
The Fate of Palestine Before The Law Courts TWEEDS SERGES Jews are daiming that accord sources within the first ENGLISH three VICUNAS The decision of Great Britaining to the promises made them months of 1937 and 3, 000 Jewish FLANNELS to divide Palestine into three by Britain the country should be Doctors hav: emigrated from Ger parts. one third for the Aratheirs. As Lloyd George remind many durin gthe four years at EVERY ARTICLE FULLY GUARANTEED blans, on third for Jewish Tefa ed Parliament, it was Jewish mo Nazi regime, while there are yet gées from Germany, Poland and ney that won the great war for 8, 000 who are boycotted by the the other countries in which their the Allies, therefore their inte non Jewish populace there. Jewat JACK ORANE STORE pirations are declared offensivo rests should be safeguarded. Brith Organizations in Berlin. lave ind one thi fo: British prote tain attention has also been cal. announced their main task durLIMON son of the monate. is caused to the fact that, according ing this year will be to encour ins 30tisfaction The to the treaty negocinted by Presage further emigration of Jews ident Coolidge. with her in 1934. ish doctors.
the United States became a Parly to the Agreement to establish Fulfilment of Prophecy Palestin as a Jewish homeland Aews not song the It provided that nothing containment of the prophecy of Ezekiel The Penshurst Murder Case shield struck the policeman there is mm no bains then in ad in the present Convention when God took him into the Vale with: he was thereupon struck to state of mind to transact, shall be affected by any mo y of Dry Bones and asked him.
As we related in an earlier is the ground and while there the As stated in our last issue, the ention which may be made in the Can thes, dry bones live? To sue, our District Medical Officer, wound was inflicted. It is there Criminal Judge found Poiron and terms of the mandate unters such which the Prophet wirely repl.
Dr. Ruben Umaña, having sub fore left to be seen what view the Perry guilty of making such sale modification shall have been allo Thou knowest, Oh Lord mitted a report that the man Criminal Judge will take of the after Bennett had died, and senanted to by the Usite stats. God. And as an interpretation Nathan Cousins did not die from situation and decide if a police tenced them both to eight months As there are five million Jews of the condition of Israel through the effects of the wounds inblic in the execution of his duty is imprisonment in San Lucas dedue in the United States, two mil thes many centuries, there was ted on him by the Watchman justified chopp ng off a prisoting the days the ywere held in lion of whom reside in New York a great noice and an earthquake; Chacon, but from the excessive ner hand when making an ar safekeeping in the Carcel here City, the Pro. Palesting Federa then the bones came together application of Ether at the Hos rest, more so when such a pris pending Ball. As also mentioned, ton of Amercia has asked Presi bone to his bon. and nah enpital which his lungs were unoner has no other weapon on him Francis was exonerated from all dont Roosevelt and Secretary of me upon them; and at God able to stand they having been than a bit of leather, or whether blame in the tranraction. Polson State Hull to use their good of word the breath came into them affected by an attack of pneumo the police should endeavour to and Perry have appealed ces with Britain for the purpose and they ived and tool upon nia, the Limon Service Bureau, ſoverpower his prisoner by other This case lasted for two years of maintaining Palestine as e re their feet as exceding great an the Solicitors for the defense of means especially, as in this case, and two monttis, meantime there rugs and a home for JewrThe my. Then said the Lord shall Chacon pleaded for an acquittat. where there was present a wit were many incidents. Perry em delegation pointed out that We are in a posiiton to stateness named Wilson also said to bargoed the properties and live terms of the Palestine non tato sad cause you to come out of the open your graves Oh my people that the charge of murder has be Rural Police allotted from stock of the deceased, as per his with the League of Nations was our grave, and bring you into been withdrawn by the Criminal Hone Creek to the same planta supposed purchase, also Francis Investigator and one of wound tion.
stock and automobile as guaran. mutilated to the detriment of the now that am the Lord.
in danger of being modified or the Land of Israel; and ye shall ing with a deadly weapon with The After Death Sale tee against costs. Then Bennett Jewish homeland and in violation In God own time, in conecintent instituted. The pleadings daughter opened the mortual or of the Treaty with the United Station with the return of Israel for the accused still ask for an In this case Polson, asker deceased father and the acquittal on the ground that, as Solic tor for Joseph Perry, and goods and chattels emgargoed by consideration without official comme Lnnd and others who are cum tes. The plea was taken under Messiah, both those who are a Police and Watchman in the Jasper Francis were indicted for Perry were turned over to the exccution of his duty, he acted uttering false documents purpor rother of the girl as Executrix in ment.
