
keeague of Nations Loses Another Member LA FUENTE are Sabins the is Hid of Dr. MEDAL Jr.
of FROM CAHUITA anoti DA PSad Case of Drowning ielbguita Bridge, when we ga begs to sympathise with Mr. keep of the Geneva Institute in os Wo bine by one the smaller naricans concerned are severing their asso Paraguay and Costa Rien have and El Salvador has just intiCuando viaje a Turrialba, visite When in Turrialba visit out itions with the League of Naalready retired: Guateinala, Honmated her intention of quitting. LA FUENTE ns. So far as the Latin Ame. duras and Nicaragua ace und Hence, in two years time all the LA FUENTE nations of Central America will Cantina y Restaurant have relieved themselves of tne Contiguo al Dr. Portocarrero Coffee, Restaurant Bar responsibilities their eague Adjoining Drug. Store Buen Café a 10 cts. Ia taza Dr. Portocarrero memberships have imɔosed in them in connection with the Precios al alcance de todos Splendid Service Good international affairs of Europe.
los bolsillos Coffee and meals.
Won Cirujano DentistaAmeorican American Surgeon Dentist aged Of course the need of economy De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University. New has generally been given, CLAUDIO BRENES Cia.
29 New Orleans. EU.
Orleans, USA the reason for retirement, ne Ofrece sus servicios though we are almost sure if we Offers his Professional COL were to delve below the ir poiltiprofesionales en su Services in his New Upcal surface, we would find eviby moderna Clínica Dental dence sufficient to support our to Date Dental Clinic.
The vicinity of Cahuita has in the formation of character opinion that these withdrawals arminstalada contiguo a la lost, as a result of the grasp of among the settlers. He was a Located nex to the have resulted mainly from the the Dread Reaper. a most res member of the deputation sent oficina del Cable.
All American Cables conviction that the League 15 rectable and useful citizen Mr. to San Jose a short time ago to entirely impotent of fulfilling Samuel Palmer.
interview the President and his her obligation to protect her The deceased, who had been Minister of Finance on the quessmaller or weaker members 2in failing health for some time. tion of the Milla Maritima lands.
gainst the unjust aggressiveness of the larger and more powertal ted a patient in the Hospital by all.
came to Limon and was admit His demise is deepl regretted On Wednesday at mid ed. All the efforts which nations, therefore they feel it is where he died last Saturday. The Atlantic Voice renders ay the Western end of the were made to save him were much better for them to utilice Mr. Palmer was one of the its sincere expression of candoity was moved by a great futile.
the amounts which they must pioneers in the settlement Voice annually subcribe toward the up Cahuita and a tower of strength Cieof lence to the bereavec samity.
iered that a youngster of and Mrs. Jones and the advancing the economic condile Jones family on leaving other members of the family tions of their nationals.
ne school he attends in the on thetragic death of the It would seem, however, as if GRAN FERIA! GRAN FERIA!
individuals Neighbourhood noticed some lad, but will remind them there are yet some iends parading on the ri that no Sparrow falleth to whose faith and confidence in en al Patio de la Iglesia Católica er in a small boat and went the ground without the plan, this International Organ izael 13, 14 y 15 de Setiembre join them, the cayuco ho of its Creator. Who knows tion are still undisturbea or una lever unfortunately capsiz but that more intense suffer impaired. We see it stated in Al and little Jones STOP! LOOK: LISTEN! READ!
who ings might not have been the recent cable that the Ethiopian Legation which stills functions uld not sfin was drown llad lot in later years.
There is a Big Time coming li the Season in London has officially anno.
Biggest Attraction.
lieli unced that the deposed Empe.
ror has absolutely no intention LET NOISE IT AROUND ch TWEEDS of abandoning his efforts to re Anthony Grand Lawn Parly. On the Lovely SERGES cover the independence of his Catholic Grounds as ENGLISH country as he still has confidenVICUNAS SEPTEMBER 131h. 141h. 15th.
ce in being able to secure the FLANNELS (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
assistance of the League. This Three Gala Nights of Big Enjoyment and Fun It communication is said to have bu EVERY ARTICLE FULLY GUARANTEED been made in consequence of a comes like Christmas Once a Year So everybody the publication that the Negus inis making ready Everybody will be there.
nar tended renouncing his rights First Class Music. Just you follow the Big Crowd ep tl at JACK ORANE STORE to the Abyssinian throne and Admission: 50 and 25 cents. Children under 12 years Free sere of leaving England for the conte lo LIMON tinent. He still resides in Bath Please Note. Dancing will be enclosed and so sepaOOTS where he intends, he asserts, to rated from the rest of the Fair. Take the Chileen continue his fight for the libedren to enjoy themselves. Big Surprise Well for ration of nis Empire.
them. Remember they are admitted FREE. for of LUIS WA CHONG said the first haven heard about Fascism, but co you know Two pals were It all right for you to tak teres From Page We however now have as Minister of Finance, a gen GUACIMO GUAPILES from my folk for over a week; what it is to live under a ditaas tinds of dollars the interest tleman who knows the suffer the other quiuckly replied. Sor tor?
dishich had accumulated on 0ry pal, haven a cent.
Sure do. don you know meach loans during the period ings of these people and the Cantina, Licores have been married tor ten is be our financial crisis and expenses they are compelled Extranjeros y del país.
to meet in connection with Wasn your wife moster an years.
of hich they could not overTienda bien surtida old settler in these parts?
ke. Our Municipalities has the cultivation of these third She never! The majority of the young men ll say she was.
rate lands, hence we are also pursued a similar po Abarrotes en general missed settling my hash erery of this generation only respeet y in connection with taxes sure a modification of the excessive rates. prescribed Precios sin competencia time she got the chance. old age when they como tess it in bottles.
id from the same cause.
for their occupancy will be verdihe Department of Finan obtained, and that no further demand will be made Camell, however, embargoes the por tenants of these lands on these poor struggling citizens for the amounts now no by reason of the same claimed as in arrear and in Son muchas las ventajas que le isis have for years been connection with which em lling their products at riceniculously low have prices. Is bargo proceedings 10 Cris a display of that promis been initiated against those wh, produce bananas.
nuestro ya bien conocido plan de protection and encourament to our agriculturists this issue we produce the In the other section of mist is it the means of destroy petitions which have just their efforts?
been sent the Chief Executive in a further effort to have this vexed question, of so vital importance to a large number of our nuestros favorecedores. Tráigangs cultivators Abogado finally settled in a just and equitable manner. It is hop.
o y Notario Pic ed that in view of the inte.
rest which our mercantile community and other impor tant agriculturists are dis0 pficina: Altos Pas playing alongside the settlers the subject will be given cual Ingianna early attention and an a micable settlement reached.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Lands of the Mi.
Ala licenses remaining un JAS ofrece a usted, señor agricultor, Od COOPERATIVA.
Aumente hoy mismo el número de a lic. DANIEL ZELEDON envienos su CACAO. BANCO DE COSTA RICA


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