
The Atlantic Vaice Milla Maritima Settlers. Gain Signal Victory War and Threats of War Anather Important Calumu Broken a In response to the many representations which have Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic been made on behalf of the occupiers of the lands of the State in the Milla Maritima Zone and along navigaEditor English Section: NATION ble rivers, the Executive Council has now decided with Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 211h. August 1937 No. 158 the Secretary of Hacienda, Mr. Francisco Gutierrez, that a modification of the rental rates should be effected as follows. That for all holdings of from one to twenty hectareas, the charge shall be one colon per hectarea per month for Banana cultivations in lieu of the two colones appealed from; for Cacao and Coconut The conflict now being waged of the reported determination of ing muer larger supplies of every cultivations and Potreros fifty cents per hectarea per in China still holds the anxious England and France to tolerate description of the aid of the Reattention of the major European no interference with their vested publican party: this of coarse inonth in place of the one colon and seventy five cents Powers in view of its intensif ca interests, decision with which will be seriously opposed by the now respectively demanded.
tion by the tremendous offensive it is also said, the United States Fascists, hence everything ineviThe President and his Executive Advisers have also now under way by the Chinese of America is in sympathy. tably points to a European conagreed to pardon all arrears, and to withdraw the emwith a reporteu army of 130. 000. Apart from the assistance which flict.
regulars. The heaviest fighting it is known she is obtaining from It has just been announced that bargo proceedings which had been instituted against continues in the Shanghai sector Russia, China is now securing Portugal has severed diplomatic those tenants who supply Bananas to the Fruit Compawhich is being subjected to a tar large supplies of her material relationship with Checoslovaquia ny. The amounts which may have been already collect rifie aerial bombardment while from Austria where she has ser in consequence of the latter re ed on these embargoes will be refunded the settlers.
additional forces are being rush ured a loan of fifty million doi fusing to continue supplying her These new rates will be collectable as from Janed to the affected areas by both Tars.
with war material. This has nacontestants. Should an early solu In view of the intensive ope turally produced much concern uary last.
All tenants should now hasten to sign the tion of the outbreak be not orations which the nationalists are throughout Europe as it is celecontracts which are for a definite period of four years, ained, it is feared in diplomatic carrying on in Northern Spain ved that Portugal was influenced but renewable for similar periods so long as the cultivacircles that this warfare may se and the successes they are hav. to so act by Germany, having re tions last. Every occupier is allowed to December of the riously interfere with the inter ing despite the stern opposition gard to the mutual protective present year to sign his contract and settle his year national difficulties already exist of the government forces, Rusia pact which exists between Russis rent. It is expected that every occupier will shew his ing in Europe, especially in view has intimated her intention of send and Checoeslovaquia.
appreciation of the leniency of the President and his Executive Officers by coming in and signing the contracts as carly as possible.
Much gratitude must be tendered our President, don Leon Cortes, for his charitable considerations in this Limon and its environment, his allotted San. Mr. Mendez was a tatthal matter; to don Paco Gutierrez, our present Minister of were struck with amazemen: The deceased was among toe member of the Mac rces last Wednesday when it Finance, for his asknowledged interest in our Provinwas Pioneers of our commercial ac and a staunch supporter of the noised around that Mr. Abra tivities, havmg resided nere for Medranic: his death will ce; to don Juanito Romagosa, our Legislative Repreham Mendez had been stric more than fifty years gaining consequently, lave great sentative and to don Teodoro Picado both of whom have ken with a sudden attack of the respect, esteem and affection blank in both the commue:cal consistently championed the cause of these settlors the Heart, and had to be taken of the entire community. He and fraternal life of our sit from the start of the Atlantic Voice campaign through to the hospital in an uncon. was exceedingly kind and and Province. He was a real iat its Editor, Mr. Nation; and lastly to the Proprietor clone condition, feble to the coloured fouada her to the afflicted and the e Doctors of thi: Intia tioners of our city and, by his poor. His remains were to istved for his recent fearless outspoken editorials espousing tion did all they could bat in generosity commanded their to the Cemetery by a wonderful the rights of the people in no uncertain manner.
modleal skill could have pro confidence and gained their uns crowd of genuine mourned To top the climax, Mr. Fernando Asch obtained longed the life of this good and tinted support in his line of bu The Atlantic Voice sympatpetitions from our City Merchants and Traders as well. useful man; he had reached sineas.
hiese sincerely wita nis widow, as a large number of the settlers along the Coasts in children and other members which the difficulties and hardship being experienced the bereaved family since the placing of the embargoes were fully explained to the President, whose heart, in the face of such sufferings, was moved with much sympathy for our Pro vince and its citizens.
The Atlantic Voice cannot but compliment or the 584 Banana Farms only 339 have submitted the inthe known to be under contract for formation required in connection settlers who persistenily protested against the harsh supplying fruit to the Compaň a vith the labourers in their emmethods instituted against them and never wearied in Bananera de Costa Rica, the Au ploy.
Much inconvenience is being supporting the efforts of this Journal until the long diting Divizion of the Public Heexperienced since last week by desired a melloration has now been obtained.
alth Pepartment announces that It would be well if all farmers the residents of Westfalia the owners or representatives of. To page 8)
consequence of the new order ou our Comandante and Traffic inspector. don Arturo Loria.
Formerly the trucks running rom the Village of Westfalia to he city were permitted to carry Scranton, Fenn. mixed cargo of passangers and freight as it was known that a purely passenger service SERVICIO DE VAPORES (The University that teaches you by correspondence) could not pay: being, apparentiy unaware of our conditions, thu Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Nothing can keep a man from being a success who refuses to be any Colonel has ordered that these con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA thing else! Ambition plus training is an unbeatable combination. If you want to be a success, and if lack of training is one of your handicaps, truck, must be fitted out fo.
International Corr. Schools is a golden aid beckoning you.
either the one thing or the ot LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS her they must either attena CHOOSE YOUR CAREER EUROPEOS AMERICANOS to passangers or to freight, bus not to both hence the settlers Architect Highway Engineer have to walk to and from Li VAPORES SALIDAS Concrete Contruction Chemistry món as they cannot afford the Structural Engineer Pharmacy cost of an auto which is six coElectric Engineer Navigation VERAGUA.
lones for the round trip.
Agosto 22 Telegraph Ergineer Agnculture Some years ago a purely pag QUIRIGUA Mechanical Engineer Agosto 29 Surveying and Mapping senger service was tried with a Bu maker Bridge Engineer Brockway Camion and failea PETEN.
Septiembre Civil Engineer Automobile Work for lack of sufficient support, Diessel engines Business Management Knowing this our authorities per Refrigeration Radio mitted the mixed service; 29, kailroad Section Foreman Accountancy however, our new Comandante ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Spanish. French Grade and High School Subis. is not yet fully asquainted wita.
Stenography and Typing Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Cartooning our life he has made his recent ruling. We are sure if the resi: For further info:mation: Warren Mory, Regresentavive dents of the Village were Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica petition don Arturo on the sub Box 1211 San Jose, Costa Rica ject, a copy of the documen TELEFONO 3156 being sent the Governor, a chan ge will be made, Banana Farmers Not Giving Required Information The Westfalia Road Traffic International Correspondence Schools UNITED FRUIT Co.
20 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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