it will be turned to the in self defence when attacked by ting to say that Charles Bennett the Estate, some of the belongAccording to the Palcor Agen Lord, for God continues His pro the deceased clias Tory had sold his belongings of Bennett such as cy, thy number. of Jewish rei phecy to Ezekiel: And shall The evidence prove that both ings to Perry before his death: pigs, boat and sgine were how dents in Palestine up to 1936 was put Afy Spirit in you and ye shall men wrestled in the attempt to and Francis for having bought ever sold during the interval.
104, 000. In that year the popala ive, and shall place you in your arrest and Cousins seized the such belongings from Bennett Polson defended himself and tlon grew by 37. 113; immigra own land; then shall machete with which he was while in hospital, the proceeds to! Perry with the aid of Lie don tion being responsible for 29. 71 Chat the Lord hath poken it struck and after drawing off the be paid to Bennett daughter the Santiago Duran, while Liedon while excess in births over drath and performs it. Albino Villalobos conducted the produce 17, 729. The more than There are asurely the signs to a successful issue for 000 residents wilo harpened to of the Times Francis, be abroad at the time of the count were not included.
Death of Claudius Ewing In consequence of all this or Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Cirujano Dentista Ameorican American Surgeon Dentist position, it is expected that this D: la Universidad de Loyola.
Lawyer Notary Public From Lovola University, New At the enquiry into the facts partitioning of Palestine will be New Orleans, EE. UU.
Orleans, US surrounding the death of Clau abandone! though dius Ewing, who was killed by a knows exactly what the Royal Office: Ofrece sus servicios Offers his Professional train at Liverpool, the widow and Commission will recommend, profesionales en su son of the deceased entered a pleathe great difficulty being to reAdjoining to the City Services in his New Up. of carelessness as the cause of moderna Clínica Dental cure the pacification of the tur. Public Library to Date Dental Clinic. death against the Engineer and bulant tab tribes who have instalada contiguo a la English Spoken crew of the train, they have, in, been inhabiting the country. durLocated nex to the oficina del Cable.
consequence, been indicted by the ing the absence of the Jews All American Cables Criminal Investigator, Former Judge of the Limon total of 166 Jews entertd District Court Palestine from various Europa In the Alcaldia de Siquirres in yelinow case Dr. MEDAL Jr.
no one Mexico Objects to Highway Posters LIMON TRADING COMPANY It is noted that the Alcalde of S9000608609 CCOCO0. 000. 10. 000. 600. 650. 0006, Siquirres has been dismissed from offee and that the Secreta LEXICO All advertising gerations, Foreign influence is ry, don Pedro Pablo Boza, carposters along th: higways of Me blamed for their rapid increase in ries on until his successor assuxico have been ordered removed recent years.
mes duties, by the Secretary of the depart The Confederation of National LUMBER YARD ment of Communications and Pub Chambers of Industry and Com.
Deshaucio of Shaw He Works merce has asked that the use of This is a case brought against the above The posters have been condemn the posters be regulated instead of named in which he We have opened a Lumber Yard ei on account of being menaces being summ:r lly prohibited, was asked to be dislodged from where we carry in stock a complete to traffic as was scenic distia piece of land he occupies as a tenant on Schonfeld, the proper assortment of all kinds of Native Hasta para evitar que haya rrás gente sin trabajo ing Corporation of 28 Miles, for ty of the Agricultural and Build Lumber. Special sizes to order.
debemos comprar non payment of rent.
We also have Portland Cement, RoofThe first Alcaide before whom ng, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenthe was. when Shaw contended he was owner of the tine and all other building materials.
En planillas de obreros y empleados plot having been in undisputed del Hospital y del Asilo se distribuyen ana unmolested possession for Send in your orders Miles de colones cada mes years, decidca that while he was satisfied the land LIMON TRADING COMPANY Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL belongs to the Corporation, some consideration should be granted Limon Division y ayude a evitar que hayu Shaw, therefore he should be dis más crisis y necesi de meliores documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas LOTERIA NACIONAL The First Alcaide before whom over ten


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