
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday August 21th. 1937 rodeodowoscowoteee oooo Japan and our Cotton Production BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Irregularities in Legal circles SALOMON CHIN ALLAN SIME SAS JOSE The develop ma, if the plan developed fuzt.
ment of cotton production un her, particularly since underpo der Japanese au pleas vill ge pulation always, has been a pio under way here in Costa Rica blem here, president Cortez BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE this year, whatever the cotco erted.
me of the visit of the contry There is no danger. Japanese UNICO EMISOR special representatives to Japan families are coming to teach STATE BANK under the auspices of the Japa production then leave nese Exporters Association may The proposition is for the aofrece al público los Offers the Public the be panese to develop large cotton This was revealed to the wri plantations for the first servicios de su Services of its ter by president Leon ortez here sending experts, seeds and Castro. who said.
taking the entire crop in ex Ten Japanese familiez ceti change for cut rate Japanese nitely will come tr Costa Ri. goods, according to the preca this year from eru in ordent, EN LA IN THE der to start experimental cot This correspondent Tollowa ton production on thirtysere the Japanese diplomat accrediplots.
ted to these countries through Thus, for the first Che, Jepa Central America. The envoy got nese, who may develo) into per a cool reception in Guatemals, para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service manent colonists, will get a foot El Salvador and Nicaragua, whe servicio bancario Rendered hold north of Panama.
re Japanese goods are practicaThe commercial balance besny excluded, and found Hondu C2020 OS DDOCOJOCSCSE SODEODCORECESSED LOS OJ GOCESODDOL SOOSE AS.
ween Costa Rica and Japan isras 50 flooded with Japanese lopsided, the tall, slim, vigo goods that the market was tem ting showy universities, comTous president explained Cos porarily destroyed. The cotton mon in Spanish lands, the coun ta Rica is buying from Japan at deal probably was made here be try has seen the e funds go to low prices, selling to Japan not caute Japan feels she must have 634 primary schools as well as The activities of the Depart Investigations of a very saru.
hing. We must protect the ba a steady market in tais part of Lecondary schools combined ment of Justice have recent y pulous nature are also, apparent Jance of trade.
the New Word with the neces witn junior colleges.
been producing much concern in ly, being rarried out in connecAsked wiaether he did not he sary marking of manufactured Aided by her geographical po various directions. Following on tion with the activities of our Jieve the fecund Japanese might articles if the Japanese war ma Sition, isolation and other fae. the dismissals and censures previ practising Attorneys, with the re overrun this slim Atlantic and chine is to get money for operators, Costa Rica remains a free ously noted, it will be observed sult that the Protocols of some Pacific. washed land, jammed tion. The Japanese must buy country that yet another important pub have been found lacking in essen between Nicaragua and Pana: cotton anyway.
As the president himself putslic employee has had to demit of tial formalities as demanded by Fiere the Japanese found a it; The newspapers caricatur. fice in consequence of the dis the Forum. Some of those concer steady base for future develop make him ridiculous, and he the president sometimes and covery of certa a strange man ned have been reprimanded wh le ment since Costa Rica is the on has to come out in a free press pulations others have been prnished ly rcal democracy in Central to defend himself. We figh: Ouz inerica, perhaps in all Latin political battles in the newspaWee. Le micrica.
The public votes freely and In education Alejandro Agui ESTRADA revolutions do not occur, the lar Machado, Minister of Educe.
Abarrotes y Licores courts are independent and ho LIMON. COSTA RICA tion, says that Costa Rica in Articulos del Pais nest and the president cannot some waya has gone beyond the Importación act without Congressional ap United States. grade school Imports and Experts Precios Economics proval teacher must have an A, deExportación LA IBERIA Standing like an island in gree. Musical appreciation 13 this repressive dictatorship beit taught by radio in the schools Depósito de Madera Lumber Costa Rican democracy is close over the country Pianos are Deposit ly guarded and maintained by being bought in order to permit Compra de Cacao en social consciousness. According practical music teaching. Religio to the president and others, it is education is optional grano Cocoa Purchased (From page 7)
is based upon an excellent gene Thus the Japane e know their this requisite in order that the ral primary education and the cotton program here could not hospitalization of those concerned fact that there are about 100, 000 be upset by revclutions may be properly attended to in individual estates in this nation, keeping with the Law and regu of only a bit over 500. 000 inhab: gresssional action is not neces.
Jations By affording the Health tants. Here every one is a sman sary, at least in the preliminais Depatment the information re. capitalist.
stages of the undertaking, sir It has been officially on promises to buy 40. 000. 000 dol.
quested, farmers also protect Costa Rica is one of the fewce there are no immigration ros nounced that a Commercial larz worth of Americ in poods.
themselves and their families in nations backing up her beliettrictions against the Japanese Treaty between the United Sta in return for this the Americase of illness.
in peaceby having anarmy of and the experimental land is tes of America and Soviet Rus can government promises to We understand that of the only 500 compared with 251 being privately purchased.
sia has been concluded grant all Soviet imports the sa3, 296 farms in this Zone the de school teachers. Nearly 24 per There is another factor favoThe Treaty is for a fixed pe me concessions given other na partment has only received infor cent of the total budget goes ring the Japanese program. riod of one year, during which tions in their separate recipromation with respect to 203. for education, and by elimina This is essentially a poor na time the Russian goverment cal trade agreements.
tion. When the coffee crop is OOODOOD2. 000. 000 eooo00000000009690000000 good Costa Rica eats heartily.
when it is bad Costa Ricans cat sparingly but few get rich. The re are bananas and cacao also, SANTIAGO, Chile. The dis Some of the printed materia but variegated crop production covery of an Anarchist center di covered, which was ready for is dropping off. Officials assert in the city of Valdivia, where distribution among workers, ie.
LUMBER YARD that Costa Rica needs another investigation brought to light a commends a general boycott a stabilizing crop.
network of contacts with foreign gainst any goods going to 01 The average wage here is an organizations operating coming from Italy and Germany We have opened a Lumber Yard ly about half the ridiculously South America, has so the le as Fascist countries, with enorloy wages paid in the rest oflice on the track of a numbe getic appeals for support for the where we carry in stock a complete Central America. There is also of similar groups it is repor Spanish Loyalist Gove. mnt.
assortment of all kinds of Native a sort of subtle dominance byter.
public agreement by the old Lumber. Special sizes to order.
wealthy farmers. Nevertheless We also have Portland Cement, Roof there is at least as much real Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard democracy as the United Sta ng, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenLes and Britain NACIONALES line and all other building materials. With government revenues fal FRANK MADURO Jr.
ling, forcing negotiations now.
PROP according to the President, near Send in your orders ing fruition. to obtain lower Frank Maduro bijo, LIMON TRADING COMPANY interest on the foreign debt and PROP.
resuming pay ments, the JapaMaderas del país. Exis nese offer to produce a new crop Limon Division tencia permanente en here looks attractive, at least superficially, to the Costa Ri.
nuestro depósito. at moderate prices Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca Banana Farmers.
The President says taat con and Soviet Conclude Trade Treaty Anarchist center found in Chile LIMON TRADING COMPANY EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber


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