
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday August 14th. 1937 To Combat Venereal Carriers REFRIGERADORAS SPARTON The Department of Public Ipanions are inoculated.
Health has instituted These dangerous social cicstrong campaign in San Jo ments must in future report se against those Birds of to the Sanitary department passage who move from ho for medical examination tel to hotel for the purpo just the same as the licensses of prostitution carrying ed parties.
with them the germs of se This much needed ruling philis by which their com shall we hope soon be adopi ed in this Province. There 30OTH are scores of these persons who roam around our villa ges and farms infecting our Best youths and causing them to Baked become unfit for labour as Berlin also a source of danger to Bread the innocent members of Buns their homes. Our Police staBiscuits Cakes tioned along the lines kuow these highflyers and should The. People Bakery point them out for examinaP. Box 179. Limon tion so as to combat the spread of this awful plazue.
FRIO SILENCIOSO COMO UNA NOCHE INVERNAL MAXIMO DE EF. CACIA PRECIOS MOD:COS La única con el Rejol Encantado Descongelador, que deshiela automáticamente cada 24 horas la Refrigeradora, evitando un trabajo molesto y asegurando el mayor rendimiento.
LIN 08 The Identification Pictures le Nuevo Depósito de Maderas Matter of Electricity AD Importante Conocer Important Netice The latest fad being pursued, the clock; but on the sound of of Police, get enapped and by various nations for the the whistle denoting the lunch informed when and where Aceite verde Green Oil cognition of their citizens libour, the order vuelve mana call for the diploma of honou causing much irritation, ther na is issued and on the mor instead of having such larg being those who feel greatly row the same procedure occurs numbers of our male citizen humiliated that the mode of se the writer has endeavoured from all points of the town Para la picazón del Warranted to cure curing official status should be to act snapped on three occasi well as from Zent, Estrada, Cuerpo, Sorna, Rasquiña lich, Mange, and other by means of numbers rather ons all to no purpose. Hence the tina and even Siquirrez and 13 Comezones than names as designed by the man who is not yortunate in trella, all jumbled in one plad Skin diseases.
Supreme Author of all things. being a monthly employee, but with 30 much loss of time. Th We are aware that prisoners has to earn his livelihood by the present system is most ugere Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gettinga are usually assigned numbers by push and sweat of his own brainvating and it is hoped our Go Búsquelo en todas Boltle on Sale in all which they are recognized dur and brow finds it most annus vernor will suggest to the ortid las Farmacias Drug Stores ing the period of their confinement; but that men should, in these post. war days, be photographed with an unseemly number appearing in front of them seem going the limit more Gámez y Xirinach so as the criminal carries his on (Antes de José Fernández his back while the law abiding For more than five years the last ruling of the Boua the citiben hasi todo so cn his chest. Antiguo local de la Fábrica de Refrescos de Casanova Naticnal Board wito control the Company General Alanager, However, as the world of men rates chargeable by the Compa Mr Reed, proposed that the seem more criminally inclined Donde encontrará surtido completo nles supplying electricity for matter be referred to a forcign in these days than heretofore, lighting and power purposes technique but this has been re. we must peacefully and humb de maderas, a precios sin competencia have been having serious discusiected by the Board by submit ourselves to the rusions with the Compania Luz The dispute is being watched lings and whims of those when Aserradero propio en Toro Amarillo. LIMON Fuerza of San Jose rega ding with intense interest as the low we have placed in power to gal the rates at which these faciliering of these rates tena io les de our national destinies.
Di ties should be supplied the pu sen the co of living.
The most annoying phase of biic. Rather than submit to the the matter is the loss of time leave his occupation for ing and irritating to have to pal sections of our communito the be divided into districts 30 thalati and the inconveniences cause place of execution to rind there the residents of each locality si by this new arrangement 10 Govt: Acquire Famous In gatire vein a great concourse of subiects can await the date fixed for the com when the family of mankind and after going through the arrival of the functionary in Munition Plant Birds of a feather may flock has been further initiated. The deal of meekly waittag and their midst rather than b21)
27 together but in a burlesque one man who has been assigned murmuring not is ad tried more forced to come into town wit of LONDON The machine show birds of a feather acually the duty of taking these recogs austerely than sympathetica y the loss of probably three day shops ofthe famous Vickers flock to the police station.
nition pictures in this city is to come back tomorrow on before being able to camy dº Armstrong Munitions Company ways be eiged by a large crowd. the tomorrow the camera is mark of distinction among men have been purchasby the Husband. So you are amus. If one should be a well known perthance a bit out of order.
British Government. The shops led because tried to be care citizen or is the beaser of a note dispuesto and not ine ned to from some Institution or coin will be converted into a muni while on that ladder and armasi work while another Lomorrow tions factory to speed up tie broke my neck as the result.
mercial Corporation he is given finds the photographer sick and for British imrearmament programa: Wife. could not help istigh preference, his number is unable to carry on me. Only the shops at Scotsing my dear, but you must be mediately strapped on and flap wood. on. tyne, Northumber sure to be more careitl the next time yet hidden in the womb of be divided into sections and the he is sent to wait that period of May we suggest that she town COMERCIANTE por más de 20 años labdshire, are involved time you attempt the clinb.
Establecido en la Provincia ta officialdom whem this new de officer carry out the ceremony Vende al detal, Vinos y LI coration into the rank3 of in each area on certain stipulat cores extranjeros y del pais, Knighthood shal have been deed days according to the size of abarrotes en general.
PI veloped, polished and delivered the population. For instasce she MISCELANEA into the office of the distribu residents of Jamaica Town OT 5stablecimiento esquina ting Agency, there to await, not Cieneguita could meet the ofite Norte LUS del Mercado the general resurrection, but the er in the office of the Agents!
Entre 40 by The Union Grand Lodge of Mechanics pleasure of the individual who er Commanding that the princiis allotted to dole out this New Name. The busy merchar. par clerk or other person, has perUE sw The French line COLUMBE leaves Limon Thursday haps to close his place of busin 16th December arriving at Coloa the following day. On the 18th.
ess to go to the Office of the the COSTA RICA of the noval Netherlands Line leaves CoHarbour Master where this phoLed lon for JAMAICA arriving in Kings on December 20th: tograpbic ceremony is performNi The SIMON BOLIVAR leaves KINGSTON of the re ed. On arrival, he may find econd turn trip January 4th.
Excursionists are afforded the opportunity of spending the res already awaiting the same eda Ha instalado su CLINICA frente al Club Christmas and New Year Holidays with their families and friends ordeal and as our workmen are in th: Isle of Springs and of witnessing the drawing for the 2, 000 by no means an energetie clase Id Miramar, donde ofrece a su numerosa clienJamaica Derby Sweepstakes on the 27 December one soon finds that patience Bookings for is. 2nd. Srd. Class and Deck. Start preparations indeed a virtue espelaily as or this Exceptional Opportunity and await farther Information tes los más modernos tratamientos dentales one is told to abide his time which is stipulated 25 cleven of Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas der EDGAR YOUNG sti Excursion to Jamaica ms an Dr. Erwin Wedel Cirujano. Dentista


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