
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday Augus: 4th. 193 pose Strange Proceedings in Markee LIMON TRADING COMPANY De was COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY 400 Acres for Peasant Cultivation here forward by the Water Con. Chairman, stated he had EL ATLANTICO FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
er en On Tuesday last Miss Le usly protests against the im to have taken away two bha na Bregory, who owns a position taken of her by the tos of Rice weighing ab stall in the Market, was Administration of the Mar thvee quintals without LUMBER YARD arrested and lodged in jail ket whose relative is the tection.
on the presumption that she loser of the Rice. On her pro It does seem as if the stole two bays of Rice from testing, after being releas tective Department is an adjoining stal which was ed, ofthe injury and insult erating on farfetched idy We have opened a Lumber Yard locked.
thrown on her especially without the display of a where we carry in stock a complete Miss Gregory claims she the fact of being incommu reasoning powers. In was locked in a wet cell in nicated in a wet Third De first instance, if this won assortment of all kinds of Native which water drips from abo gree Criminal Cell, Miss was arrested and lodged Lumber. Special sizes to order. Ve in order to force a con Gregory alleges she was told a cell in our Cuartel is We also have Portland Cement, Roof fession from her. Later, she by the party who lost the within the province of says, a document was brou Rice to forgive the incident Department to condone Yo ng, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpen ght to her for her signature and think nomore of it.
crime by a monetary coil tine and all other building materials. by which she would be agree Miss Gregory claims that deration?
This is anot ing to pay along with the the stall from which the rice case of undue zeal by me Watehman of the Market was reported stolen, was same Detective who arts in Sead in your orders the value of the Rice fixed locked and that no signs of LIMON TRADING COMPANY at Eighty Colones. Having its being broken into were regard to the state of her discovered: all that health as also the suffering found by Detective SutheLimon Division she was undergoing in the riand, who made the inves wet cell, she was forced, by tigation, was a piece of 999999 the advice of the Watch dirty wrapping paper simi0 man, to sign to pay her share ar to that used by her and of forty colones. She was lithis was regarded an incriLIMON By berated after she had sign minating clue. It was impos ity om ed the document, and serio lible, she contends, for her Fábrica de Hielogo KINGSTON. Four hun the development planned dr acres of excellent lands will assuredly remove exist Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Refrescos in Western Kingston will be ing malarial conditions.
thown open to peasant cul At a recent meeting of NACIONALES. FRANK MADURO Jr. fien PROP mission of the Corporate forwarded to the governFrank Maduro hijo jo Area are favourably view ment copy of a Report dealed by government.
ing with the scheme for eve PROP The scheme abounds in irrigating Sewerage Farm LA FLORIDA Maderas del país. ExisBest native lumber pula beneficiai possibilities for Lands. The proposal was to tencia land the poorer classes and the sub livide the permanente into nuestro depósito. at moderate prices Fábrica de Hield unemployed, for the oppor small plotes which were to tunity may conceivably be be made available to peaVenta de Leche la unod to supplement Kings. sant planters on terms and ton Housing Scheme, and conditions approved by CoMaderas I vernment.
Hy emphasized the full (By: Myriam Francis)
ed a sick woman in Jams which had Town for the alleged bu poner al pobre a la par suya been given the question of All is silent as if tne iandaa vas, nave a strange fixedness, ary of a valise from the en cuanto a la curación del malarial control, and outlin were in ecstasy. The wind dues The paths remain noiseless;ed room of a nar Cáncer y las ceras rebel ed the method of irrigation not breathe: the crystal take is their sands do not creas under Sealy who was asleep the des. No permita que sufran that would be adopted un stil; the leaves of the trees the lightest footsteps: not even ein, although there were los demás por su falta de der full government super lack the slightest movemenushe yellowish leaves which feil signs of any of the lol vision.
cooperación. Ayud: Uld, abier the flowers quietly gaze at the at the beginning of the sunset and latches on the doors tamente con su contribución, Hon. Seymour Seymour stars; there is no Seating a wander about. over the horizon windows having been ta según el plan de recolección (M. for St. Andrew) wings; the shadows dera not a heaping of clouds, Zilvered by pered.
de la Junta de Caridad.
visualized extension of the move. The acacias and the with the moon, remain in hematic These are matters for scheme to embrace small lows, as though painted on can quietude.
astute Comandante of unpretentious but habitable Not a single triil aisturb thelce to take under serious homes for those who silence of the landscape norsideration in the interest gaged plots, the whole thing reason to believe the propo does the tall of a flower destroy the good name and resp reasonable sal would receive favourable the quietness of night. In the of his department, as thinde consideration from Govern sky, the stars do not tvinkle allegations, if true, disclhiet He said that he had good ment.
There are no breezes. The land that much undue zeal, ch After questioning the scape is in ecstasy.
say the least of it, is bel ou Chairman on essential points (Translated by Benedetti, exhibited by some of hic!
in the sehome, the other San Francisco, California. ke.
members present approved al the proposals and the steps that bad been taken. LOTERIA NACIONAL LIMON. COSTA RICA One ofthe underlying ideas Lid importación of the Sewerage Farm ScheImports and Exports Todo habitante de nuestro país que sienta verdadhe me is to place at the dispocariño por él, està obligado a comprar únicamente, he Exportación sal of cultivatiors who now grow vegetables for use in Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Kingston and who use filter er water for irrigation purCompra de Cacao en poses alternative lands que es la que produce la renta para el sostenimieel, Cocoa Purchased which will be irrigated by del Hospital de San Juan de Dios y del Asilo Chi grano woll water, thus relieving Debe tenerse en cuenta que protegiendo a pr the dragon the City domestic water supply. Ique padecen, nos protegemos nosotros mism isi QUIETNESS Con una bucianopuede consideration man en Always Read The Atlantic Voice being done at.
ALLAN SIME or LOTERIA NACIONAL ling is a mer th Lic.
The Grand Excursion to Panama leaves next Monday the 16th. instant.
Space for only a few a more Passengers First Class 12. 00. Second Class 00 Dric James Nelson P. Box 829. LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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