
The Wanderers were listed to The Construction went to the matters have arisen for their engage the Construction Bat and compiled an inning attention and decision; that no last Sunday but the morning 47 runs, while the Wanderers interest whatever is being exhiLadies and Gents Tailoring broke in the usual inclemen got together 44 for four wic bited as to how the games are manner we have been experienu kets by four o clock, the time conducted. in fact it is claiFor Style Character ing this season. It however clea or call generally as per the ar med that the Board is invalid.
red toward the afternoon, and rangements with the Football The President now resides in Si and Good Taste.
the Captains decided to play Teams. As none of the latter quirres and so cannot attend till 15 if no Footballers cane came out the Wanderers, an either meetings or matches; the If you want the experience of out to disturb them. So officia xious to secure an apparent vic Vice president, unfortunately, Unpires seem to have been notitory, insisted on continuing the knows absolutely nothing wearing a real smart outfit, come of fied by the Secretary of the game, but the Umpires decided the game, while the Secretary along to Board of Control and, due pos that the scheduled time was up appears impotent and withou.
sibly to the unsettled state of and no further play shonld be al sufficient information from eitthe weather, none appeared on lowed from the point of view her the president or Vice Presi the ground, however, two gen that this would be prejni dent, he is not even, we are tlemen were asked to act ano cial to other Clubs who informed supplied with the sta LIMON the game starded at 15. have had to abide by the clos tionery ordinarily required for ing hour rulings of the Board the fulfilment of the duties of There was a clamour for a doci such an office.
Ladies say he is adept al making sion from the orders of the It is a pity the Clubs interesBoard but none could be found ted will not demand a meeting Coats, Costumes, Breeches, Etc.
GUACIMO GUAPILES to settle the question.
with a view of re organizing OThe matter of the inefficiency the Board and clearing up the Cantina, Licores of the Board has now arisen. existing dissatisfaction.
Extranjeros y del país. it is claimed there are no Rules nor Tienda bien surtida the Bye Laws supplied Clubs that the Board has not Abarrotes en general held a single meeting since the Precios sin competencia beginning of the season despite diminishing birth rate and no change, while 14 states and the fact that several important a rising death rate were revea the District of Columbia regist By a notice appearing in the led for the United States in 1936 ered slight increases. w Mexi Official Gazette, it may be ob in the figures compiled by the co rate of 29 was the highest. served that the Supreme Court Department of Commerce. Last New Jersey 12. the lowest, a TWEEDS named don Guido Morales Moya year birth rate was only one drop from 19 since 1927. The ENGLISH SERGES successor to our former Alcaide tenth of a point above that of death rate of 11. in 1936 compa VICUNAS at Siquirres, but as there was no the all time low of 1933 res with 11 in 1934 and 11. in FLANNELS certainty of this gentleman ac16. per thousand. The deati 1935.
cepting the position Judges Guz rate in 1936 was 11. per thon Commenting, Secretary Ro.
mán. Castro and Yglesias voted sand.
per said: Among other things EVERY ARTICLE FULLY GUARANTEED for don Ernesto Ortega.
There were 136. 039 births the figures indicate is that we The removal fro moffice of our last year, according to Secreta must give more thought to the at JACK ORANE STORE prior Alcalde was causea, we un ry Roper. Which is a rate ef improvement of the rural areas derstand, by his having allowed 16. live births for cach thou from which in the past most of LIMON a daughter of illegitimate birth sand of the estimated popula our leadership have come, and to open the Mortual or Administion. The rate of births drop from which we need to have it tration proceedings in ped in 31 states; three showed come in the future.
eclion with the affairs of her supposed BIRTH RATE DECLINE The New Alcalde IN UNITED STATES of Siquirres Project for Mixed Tribunals and Oral Trials deceased father without there se LA FUENTE The Excursionists to Panama EDGAR YOUNG de Following on the information, and Civil departments along ceased was realy her father and carried in a previous issue regar with one Alcalde would be set for naming her the Executrix or oing the duties of Lawyers, up.
Albacea of the Estate and placing Cuando viaje a Turrialba, visite When in Turrialba visit and Solicitors, it is observed The establishment of such a her in charge of all the belong LA FUENTE that a project for the establish Tribunal would be a great adings including cash. It was held LA FUENTE ment of Oral trials in certain vance in the administration by the Judges of the Supreme Cantina y Restaurant in Justice, az no man is infallable Court that the Alcalde had acted Contiguo al Dr. Portocarrero caces and the institution Coffee, Restaurant Bar Adjoining Drug. Store each Province of a mixed Tribu in Law and with the conferet improperly and had also infrin Buen Café a 10 cts. la taza Dr. Portocarrero nal for Appeals is before the ce of three Judges, a thorough ged the duties of the Civil Judge Legislature and Judicial Powers accord in jurisprudence would of the Province, he having no Precios al alcance de todos Splendid Service Good Under the existing system, tend to elucidate points which jurisdiction in such matters.
los bolsillos Coffee and meals.
an appeal be made from the may not present themselves to Should there be any other cai judgment of an Alcalde, it is to mind of a single individuamant to the estate involved, the CLAUDIO BRENES Cia.
referred for decision to either As we also previously stated, Albaceaship might, it seem to us the Tribunal of Civil or Crimi. the Oral Trials would relieve have to be revoked and another nal Judges of the Province as our Judges of a great deal of inventory of the effects taken.
the case may require; should the present waste of their time however, this propo al be adop and eliminate a continuance of ted a mixed Tribunal consisting many objectionable practices.
The motor ship Bocas del opportunity of going on a shor.
of the Judges of the Criminal ro left at p. last Monday vacation to our Sister Kepable.
for Colon on the Excursioni This is the first exession or COMERCIANTE naugurated and controiled by its kind to go to Colon to: a fort por más de 20 años Mr. Nelson. She arrieci an night and Mr. Nelson must te Establecido en la Provincia Vende al detal, Vinos y Liexceedingly enthusiastle iot el complimented for his push ana cores extranjeros y del país, passengers, one hunde: ang determination in oveicoming The officers of the St. Ant. adeptness as a Chairman abarrotes en general one we understand, among them all the difficulties he encounte.
hony Sick and Burial Aid As the function thereby causing MISCELANEA being Mr. Rogelio Gutiérrez. the red with Immigration Deparssociation are sparing no pains all to feel happy durhis the Sstablecimiento esquina Administrator of the Aslantic ment of Panama. We wish to to make the huge Fair they ex couple hours they were gatherea Norte del Mercado.
Voice and Mr. Roberto Soto. the vacationists a very very Entre pect bringing off on the 13th together.
our Governor Secretary, Both happy time.
14th. and 15th. September a these gentlemen have taker: the great success Professor Yan kee Band will open the Fall when all pleasure seekers whil Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our, remark at the back Ilock to trip the Toe to the de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
strains of fantastic melody eve: the specially prepared swad. Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Last Tuesday night Mr. cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month de la Bastide and his Ot de cada mes ficers entertained the member Be so good as 10 comply with this request and do not of the Society and their friends Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step whicho to a fine program of songs, te de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
citations and comical renditions as a preliminary to the coming Fair. It was noticed that Mr. Angus exhibite hi Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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