
Guillermo Niehaus Co.
Excursion to Jamaica Stoien o or Strayed Altyism Transplanted ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF. most gruesome case 3:1, these unmarried ones with fantile violation. We ob erre. aming loo e morals to these As a result of the greater in The Municipal antsoitie: been proven against the teacher of the way di tries to terest being dispayed by the Trinidad Capital, Port. o of a school located in villag and mold the mind, and che government of Jamaica la To Spain, are determined to pradon bacco cultivation, particularly lcate the Slum guisance. The in the Canton of Turrialba LIMON ters of the youthful members The flend ha, been aesuse of our populace.
as regarding supervision, it is are reported to have laid out estimated that the Islani op Model Village beyond the Citys violating tree small children will increase from 50. 000 pounds boundaries and to have there Fábrica de Hielo who attended his schoni and this year to 300. 000 in 1934 instal ed fifty famili:s who we whose ages range from sevea o José Achion Ng.
til ot y Refrescos nine years, re previously living in one The matter Should the recommendations the slum areas. This policy will brought to the attention of the Comerciante Cetaulsta of the Committee specially ap it is understood, be pursued till Educational Department and Licores, Abarrots Cristaleria one of the charges was, on inves pointed some time ago by the these in anitary and unsiglitis Articulos de Ferreteria y tigation, fully proven. It CRgovernment of Trinidad be car districts are all clessed before Eléctricos; todo se encuentra ri into effect, it is probablo peeted the case will go the Judicial authorities.
en este establecimiento that all workers who have la boured in that Island for a pethe Among the finds recently re.
It is a great pity at PRECIOS DE SITUACION LA FLORIDA Educational Department shoula.
riod of not less than twentyported by Gold prosonetors worLIMON years will, on reaching the nee king along the Venezuelan iron apparently from the lack of a sufficient number of suitable of 65 years, be granted old Age tier of British Guiana is a aug Fábrica de Hielo Pensions.
get weighing forty. three oun.
married men, hare to appoint ces.
Venta de Leche y Maderas MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS LIMON by The Union Grand Lodge of Mechanics Compra Cacao Material de Tranvia Sercicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo white three quarter Fox Terrier Bitch, with a Brown Importación de mercaderia en general The French Liner COLUMBE leaves Limon Thursday spot on left ear and another at fith December arriving at Colon the following day. On the 18th.
root of short tail. She has been the SS. COSTA RICA of h: Roval Netherlands Line leaves CoLun for JAMAICA arriving in Kingston December 20th missing since mid day Wednes. 66 The SIMON BOLIVAR leaves KINGSTUS of the to day. Answers to the name GRIP cum trip January 4th. suitable reward to the perExcursionists are afforded the apportunity of spending the son who returns her to tristmas and New Year Holidays with their families and friends The Editor: NATION like wild wine, many lying in in the Isle of Springs and of witnessing the drawing for the 2, 000 Jamaica Derby Sweepstakes on the 27 December Limon Permit me, through your wide state of coma for several anys Bookings for ist 2ni. Sr. Class and Deck Start preparations ly circulated Journal. to call at and nights all jumbled together cur illis Exceptional Opportunity and wait further information tention to a pernicious evil now The time has come when swell evidence at Punto Mono the diabolical practices under the guy extreme Southern limit of Costa se of religion should be completa Rica in the Sikabla District ly banished from fair Costa RR The Pocomia Cult, under the ca. In all probability the autho(From e 3)
During 1936 the vessels of the eral public. Continued improve many varities of bananas obtain Jenkins, is now planted at Punta der whose jurisdiction is Punta the world, and it serves the set which possesses a collection of management of a fellow called ſrities at Sixaola Bridge Footus United Fruit Company made 1, 295 ments and extensions of this rased fromthe Far East and else Mono. Jenkins, a satelite of the Mono (Monkey Point) are not a sound trip voyages and steamed dio service are always under total of over 000. 000 miles.
where the most complete seu notorious Alti Gang, is exerci ware of these happenings. hope way mulation of types of the fruit in sing demoralizing practices. these lines will catch the eyes of Within year 51. 896 137 stems of bananas were shipped The exemplary humane work the world.
mong our people; at his meetings those in authority so that these of General Gorga and Yellow ne sees men, women and even depraved wretches may be cha from the tropical divis ons of the Jack Reed in fighting tropical es of the Company is imposible the air to fall eventually on the Condensation of all the activi hildren jumping severnl fcet in sed from their haunts.
