
de Appointed Minister of Finance The Atlantic Vaice Resignation of Lic. don Raúl Gurdián WATER FAMINE UNITED FRUIT Co. in which we feel we are jo nancial nature which have Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic ed by every resident in this Zolbrought him so forcebly to the Editor English Section: NATION me to our greatly esteemed forefront, end popular citize. don Francis His agricultural and other per Year 11 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 7th August 1937 No. 156 core Gutierrez, for his sil. sonal activities on these parts tionnsuccessor to Liedon kaulhase so brought dor Paco in Gurdian who demits the impor contact with a very large numtent and responsible office or 20 ber of our labouring class ana mister of Finance afforded him a sonal lowDon Paco belga mmier of ledge of the very unfavourable ne of our oldest and most res onditions under whcih the great The administration of Lic on been offered the position of leaving shortly after the 1501 pacted failides, we fuel that our majority are compelled to live Leon Cortes would seem unior an Attorney for the United Fruit for Japan in the capacity of an Erovince has been specially ho and strivs for an honest liviag: tunate by suffering the loss of Company Accredited Minister Plenipotend by his appointment, the re therefore feel that should the two of his Ministers within the In keeping with the arrange tiary and Extraordinary Envoy more so us he has never siаcken ccasion arise our new Minister first year or so of his regine ments which had been made on a special mission to the soud in his inte de interest for our will be better able than his pre Lic don Manuel Francisco J1 previously, don Raul will be TO PAGE economic advancement; his la accessors were to appreciate the menez resigned his position of Mi ter in this respect being his ef saime of there unfortunates in nister of Foreign Affairs some sorts in connection with the Aba sonnetio with their difficulties weeks ago when the Commeres In ustry, which we yit hope ind cause him to be much more cial Agreement with the United to see firmly established among sympathetically disposed toward States was being discussed, and This has been another week, cions in the past, similar to this, Us despite the serious obstacles their efforts for an amelioration we now find Lic. don Raul Gur of suffering for want or the but the Municipality being more til to be overcome. He repre of same.
dian has resigned his office of precious fluid. Men, women and considerate always obtained the Sented our interest in Congress at In view of the great satisfac. Minister of Finance as from the children are still to be seen help of the Railway Authorities, one time and it was during this tion wtth his appointment has 15th of the present month. The fighting around the street hy who on request have wingly period that, as a member of the produced throughout the country, re has been some opposition in drants to obtain a bucket or placed tanks of water at conveLegislature Standing Committee we sincerely hope don Francisco political quarters to certain pro two to carry out their scant do nient spots where war city residents were able to get a conon Finance, he disclose those out will have a most succes fuj term. positions of the Minister of Fi mestic duties.
nacding qualifications for nance, principally by the Presi The condition of the sewerage tant supply for their home esdent of Congress and General Systems in the homes is seme sei. The supply from the hyJorge Volio, but don Raul has thing disgraceful; the stench drants cannot be relied on and given as his reason for his re which arise from time to time that which is obtained isi at signation the fact that his pri is unbearable and one can nar times hardly fit for use in flush vate affairs require his immedia aly eat on account of shis ef ing the sanitary conveniences te attention. He has, it is said. fluvia. There have been. being the muddy sediment som the flooded river SERVICIO DE VAPORES Defective Lighting.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA Poor Limon. the only thing that can be had is Air and even this is contaminated by the efLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS In keeping with the efforts we ments, the Engineers, too, who fluvia arising from the unilushEUROPEOS AMERICANOS have from time to time made to are sent to measure the denounced sewerage; it is really sortubring to the attention of our reed lots do not consult the neigh nate that an epidemie has not ders all happenings in cnnction bours who have been there bero yet occurred as a consequence VAPORES SALIDAS with che tenancy of the landste, hence when the dew proprie of the ob xio state of our which have been delivere: ti the tor goes to take charge he en sanitary system. QUIRIGUA Agosto Minister of Fomento and Agricul cousters much difficulties from Our Lighting arrangemen for PETEN ture by the United Fruit Corpa those who have been for many are also still defective, as Agosto 15 ny according to the terms of the previous years in occupation, more than a week now cur VERAGUA Agosto 22 surret Banana Concession, we The Minister having been in streets, homes and commercial 20w give tirs following as the. formed of the errors which are placer hat been in darkness: test on the subject being committed in these at the present time we are being resF. ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
According to the law which waspects, has ordered that denounce afforded a half power supply.
We are without any information specially inaugurated to dentments shall only be carried as to the with these lands a fixed period through reason why this Onuncultivated WoodAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas, should be 30.
vas given the occupiers, regarded lands. This will permit those who Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United as having preference by their os have really acquired a right of No Water, No Light, No Fire Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica supancy and cultivations, in which possession to the cultivated por to apply for the conti suance ctions to legaliz, their claims and What a coincident that siTELEFONO 3156 cheir tenancy. Many of the par woid being victimize by much multaneous with the shortage dis inteersted did not submitnctions.
of water and the fauity lighting.
ther applications in the oipulat Readers will now appreciate there should also be a scarcity ed time, so the Minister extend the efforts of the Atlantic Vol of Charcoal for cooking purd same, but, unfortunately as co to bring these conditions for poses. What with the incessant rains we have been experiencthe majority who are in occupa cthly before the Minister, who.
tion are coloured persons, who does will be seen, is most sympa.
ing, the majority of the planas or kilns have become so sodden There farm Tenorio in the Proustry. The entire property wil, ot read Spanish and are not acthetic to the small cultivator and that they cannot be vince of Guanacaste. with art is said, be brought under cul quainte dwith the details of this ready to protect the rights of operated: area of 17. 000 hectarean handvation of various plants adapt matter at issue, they have ro industrious workers against the our coal mercants have therebeen sold by the National Banks to the climate of this counfulfilled the requirements of the schemes of thosewho only and a fore been unable to supply their patrons thus intensifying DUT to the Refuges Economic Corpory. An up to date hotel is law in this respect, several a. pour to get hold of something for sufferings. If we were ration of Delaware for the sun. o be con? ructed on the lands plications are therefore being pre nothing.
having our usual supply of electricity.
of 55, 000 dollars.
ds well as dwellings for the ac sented by natives. The Jeres Po Those who are interested should the lack of fuel for our kitchens This Corporation has been ap commodation of settlers; an avia uticos generally sign these ap make early applications, as they would not be felt so keenly, but parently inaugurated by Germanation ground will also be laid out plications without satisfying them will have no one to blame bet no electricity, no water and no in the Unit. States for the pur We are accordingly, having both selves of the existing occupancy hemselves if they lose their right coal creates a very difficuit slpose of settling German families a Japanese and a German settle and the prejudicial results which to continue in occupation through tuation for all more particularly who have emigrated from the ment.
would follow such enounce their carelessness or ignorance, our housewives.
To Occupiers Of Government, Lands More Foreign Colonization Grand Excursion to Panama The Motor Ship BOCAS DEL TORO Leaves Limón on the 16th. August and returns on the 27th.
Cost of Round Trip. 1st. Class 12. 00. 2nd. Class 00 James Nelson Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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