
Accomplishments of Great White Fleet The Doctor Max Peralta Mixture Dr. MEDAL Jr. Magnate as Charitable Donor But few, we belieev, are aware cle American Research. This is the fact that Mr. Samuol Ze splendid of you, don Samuel Turray of Banana Fame is a ve keep giving, the more you sive charitable and philanthropic the more you ll receive. All Sams. The Nautical Gazette. merce, but also in creating good tons displacement and a speed of ir of mind. By the Time Ma are good men, if given the chanwill between the republies of the eighteen knots. Every safety deazine of the 9th. instnat, it is te; they are called of God.
The development of trade and north and south.
vice known to maritime science bserved he has donated 380. 000 It is a real pity that none of tourist interests in the Caribbean The Great White Fleet has be has been installed on these Vesollars worth of the United Fruit the many who amassed their for Sea and its contiguous countries come a household word through sels. All of the passengers rooms company Stock for the found tunes here have been as charita may be attributed more to the out the country, and denotes ser are outside, and they are special ng of a Children Guidance Cli tly disposed as Mr. Zemurray, United Fruit Company than any vice as well as floating equip ly fitted for service in the Troiic in New Orleans, the city whe or a school for taking care of our other organization. It has been a ment. It numbers, owned and pics. Such distinctive inducements e he amassed most of his for wayward youths would, at least, pioneer and pacemaker since its chartered, 98 vessels, nearly all for the traveling public as bathune.
have long ago been instituted in incorpartion in 1900. Its basic bu of which are fully refrigerated, ing pools and cooling apparatus Mr. Zemurray is said to have our City.
siness is, of course, in bananas The most recent additions to the have been added. From the carpreviously give nnearly a million Hats off again to Mr. Zemur in which it has approximately fleet, built under the Merchant go side of these newer ships it lollars to the Tulane University ray: we do wish he was one of two thirds of the world trade.
Marine Act of 1928, are the An might be mentioned that 70. 000 or founding a department of Mid the Pioneers of Limon.
Next in importance is its activity tigua. Chiriqui. Peten. Qui stems is the capacity of each ves in the sugar market with two mo ligua. Talamanca and Vera sel.
del plantations in Cuba and one gua. These ships are of 10. 950 (TO PAGE 10)
of the largest refineries in this country, the Revere at Boston It also maintains a dominant position as a trader in cocoa. From has obtained its rapid and great popularity by having plantation to consumer, the Unicured an immense number of persons who suffered ted Fruit Company is a self con tained organization with its own from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These now Cirujano Dentista Ameorican American Surgeon Dentist ships, railroads, refineries and gratefully recommend it to all who suffer from such De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, New marketing agencies. It even main New Orleans, EEUU.
Orleans, USA.
complaints as tains its own self insurance fund Costiveness, Foul Breath, Headaches, with specially segregated moneys Ofrece sus servicios Offers his Professional Loss of Appetite, Skin Eruptions, Nausea, for its widespread interests. profesionales en su Services in his New Up.
Biliousness or Indigestion The roots of the United Fruit moderna Clínica Dental Company to Date Dental Clinic.
and its Great White Fleet go back fifty eight years to instalada contiguo a la Located nex to the the days of sailing ships of 109 To Prevent Profiteering in Rice oficina del Cable. All American Cables tons. Its growth has been steady So as to prevent further specu imported lots being exhausted through the intervening decades laions taking place with the Rice they commenced selling at the and today it controls 440, 000 tons being brought into the country old high rate.
of modern ships, a trade fleet Iby the government, the consign As there is but an exceedingly that is unparalleled in the Carib ments are being sold at the Na limited quantity of this article in bean. In sustaining the busy trade According to a recent issue of population of that Island.
