
Seventh Day Adventism Defended Lawn Party and Fair is of ALLAN SIME denomination New Orleans and the Mosquito Resignation of Lic don.
The inclemency of the weat, lowing night but the showers The Editor the Atlantic Voice cults mentioned, and form no, der his observation not only in her frustrated the plans or the again made the attempt a fallu Dear Editor part of our creed.
Jamaica but also in the far Perusing your issue of the As a denomination we take East. He stated that Foresters who had arranged to re.
hold a gigantic Party and Fair The members of the Order 31st Ult. was attracted by an the Bible as our Standard, and denomination was engaged in a 23 article captioned New Colt stand firmly for all the princi great work for the uplift of hu on the plot of ground adjacent though a bit disappointed, are In Limon in which reference ples of God Word.
the store of the Limon Trading by no means dismayed and are determined to carry was made to several undesinCompany am sorry that lack of space off the Permit me to present a few ble cults operating in the coun prevents a statement of the fun statistics for the information of night but the rains drove the vius appears more favourably It was opened on Monday function as soon as Jupiter Elu try, and Seventh Law Adventists damental beliefs of the writer and those who may the depreciatingly referred to pleasure seekers home. It erhaps the writer does not be misled by his statements.
was disposed to their ideas, 35 one of these which contribute kncy that the denomito have been continued the fol Seventh Day Adventists car to nothing to the spiritual weifare nation is known and respected ry on mission work in 325 counthe community, and the all over the world. In this sta tries and islands in 539 languaG1 uplift of humanity.
tement make no reference to ges, oral and written; and have am prepared, as a minister any side issues which have bro in all 27. 017 evangelists, doctors and teaof this denomination, to refute ken away from the parent body nurses, colporteurs, these statements which are en such as Free chers. They maintain 131 sanita LIMON, COSTA RICA riums, hospitals, dispensaries tirely misleading and present in Some time ago the officer and treatment rooms: 2, 344 importación a false light Adventists and then administering the affairs Imports and Exports Is their doctrines, and proves that of the government of Jamaica, schools enrolling 97. 742 students, and 69 publishing houses, the writer is utterly ignorant (Hon Jelf) was asked to Exportación issuing gospel and health litera oal of them, and their work. preside at the laying of a corture in 169 languages.
Let me say in the first place ner. stone of one of our churDepósito de Madera Lumber Deposit that the doctrines of Adventism ches being erected in that island terly adopted baptism is a seThe statement they have latare in no way connected with In the course of his address, he Compra de Cacao en rious misrepresentation and the superstitious and debasing spoke in glowing terms of the grano Cocoa Purchased shows the danger of making sta teachings of certain of these work of as it came untements without information The doctrine of baptism has been an intergal part of the tea chings of this from its inception almost a oen Importanie Conocer According to Dr. Bet dent is of the opinion that maImportant Netice tury ago. No one was ever admitted to their communion wit chelor, Superintendent of the Ci laria can be entirely eradicated hout baptism ty Board of Health, if New Or from New Orleans in the same Aceite verde Green Oil In conclusion let me give this leans would stop raising her own way as yellow fever was driven excellent advice found in Thes mosquitos, there would be an und out if residents wil Itake to clean 5:21 Prove all things hold fast of the difficulty at present being ing up their yards and to watchexperienced ing that their neighbours do theirs that which is good. and that Para la picazón del Warranted to cure we should always in our stateSince the year 1935, the Board too.
Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña Itch, Mange, and other ments exercise charity and fair of Health is said have employ Comezones.
Skin diseases.
ness, and respect for the feelings, an average regular force of of others forty men in its fight against the Cómpralo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gettinga Yours for the sake of fairness mosquitos. 200. 000 inspections From page and truth Boltle on Sale in all were reported to have been made Búsquelo en todas of more than 120, 000 premises vernment of that country, las Farmacias he Drug Stores Limon Aug. 4th 1937 during the same period.
will be accompanied by don ka Frank Fletcher The Health Board Superinten mon Madrigal the well known merchant and agriculturist. As Railroad Travellers Further we previously mentioned he goes to the Eastern Empire to beco Facilitated me better a3quainted with its industrial activities in view of We understand that the ad came Branch after making con the country desire to intensify There was ancther with drawn were able to declare the ground ditional passenger and freight necdcn with the 11 tain at her commercial relations game last Sunday between the fit for play Service which our Railroad Ma the Guacimo Junction.
Patofinders and the famous The Pathfinders faced the nagement brought into effect PARISMINA BRANCH This Wanderers.
cvling of the terrific trundler ome weeks ago is produe Branch given a special serviAs usual, it rained during the of the Wanderers, and Captain ing most satisfactory results. ce cach Wednesday when, after previous night and the morn Dixon opening pair the benefit of those connecting with the N11 at broke most unpropitiou:ly. buttained us with a grand display who may not be fully acquain the Junction, a mixed or pasGLACIMO GUAPILES by nine o clock the sun shone of sound batting. Tey treated ted with these new movements senger and freight train runs to forth in all its Splendour and all the best bowling alike and we give the following: Rio all points 0the ground, with careful prepa showed they were quite comior Frio Branch train which DOWY MATINA BRANCH Cantina, Licores ration, gave hopes of a ganze.
table to every thing. By carniul connects with the 7 at Gua After connecting with the No. Extranjeros y del país The players togan mustering play and timely placing the cimo Junction runs along this and 10 a train runs along this Tienda bien surtida chortly after the noon hour partnership was not broiten un branch every Sunday taking Branch each Thursday taking and by one o clock the Umpires til 37 runs had been obtained. pas. engers ONLY. on each Wed passengers and freight for all Abarrotes en general It was here that the tact of necray a mixed or passenger and points to Gosohen Spur Switch Precios sin competencia Pones, Big Boy and Tas began freight train alto traverses this and Goschen Spur only to be felt as the other une wickets could only produce forty one runs or just four more than the score of the first pair. The inning closed at 78.
The Wanderers then went to the Bat, and at the call of time LIMON had only made 56 for wickets, Lord Harrisé ro team were thus barely saved Fábrica de Hielo being defeated by the Youngsters.
y Refrescos Tomorrow the Construction will engage the Excelsior, Tr Captain Sutton, with his usual geod judgment, can succeed in The French Liner COLUMBE leaves Limon Thursday 16th December keeping down the ambitions of arriving at Colon the following day. On the 18th. the COSTA RICA of the Builders under Captain the Royal Netherlands Line leaves Colon for JAMAICA arriving in Kingston Reid, he will then have a fair December 201h.
LA FLORIDA chance of retaining his favourThe SIMON BOLIVAR leaves KINGSTON on the return trip January 4th.
ed position of Championship for Excursionists are afforded the opportunity of spending the Christmas and 1938: if he does not, it will be a Fábrica de Hielo New Year Holidays with their families and friends in the Isle of Springs and of toss up between hiin and witnessing the running of the Jamaica Derby at Knutsford Park where the drawVenta de Leche colt, Captain Dixon, with equal ing for the 2, 000 Sweepstakes takes place.
points and a similar number of Bookings for Isı. 2nd. ord. Class and Deck. Start preparations for this Maderas games to play. This match will Exceptional Opportunity ord await further Information.
consequently be a very decisive one and is anxiously awaited.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Cricket News us.
LUIS WA CHONG cntar For COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY See The Land of Sunshine eהוה EXCURSION TO JAMAICA by The Union Grand Lodge of Mechanics FLORIDA ICE AND FARM.


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