
231 HE GOOD SAMARITAN Mr. Paco Gutierrez as.
НЕ 937 a se a he Doctor Max Peralta Mixture a manifestaciones En apariciones prematuras From Page a parliamentary Committee have seen a circularment of Radium, the most tarian principles it is incum prosperity and successful which required the exercise Mr. Alberto Echandi, expensive of all methods. bent on all of us to assist in progress. He started from of tact, careful consideration dent of the Charity It is well known that this the campaign to control and the foot of the ladder as a and well balanced judgof the San Juan de disease generally spreads eliminate the dreaded dis: farmer in this Province and inent that don Paco was not should Hospital, San Jose, call after a surgical operation as ease, therefore we by his adaptability to reason harnessed with the responyn every individual who the knife can never success send in our contributions to has developed into one of siblty of presenting the condo so to make a dona fully dislodge the minute the fund being raised for our magnates.
sidered project in such toward the cost of ob roots of the fungus, whereas the purchase of the machiThe time came when a manner as would satisfy the ng an Ray apparatus with the insertion of Ra ne. The Charity Institution dignified representative in best interests of the country, the necessary supply dium by means of the X, under don Alberto Echandi Congress was needed for our and obviate the vehemence ndium to be used Tor Ray machine, the remedy asks that employers of la Province and NONE, NONE lof the critics of his governtreatment of Cancer, penetrates every little tube bour will collect from their was found better qualified ment. It was here that Lih Medical Science has or root of the disease and employees and labourers for the exalted position than monenses really began to be ared to be incurable un completely destroys every five per cent of their earn: don Paco. Those who have proud of him and to recoga subjected to the treat fibre.
ings for one month and send watched his legislative car nize his Talent.
In the interest of humani in the amount as their offereer will find he was one of After his term as a repreda ing. It is to be hoped there the most hard worked representative of the people expir will be no murmurings insentatives: there was never ed, the government realizing connection with this as we his abilty never considered all have our turn of distresMexico Accuses.
Committee and disappointments.
ses complete without him. thus mo as obtained its rapid and great popularity by having Today it may be some one From Page ired an immense number of persons who suffered unknown to us, but the mosooner than Mr. Raul Gurpm LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These now rrow may bring our turn of yuantities of arms and ammuni dian, a most careful Officer atefully recommend it to all who suffer from such suffer or that of some near qauntities of arms and animum in the control of the finances pmplaints as and dear relative, so let us tion into Guatemala, neighbour of the country, resigned we find don Leon did not hesiall do our duty cheerfully use on Mexican soil.
Costiveness, Foul Breath, Headaches, by subsecribing to this new The purported F1s ist mano tate to name don Francisco pss of Appetite, Skin Eruptions, Nausea, euvre is scheduled to get ander de Paula Gutierrez Ross the Biliousness or Indigestion means of endeavouring to the way early in October. at the Secretary of State in save life and relieve the dis beginning of the dry season despatch of the Financial es tress of the fallen.
Toledano alleged.
affairs of the Republic.
Limon is certainly proud, ng not so much of the positon re in which one of her sons is ODOS placed but of the genius she to rematuras de la vejez de la vejez tómese or has raised and the recogni tion accorded him for bis mese preparation and adaptabili tr. We regard him as an asset not only to Limon but TE to Costa Rica generally.
el preparado hormonal Knowing his ideals as we ar ún Dr.
Rich. Weiss, las tabletas do we are expecting don PaON del REJUVENECIMIENTO co to revolutionize the hea( REJUVENECIMIENTO.
para mujeres, según Dr. Rich Weiss vy machinery of the governPidase literatura.
Sidase literatura nient financial department having regard to his techle activated gland hormone preparation, successfully fried Women take FERTILINETS. the activated procreative out by hundreds of thousands of men against ma e gland hormone preparation against frigidity, clinical knowledge of our moneurasthenia, mental and bodily exhaustion.
macteric and menstrual disturbances. netary affairs and the necessites of all classes. He now ADALO en todas las BOTICAS y SOLICITE PROSPECTOS y MUESTRAS a los AGENTES EXCLUSIVOS has a clear pathway to place his new and progressive FEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO APPEL ideas of taxation in practice APARTADO No. 329 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA TELEFONO No. 4478 on a basis of amelioration between the commercial, industrial and agricultural magnates on the one hand and the labouring populace onthe other. We feel that ON BALBOA, Canal Zone Ja 1937. Japanese trade has in his advanced ideas will opereply to the requust of when prices will be cousideDirectors of the Wiatio rably reduced as an iudu Panama Canal exceeded all precade. The greater part of panese shipping through the creased steadil for the last de rate in favour of the humbthe ler classes of our Board of Charity for co cement for the entire popuvious records in the fiscal year Pacific bound people.
cargo so tation in their campaign lace to get out and last year May Divine intelligence gui make of 1937 with an increase of 82. 56 was scrap iron. Recently special de and direct his thoughts 1st cancerous seases, their purchases.
fer kommercial men of Saa cargo, compared ly built fast freighters have ca along the pathway of wisEach establishment will with 1929.
rried cargoes of silk to the Atlan Idom.
have agreed to make donate an amount equal to Japanese ships numbering 282 tic. These consignments 27th, of this monic aten per cent of the gross sa carried 789 178 tons of care formerly delivered to California of special sales to the les effected on this day to and paid 505, 145 in tolls for ports and shipped East byrail.
c, a regular Fair Day, thef und being raised for Some of these ne freighters Francisco Fonseca Ch.
the purpose of acquirng the have taken advanícage of the Ray machine and radium José chion Ng. present dual measurement sys.
Lawyer Notary Public supply to combat the dreadComerciante Detallista tem to the extent that they pay tolls on only 56. per cent of laOffice: ragua Impose Tax. ed disease.
The co operation of the Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, nama Canal tonnage. One ship rom Page 7)
general public is highly ne Articulos de Ferreteria y thus savez 3, 193. 85 on esch Adjoining to the City stroying much vegeta cessary in so worthy a cause, Eléctricos; todo se ercuentra transit of the canal.
Public Library We hope our mercantile com en este establecimiento.
English Spoken tax of cordoba per munity will not be found cordobas has been de wanting after so generous LIMON Former Judge of the Limon pels on capital for the an example, The Atlantic Voice District Court purpose.
Vuilinets Fertilinets co Fight Cancer New Record in Canal Shipping per cent in were מכתב ING sos vindt PRECIOS TE SITUACION Always Read vinausts descended on do. of Nicaragua in great ns. At one town inha fled into the streets.
aring a sound like a quadron of airplanes.
swarm twenty miles and twelve miles deep ed Brasiles, not far Nicaragua. The insects mnded on corn and cotedds and ruined them.
Club the usual methods unavailing Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena.
oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicis.
we would much regret to take.
el Compañía Eléctrica de Limón ienEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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