p. 12


Page 12 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday July 31st. 193 The NI Siquirres Property.
Guillermo Niehaus Co From page 11 tantly bought in their particu this man, on the contrary. is ty through this same Issue, and lar names without mentioning tsiking through his hat, trying o saw to it that he received une A, perhaps, be bluff a party of men who MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAI canis payment in advance, and cause the Limon Diy was not read his every intent and LIMON ich work he leaves alone to Registered at that time as an thought. It must be clearly un.
attend to the embargo on these entity, or perhaps they were derstood that was not a memsame lands; oh for the dupli tent on some innuspicious mo ter of the US. of SiCompra Cacao Material de Trant city of these lawyers, may the tive even as our fellow. man quirres at the time these men Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Vie coad Lord have mercy on their Mitchell is now bent o nacquirere sent to San Jose to pursouls.
ing some more property for the chase the lots, or else how in Importación de mercaderia en generai Returning to the query as to Limon Div. nothwithstanding tinunders could all these years Ho the School Board or Edu the fact that the Hall of liber have been using my little braincati Department got into ty is rotting down, and things power and scanty funds to help cational Board any land vaexd point as to how the pression of the portion of land generally are going to the dogs clean up their dirty work if that the lots they occupy were came in possession of these they occupy. wo iss) must again reiterate, that this were really a party to these sold to them by the then owner as the general public Silho was it that put them Division never sold the Educa deeds the men of those day3 don Basileo Acuña, who come bad understood the entire in poseession and for What pur tional Board an inch of ond were like certain men of the tome ago was drowned at art was the property of the Toses allow me to say once rather it was, and is, their desi Limon Division of today. Sirenas. Thanks. Will Mr. Mitchell no and for all, that these two lots re to buy two lots so as to bring nister. VERY INNOCEV, wit PETERSVE what is necessary so as to there sold to the Educational their school yard and camp but a single exception.
us the unpleasant situs Board by the original owner off om street to street, South East suppose Mr. Editor have Siquirro July. 1937 jndging his avowed profes the block, in the person of Don ind West When we sprak of the said enough and you will be saof the Defender of the Pasilio Acuña in the year 1920 carelessnes of Mitchell, we well tisfied, or rather the public will ED. NOTE We thank Mr in the interests of those yet che year before the above men Knows what we are talking about. te, that we did not sell the du Petgrave for illucidating the born?
tioned gentlemen of the then taff of th UNI. were sent to San José to buy for the UV IA of Siquirres the rest of ten lots, and which they ignoAND OPERATED LINES NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Los fraperos de la ciu.
COSTA RICA HORARIO PUBLIC que regirá desde el 26 de Abril de 1937 hasta nuevo avis (EL PRESENTE HORARIO ANULA TODOS LOS ANTERIORES)
sirvió para ESTACIONES Dari Denise so Laris Dei ercepto Dessings Dario tipo Dealer Diario Diario Dario Clerie he Hora More Hores Hora Here Horus More 14 30 14 40 More 00 10 Horas 10 30 10 38 15 15 15 07 mo 15 55 15 45 10 10 del trapero 14 40 14 54 15 34 154)
10 LIMON MOIN JUNCTION MOIN JUNCTION CASTRO ZENT ESTRADA 10 30 25 45 15 45 15 25 14 30 14 10 15 41 15 46 16 50 16 58 45 00 40 948 10 38 11 25 11 30 12 25 12 31 15 07 14 20 14 15 13 35 13 20 MOIN JUNCTION ESTRADA MATINA SIQUIRRES LA JUNTA GUACIMO JUNCTION GUAPILES TORO AMARILLO 14 10 13 45 12 15 11 25 13 45 13 51 Viene de la página raco el botín de horas de tra tajo continuo Observemos al trapero dis puesto a la exploración de un gigantesco saco de basura: lo contempla, palpa por fuera su contenido, se dispone a intro ducir su mano enguantada has ta donde mora la presa, lucha. forceja, tira y por fin sale a la luz un traje viejo, que en mejores tiempos cubrir las bellas formas de una statua de carne alabastrina.
Vuelve goloso a repetir la ta Tea y cada embestida es un triunfo. Hoy el negocio promete un buen rendimiento. Ia satisfacción brilla en los olos Cuidadosamente vuelve a cerrar los recipientes Tebuscados recordando la ordenanza municipal, que se le mide al ciudadano la coopera ción para mantener limpia la ciudad, mira en derredor para recoger el menor desperdicio bue haya caído fuera, y luego continúa su marcha.
En esta ciudad de los con tecimientos más extraños, de Jas grandes oportunidades y ris la realización de los sueños más imposibles, donde la fuer za de volunta) es e e que guía a la victoria, el trapero ambu Jante es hombre caído, pero no encido. Alguien puede haberle arrebatado el pas diario.
pero. quién puede penetrar en su alma para matar la bella esperanza que le anima. Por eso al marchar con su carga, mira con impavidez muy marcada el progreso de la portentosa ciudad y el último estilo de maravilla me na ute en forma de rica LI MPUSINE pasa por su lado acomodando quizá, a un Mor gan Rockefeller, gue preocupados en sus operacio nes financieras, no les interes. el color del paisaje mañazero.
Mientras que el trapero con su cabeza repleta de bellas ilusiones, defiende con tenaci dad la esperanza de un futuro más venturoso, y mira hacia el horizonte de las posibilidades, para ver por dónde asoma la esperada oportunidad por la cual vive y lucha. 30 25 18 05 18 35 15 25 16 00 16 10 40 600 50 48 11 00 12 00 12 35 13 15 13 45 14 25 14 45 15 10 15 45 600 40 15 50 15 41 55 28 55 12 31 13 30 14 00 14 28 14 50 15 08 15 36 15 55 16 22 16 45 LA JUNTA PERALTA TURRIALBA TUCURRIQUE JUAN VIÑAS SANTIAGO PARAISO CARTAGO TRES RIOS SAN JOSE HEREDIA ALAJUELA 13 20 12 24 11 53 11 25 11 05 10 46 10 20 10 05 28 00 18 45 18 10 17 37 17 14 16 54 16 29 16 17 15 45 15 15 11 25 19 10 25 35 00 23 53 35 00 30 17 15 17 40 18 10 55 30 00 Her More More Horas Horm Hores Hores More More הט RIO BANANO RAMAL DE CAIRO RAMAL DE INDIANA RAMAL DE MONTE VERDE RONCS LL DESTE RONDO ESTE ROMBO AL DESTE BEWED AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESTE ENEO NORDESTE EOMICALS Les are the (Lopar arribiles para abejo)
ESTACIONES ESTACIONES Les permite en pere delay ESTACIONES Labejo Lea Dua ESTACIONES Murte Marto Mércoles Descoles so Sie Viernes We Sibed. Sabedo solamente solemente sciente imate olemente More Hore Hores Monte More More 13 10 Bananito 50 14 00 Siquirres.
16 15 40 Dorotea 30 15 20 La Perla 14 30 14 10 Beverly 05 14 C6 La Junta 16 70 50 Carmen 820 15 55 Monteverde 14 15 14 40 Limon 30 14 11 Cairo Junction 16 05 10. 35 Siquirres. 845 paine 14 55 Golden Grove 15 20 16 10 Siquirres 14 00 Hous Hoe Hora Home CHITTENDEN, SHEEHY, SUPERINTENDENTE EERENTE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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