Company operating field. In ad!
Thanks for space, dition to the bananas and Compal diseases is being followed by the as the tentacles reach indirectly wet ground where they wallow PRO BONO PUBLICO ny owned cargo, the Great Whi Company. It maintains eight mo to many phases of the economic te Fleet transported 893, 112 tons dern hospitals and many field life of Lation America. Varying of genes1 dispensaries in the Tropies and slightly from season to searcn, cargo and carried 49. 403 passengers.
Turnishes medical attention to the United Fruit Company has on The company has more to cffer over 200. 000 persons annually. It its pay rolls about 70, 000 employ than the water carriage of mer is a fact that localities which ees. In its efforts to build for the chandise between the United Sta ciseases have been transformed pe of young man. As a question were formerly focal points for future, it has sought the best ty Establecimierto de Licores, Tiarda y Abarrotes tes and Latin America, for it nasants a service which in into health resorts. Today in the of principle, it insists that its Tropics there are cludes information as to proper healthful communities wehere from political activities but they sanitary and tropical employees shall refrain packing co operation in moving the death rate is lower than some are required to support educatioEl más surtido en good from interior points to the Matina cities in the United States. In ad nal social and cultural life in the weaboard, and the correct prepa. Con te volunteering a in communities where the ylive.
ration of shipping documents to comply th the laws of the coun assistance on the high seas, a re Owing to the nature o fits intetries involved. With this advitory cord of which th eCompany bas rests the United Fruit Company service exporters and importers reasons to be proud, there is also transacts a large merchandise bu are in a position to secure careradio medical consult ng ser siness in Cuba Central Amer ca Physicians and Nurses of the succeeded in saving the spark of Iul handling of shipments and vice with free medical advice and Colombia furnishing outlets Genel Hospital, Philadelphia, life in an infant that was saved the constant, regular deliveries from the Company hosp tals or for American made goods. A. are reported to have after the death of its mother which are so necessary in foreign from its ships doctors. This ser Within one minute of her death trade. The company owns and op vice has been availed o by ships the mother was operated on and erates 255 miles of railways and of many nations, and has promo the tiny infant, weighing three Tramways in the Tropies, wihchi ted saving life at sea as well as and one half pounds placer in an if extended in a straight line relieving suffering.
Importanie Conocer Important Notice incubator at a temperature of would reach from New York to Throughout the years in which 109 degrees; this has been graSalt Lake City. In conjunction the United Fruit Company has Aceite verde Green Oil dually reduced to 100, an dthe in with its passenger bus. ness the been in existence, no small meafant supplied with a special oxy Company owns and operates the cure of its success has been due sen mixture. Hospital attendants famous Myrt e Bank Hotel in to the research work in laborato are of the opinion that the babe Jamaica ries and experimental stations, Para la picazón del Warranted to cure has a good chance of surviving, As communication has expand Records of prevailing winds, tem The mother was taken to the hos Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña Itch, Mange, and other ed in the day modern trend, the perature, the amount of sunshine pital ten days prior to her death, Coinezones.
Skin diseases.
Company, through its subed ary, land rain and similar climatical suffering from an incurable ailthe Tropical Radio Telegraph, factors have been so met culousment, and the baby father obCompany has established power ly charted that, by the law of Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in geltinga jected at first to the operation, radio averages, the Company has cogent Sul radio telegraph and Búsquelo en todas Bottle on Sale in all but later consented. Although bereaved at the loss of his wife telephone stations in the United information with which to safe.
las Farmacias Drug Stores States and in the Caribbean. This guard its operations. In Honduhe is exceedingly grateful to the wystem is connected with the prin ras, the Company operates an doctors for saving the life of the cipal communications systems of Agricultural Experiment Station infant.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
that HOP LEE LUNG Saved After Death of Mother


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