
Japanese Cotton Farmers Arrive The Doctor Max Peralta Mixture THE VOGUE EXCURSION TO PANAMA JOHN ROGERS Most Significant Circular REFRIGERADORAS SPARTON From latest advics. It is ob has obtained its rapid and great popularity by having scrvod that the Japanese are decured on immense number of persons who suffered termined to establish Intense op from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These now rations in this country to back Ladies and Gents Tailoring gratefully recommend it to all who suffer from such up the prosperts of their com complaints as mercial agreements.
For Style Character Costiveness, Foul Breath, Headaches, Th: Federation of Exporters 2) Industrialists have secured and Good Taste.
Loss of Appetite, Skin Eruptions, Nausea, concern to lay out a motle!
Biliousness or Indigestion farm on the Pacific cice with If you want the experience of permission to trace nine of their experts in cotton cultivation wearing a real smart outfit, come along ththir families. These along to will be accompanied by experien e agriculturists who had ben Mr. Nelson Excursion, or the spell which has kept Pa o anama is booked to leave nama the forbidden ground to residing in Peru and engaged in zimular occupation. The opening ere on the 16th Instant. All obs coloured tourists.
LIMON up of this farm is for the purtacles have been overcome in It will be remembered that pose of inthusing our people with o far as the landing of the xcursionista on Panamanian Fresident Arocemena, when visi the principles of cotto produmerritory and their remaining ting Jamaica shortly before he Lion Ladies say he is adept al making To here for a few days is concer took his seat, promised the de The Trade Commissioner, who Coats, Costumes, Breeches, Etc.
led. Permission has been obtal legation who interviewed him visited us some months ago, inied from the Minister of Foreil in that Island, that he would forme the government that Jan Affairs that the coloured use his influence to get the law pan can buy all the Cotton we Courists can spend the time in so modified that Jamaicans can produce, hence the rearon for ur sister Republic without let could go to Panama on vacation making this start to educate tho hindrance. Through Mr. Nel for short periods. We seem to be se who are interested in this line Mr. Cordell Hull, the Secreta quently feel authorized to make on instrumentality, assisted by seeing the fulfilment of that of agriculture as to the manneti ty of State for the United Sta a declaration in reality, conhe intervention of Mr. Rogelio promise.
in which it should be cultivated tes of America, hag addressed the sider it a cuty to make it, haysutierrez, this is the breaking reaped, packed and chipped fo lowing letter to all the lega ing regard to the position of this tions of that progressive coun government in connection with try to be brought by th before the international problems and ac all the nations of this hemisphe uations for which the United Sta re The letter speaks for itset tes feel a profund inquietude. From different sourozs have The United States has C015received suggestions and ques tantly and consistently wished the tions. It is undeniable that in a Peace of the world. We wish nadetermined number of nations tional und international restricthere exists tensions and violence tions for every nation in the use FRIO SILENCIOSO COMO UNA which, although apparcrkly in of force in the exercise of their NOCHE INVERNAL tended to only involve their im politics and their intervention in mediate neighbours, are yet, on the internal affairs of others. We MAXIMO DE EFICACIA a final analysis, found to eater desire settlement of internatio al PRECIOS MODICOS cain leas for ultimately involv problems by means of pacific neng the entire world. Any situa gocłations and agreements, and we La única con el Rejol Encantado Desconge in which indicate sarmed hosti rh th: faithful observanie of lador que deshiela automáticamente cada Les o a threat toward hosti international pacts, maintaining 24 horas la Kefrigeradora, evitando un trabajo molesto y asegurando el mayor It e is a situation which may the principles of the sanctity of seriously affect the rights of all all Treaties. We beli:ve in the mo rendimiento.
ratio is.
dification of such pacts and treaWhen serious hostilities existties, when the necessity arises, in any part of the world, it is by a methodical process, brorght CINCO ANOS DE GARA. TIA impossible that they should not to a happy end by an endeavour in one way or the other, affect for a complete accommodation AGENTES EXCLUSIVOS the interests, rights and obliga and mutual help.
AVELINO DE LA PENA Co. Sucs. tions of this coun Ironse We believe that all nations LIMON should respect the rights of each other and each fulfilling its tablishe obligations. We stand for the vitalization an estrengWee. Le thening of International Law. We Due to the unfortunate death and esteemed employee of the the community as Mr. Yglesias wish the decrease or suspansion of don Edgardo Yglesias, as re Bank and his kindness and cour aid. Our new Manager held a si ported in our last week issue. tesy to all with whom he came milar position in Alajuela where ESTRADA of excessive barriers to internatio don Jorge Zeledon Venegas has in contact endeared him to he made many friends as a re Abarrotes y Licores nal commerce, and we ask of all nations been appointed his suceessor ay every one Limon has lost one of sult of his geniality to all clasthe application of the Artículos del País Manager of the Branch of the Na ter most appreciated citizens. ses: this therefore principles of equality of treatbespeaks tional Bank located in this city. It is sincerely hoped that Mr. much success for him in this Precios Economics ment.
Don Edgardo, who is much Zeledon will endear himself to his now sphere of labour.
LA IBERIA As we are in accord with the mourned, was a most affable necessit yof maintaining adequata armed forceg for national safety, We are prepared to reduce or augment our forces in proportion to the reductio o increas3 which other countries may make.
We do not desire, and We wi. timese avod entering into Enllanyes or complicated compromises, but we Believe in the endeavour to Cooperate by practical pacific tystems in the Interests of the prita Según Dr. Rich Weiss, las tabletas el preparado hormonal ciples herein enunciated.
para mujeres, según Dr. Rich Weiss Sidase literatura No comment is necessary the activated gland hormone preparation, successfully fried (Women take FERTILINETS. the activated procreative the aims of such a laudable comout by hundreds of thousands of men against male munication; and we cacnot but gland hormone preparation against frigidity, clineurasthenia, mental and bodily exhaustion.
macteric and menstrual disturbances. applaud the sincere intentions of good will and fraternal exhorta PIDALO en todas las BOTICAS y SOLICITE PROSPECTOS y MUESTRAS a los AGENTES EXCLUSIVOS tions of this great country in the interests of Peace.
May InviFEUILLEBOIS. CARVALHO APPEL duals realize the important les APARTADO No. 329 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA TELEFONO No. 4478 son taught by so bright an example.
DIEZ MODELOS Our New Bank Manager SALOMON CHIN En manifestaciones prematuras de la vejer En apariciones prematuras de la vejez tómese Viilinets Fertilinets on Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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