Stional Liquor Factory, San José, ſour city, we are forced to pay 35 routes between the United States the West Indian Review, it This is certainly a splendia kdirect to consumers in quantities and 40 cents per pound, however and Latin America, the opera is noted that the United Fruid gesture on the part of both Con Cof not more than five and ten we understand a large consign tions of the Fleet and the Com Company will be devoting tau panies and further evidence of Tipounds at the price of thirtyment will be arriving today for pany are cne of the most staunch magnificent sum of 15. 000 ane that generous and philanthroScents per pound. On previous oc the government and that arrange factors in not only inspiring com the Standard Fruit Company pic interest they are ever ready itcasions Jarge traders bought in ments have been concluded to the very appreciable amount or to take in all movements tendabig lots which they resold at a have an appreciable quantity pa 000 per annum, for a certaining to enhance the welfare oz Ciprice higher than that scheduled ced on sale here on Monday at 80OTH period, to assist certain schemes the working classes wherever e by the government while others the price of 30 cents per pound.
being formulated in Jamaica encountered.
Ulstored their purchases and on the for the welfare of the peasani Best kedd Berlin Bread Woman Institute of Domestic Arts Sciences The Rio Frio Section, near Spirik distressing ailment, and Buns Guacimo Junction, was greatiy he was suffering from se Biscuits Cakes Scranton, Penn bad perturbed the earlier part of an attack last Monday that Red The. People Bakery the week in consequence of the path thought it advisable to ha Box 179. Limón tragic manner by which Frank ve a labourer remain with hin The Woman Institute has been teaching dressmaking and designing. Spirik, a Bridge Foreman in the Apparently dispaired of his un millinery and foods and cookery by the home study method for more employ of the Railway Compa fortunate condition, Spirik seen. dead.
than eighteen years. They have more than a quarter of a million stuny, ended his earthly career. to have prepared for the tra.
deats and graduates, located in every estate and province of the North The body of the unfortunate American continent and in practically every English speaking foreign Spirik arrived here from Hon. gedy, as during the night ne man was rushed by the country. In the short period of eighteen years the Woman Institute duras some months ago and asked his attendant to get him. way authorities to Limon where has touched the lives of more women than any other woman school was in very bad health; he was something and no sooner than it arrived early on Tuesday, and in the world, lo so often ill that it is said his the man got outside the sleep was taken to the hospital where assistant, Foreman Redpathing car than he heard the total the usual legal, formalities weFor further particulars, apply to is was the one who actually car shot and rushing back he dis re undertaken prior to inter. ried on the work. Asthma was covered that Spirik was already ment.
WARREN MORY, Representative, Post otice Box 1211.
San Jose, Costa Rica no To Benefit Jamaica Peasantry el Suicide in Rio Frio Legal Manipulations REFRIGERADORAS SPARTON FRIO SILENCIOSO COMO UNA NOCHE INVERNAL MAXIMO DE EFICACIA PRECIOS MODICOS La única con el Rejol Encantado Descongelador, que deshiela automáticamente cada 24 horas la Refrigeradora, evitando un trabajo molesto y asegurando el mayor rendimiento.
DIEZ MODELOS CINCO ANOS DE GARATIA According to the Diario of right Bill of Sale to the purchathe 12th. instant, a curious casa ser, and in his protocol values the has occurred in the Capital by purchase price at One Colon. The which a certain Notary Public purchaser then seeks a buyer Yor and his accomplices have been his newly acquired property and charged with the perpetration of disposes of it to another accoma fraudulent transaction. plice; this sale is also protocolized It appears from what has been by the same Notary. When this published that a trickster went subsequent purchaser goes to tato the owner of a property and ke charge of his bargain, the trou offered to purchase the place ble commences as the owner refrom him. The owner agreed to fused to hand over, but on going sell and the supposed purchaser to the Notary he discovers to his requested an option for a stated great dismay, that he had signed period; the would be vendor a Sale outrgiht instead of only again agrees and they both go to an Option.
a Lawyer to have the document The matter was reported to the granting the option prepared. Ins Judicial Authorities and on inyes tead, however, of this Shyster tigation, the Second Court of Ap Lawyer doing this he, apparent peals ordered the prosecution of ly, by prior arrangement with the the three accused.
supposed buyer, makes an outAGENTES EXCLUSIVOS AVELINO DE LA PENA Co. Sucs.
LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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