
The Atlantic Vaice Mr. Paco Gutierrez as Secretary of Finance domestie life of our community, and in cannot be some Our Third Anniversary With our last week issue we completed the third year of our journalistic existence, during which period we have endeavoured to labour inDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic tensively for the progress of the Province of Limon and, incidentally, the betterment of our beloEditor English Section: NATION ved country.
From time to time we have brought to the Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 141h. August 1937 No. 157 attention of the government, the Municipal authorities and the officials of the Railway Company matters of import improving the economic. it gainsayed that much good has been It is seldom, exceedingly influence to push her inte This government, such as are seldom, that this Province rests? However, we note a in harmony with the aspira by our representations. There is, however, much ver comes into its own by; change is taking place, tions of our commercial and more to be achieved in the interests of our comlight of merit. No matter much of this is being left in industrial magnates, should munal life, and to this end the Atlantic Voice How deserving a cause might the hands of one man, Pre do so without creating und pledges her very existence to advocate and plead se, so long as it is for the sident Leon Cortes, hence, we pressure on or failing to until we shall have obtained our desires.
enefit of Limon and her in justice to the fitness, pre sive proper consideration to While thanking our Patrons for the generous ons the idea is shelved and paration and qualifications the strenuous situations in wreference given elsewhere. of Mr. Francisco de Paula which the labouring popu assistance they have afforded us during the past The reasons are, of cour Gutierrez, he has named lation of his land ore to be three years, we wish to remind them that we intse, patent although we are him one of his Executive Ofmet.
end during the year we todav commence to make ipt at the offset to blame ficers in no less a position How many revolutions have this their paper a veritable work of journalistic The government for the ap than that of Secretary of not originated from parent abandonment. Of the the Excheguer.
Larsh devise emanating art, by which their very best interests will be proCorty three representatives The Office of administer from the Department of the trayed and driven into the thoughts of our offiin Congress Limon has buting the financial affairs of Exchequer and adopted by cials and others who are in a position to ameliowo, and when a proposal any Sovereign State is reco the Chief Executive? rate or prevent sufferings. As this, however, cans placed before that Body gnized as the most impor We feel, in regard to the not be successiully achieved without their most the interest of let us say tant of all the portfolios in above, that don Paco occu instense co operation, we are relying on them, as San Jose, Heredia or Ala the political Cabinet. Such pies an exemplary position well as on all our clients, not only for a contizuela, we usually find it an Officer must devise ways of equanimity among all fac fupported by their influen and means for providing tors of our community. He nuance of their support but for a more spirited Lial friends and a oneness of the funds necessary for the has from his youth up been propaganda to widen the scope of the Journal. It Feeling exhibited by the re dignified satisfaction of ever ever mindful of the needs of should be remembered that «La Voz del Atlanpresentatives of such prov department of public servi the labouring man and at tico is the only Voice every resident in this Zone aces. What chances of suc ce. This Officer, when im his own cost he has learnt has of readily reaching the ears of our President Ness can poor Limon have? posing rates of revenue to that on them depends here are her friends of cope with the obligations of and his Executives, as also the only means by To page which the Corporations operating in our midst may be effectively approached; hence it is to the inierest to make propaganda to Those interested in the oc pensed by this department, pursuits. Our Banks We invite our youths to a greater use of the have upancy of the lands of the is certainly not in accord forgiven scores of their cas opportunity afforded them by contributing articles Milla Marima must certain with the professions of in tomers to whom they had with suggestions for the intellectual, social, domesis congratulate the Proprie government for the encou loaned thousands and thou tic and economical betterment of our Province; or of this Journal for his ragement of our agriculturai To Page 11 and we look forward to a higher standard of coCine editorial in last week operation for the successful attainment of our Issue relative to the harsh The War in the Far East general desires during the coming year.
measures being by the government Finance DeAs the result of her refin so far as the free compartment in dealins witi the poor settlers. He reite pan is now in occupation of ed.
cent military operations Ja merce of China is concern NICARAGUA To Impose Tax To frates the Gordon incient, the entire Northern section Fight Locust Plague Even the elements seem whereby an erstwhulo good of China and in consequen to have signified their procitizen was made a criminal MANAGUA, Nicaragua. between the ages of 18 and Ce of this the Powers of Eu test against the invasion; an. At the request of the Mi 60 with which to combat.
by similar harsh treatment rope have notified her that enormous cyclone is report nister of Agriculture, Con the locust plague, which by those in authority.
they will not tolerate any ted to have destroyed all the gress is enacting atax of 40 threatens to wipe out the The treatment being dis infringement of their rights frailways and roads in this cents each on all the male cereal and other crops and part of China, carrying away inhabitants of the republic (To Page 10 all bridges, etc. thereby blocking Japan of transporting troops and sup plies.
The United States of America has also signified her disapproval of the proSERVICIO DE VAPORES jected subjugation of ChiOur Lands of the Milla Maritima formulate a greater reading public means UNITED FRUIT Co.
Apa na Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA Hamburg. Amerika Linie Mexico Accuses Germany and Italy CORDILLERA AGOSTO 23 PARA PTO. BARRIOS (Guatemala)
AGOSTO 28 QUIRICUA LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS EUROPEOS AMERICANOS MEXICO CITY. Vicente roleVAPORES SALIDAS dano, Head of Mexico Radical Confederation of Labour, sensational statement to his or PETEN Agosto 15 ganization, charged that Ger VERAGUA Agosto 22 many and Italy are plotting to launch an armed fascist move.
Agosto 29 ment in Mexico. He intimated that a second Spanian Civil PARA EUROPA War on North American soil is Via Cristóbal ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
being planned, and that certain di gruntled Mexican Gen Agentes para Limon erals, Politicians, Industrialists Puntarenas.
y and large landowners are corPara otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United niningwith Fermany and Italy Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica The flery leader of the country most powerful labour OrAGENCIA COSTA RICA TEI EFONO 3156 ganization accused Germany Avenida Central Teléfono 2086 and Italy of shipping large To page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    GermanyInvasionItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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