche Freeding to the decision of the will depend on the viese which rise in the Alcaldes and Policecipients may be inscribed in contin sctors of the Hospital, the our young and energetic Juez Courts as it now is in the Su the Official Bulletin y Maderas Court. If this Practising Judicial Solicitors In who was chopped at Pens del Crimen will take of the rst while picking a few oran facts of the primary cause for done much questionable pro: may continue exercising the 15 ccnfis and died in the Institu the need of administering the redings would be avoided and profession with the same righs all the in the same day of his ad: Ether now declared the cause much time saved your Judges which this law. grants to Bar The A. Siquirres and Judicial employees can Refering to the exercise of not be elected to fill positions Property fects of the wounds.
Chacon was a special police the profession the project pro which the law directs must be Dear Mr. EDITOR The report of the doctors assigned to Penshurst, there vides ate that the man died from fore it may be said he was at In answer to your query, and e cffects of the Ether ad the time of the occurrence in Su as to clarify the points as to nistered as on account of the execution of his duty, alhow the Educational Board of having developed pneumo though this will depend, as we Siquirres came in possession of he could not withstand the say, whether the Judge will Importante Conocer Important Notice two lots of land adjoining the fects of the drug.
feel that in the execution of same block on which Messrs, Sa The services of the Limon his duty a policeman has the muel Banton, Alexander Calder, rvice Bureau have been cal right to inflict wounds on a Aceite verde Green Oil Lavid Dawkins, and Regluala in to defend the accused defenccless mah for picking a Brown acquired in their names ten lots; leaving aside the evil atchman Chacon and it is be few oranges which was never ved he may be seat at liberty denied the labourers on the ir tents, or perhaps it would te Para la picazón del Warranted to cure a result of the Doctors stal farm.
better to say ignorant procedure Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquinia lich, Mange, and other cf these men to have acquired Skin diseases.
these lots and have same reComezones.
rocreshe Famous After Death Transaction Sistered in their particular naty, di mes, which procedure has caus2 Just before going to press minal nature wee laid aga. Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in geltinga e were informed that the inst Jasper Francis, Egbert Búsquelo en todas Bolile on Sale in all USIVqidge of our Criminal Court Poison and Joseph Perry, penses aside from the fact that ad handed out his senten and it is with respect las Farmacias the same lawyer who is now pro Drug Stores to ceeding against the interests of e in the famous After these that the Court has now these lands, is the same lawyer 4478eath Affair. which had made known its findings.
whom we got some time agy to leen undergoing investiga Francis has been fully acTo page 12 an for more than two years quitted, but Polson and is a consequence of the pe Perry have each recived a Juliar ramifications which sentence of eight months fccurred shortly after the and to pay all the costs inSugar Quota leath of the man Charles curred in the suit.
Despite the unfavourable enjoyed themselves by dancing masennett alias Tory of the Our next week issue will weativer, the Churches have on the well prepared ground.
hout Vestfalia District.
According to a recent stacarry a fuil account of this been holding their customary On Monday last the Anglicement by the press, a telegram will be As an outcome of the in the closing phase of what pastimes.
cans followed suit, but on ac is said to have been recently ung sodestigations charges of a cri has been a notorious affair. couple weeks ago the Bap count of the dumpness of their received by the Governor of among tists had an elaborate show of Lawn, the dancers had to reJamaica, Sir Edward Denham, merri. nent on the Lawn at sort to the Parish Hall where cached to from the Secretary of State for their Church. The the sportive element displayknow numerous items in works of ed the many hits of the fan the Colonies revealing that esente Representatives of 13 maritime for the union membership and pro art and handicraft made by tastie toe to the tunes of Pro Jamaica export quota of Su re colnions with a total membership vision for a defense Against ri the ladies of the Church were fessor Yankee and his well gar has been set at 86. 000 tons by the International Sugar AIt prop from 200, 000 to 250, 000 met tavals who, it was declared are very fascinating and obtained tarined troupe of Artists.
ea dew York City last month and or working urier communistic in ready sales. The Younger folk greement signed in London.
man Dlanized the American Maritime flue. ces. even American Fedtear abouncil, which has for its avowod retion of Labour unions, and two, self. urpose thre Keeping of com the United Licensed Officers A3ean heunism out of the American ship tcciation and the Associated Ma.
ing Industry. Th, unions tek ring Workers, not affiliated with as part are all from the Atlea the Federation will compose the ed to lc and Gulf Coast and from the membership. The president of the 10 great Lakes. Lernational Long shoremen mis at the end of a bou, meeting Unioa, wag mads president of the Iain he conferees issued a statement New Council.
dging mutual support in scekIn an interview he insisted that suitable working conditions the move was not to offret the acby The Union Grand Lodge of Mechanics tivities of the CIO. There is no place on the waterfrontfor the 30OTH CIO. he said, at the same time The French Liner COLUMBE leaves Limon Thursday 16th. December announcing that the Pacific Cost arriving at Colon the following day. On the 18th. The COSTA RICA of Best jongehoremen wiuld have not part The Royal Netherlands Line leaves Colon for JAMAICA arriving in. Kingston In the Council as They already Baked December 2012 have membership in a federation The SIMON BOLIVAR leaves KINGSTON on the return trip January 4th.
Berlin that handles labor troubles. DiBread Excursionists are afforded the opportunity of spending the Christmas and vides loosely the Council will be New Year Holidays with their families and friends in the Isle of Springs and of Buns backed by 75. 000 longshoremen, witnessing the running of the Jamaica Derby at Knutsford Park where the drawBiscuits Cakes 50. 000 members of the Intelna ing for the 2, 000 Sweepstakes tokes place.
The. People Bakery tional Union of Operating Engi.
Bookings for Isi. 2nd, 3rd. Class and Deck. Start. preparations for this Box 179. Limón neers and 400. 000 mmbers of the Exceptional Opportunity ard await further Information International Seamen Union.
ecl us no end of worries and exGarden Parties and Fairs Jamaica International Maritime Drive Against Communism See The Land of Sunshine EXCURSION TO. JAMAICA can ber EATH Wife rears ATION Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguerobregon Erzeno de Sistema Nacional de


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