
The Atlantic Vaice The Chino Japanese War Santander Surrenders to Nationalists the Our Water Supply The Japan se army has been aerial bombings, even the interna zloughtering the Chinese soldiersonal reservation ave been bomb oy the thousands in pursuance ofed despite the threats an worn Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic cheir intention to dominate Norings o zland France and the Editor English Section: NATION hern China as well as the entire that Japan will he held res actline a far South as Canto, ponsible for all inconveniences Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 28th. August 1937 No. 359 indeed it is already reportei they offereby thel nationals. This aave established a bockade of al has now ben seriously aggravatports along an extension of by the deliberate bombing it Umost a thousand miles.
claimed of the car in which Vith the latting of a large num the British Ambasador to Chica ser of additio13) men more. wa; travelling and as the result It can only be by a miraculous attention in the direction of Ma According to the latest cables ensive offensive has been launch of which he now lieg in a pro ong the entire Northern ec carious condition in the hospital Divine intervention that the for rid which, according to Musso the conflict is regarded as no lo!
or Peping reports, and with the in the international Zone of Shances of th Spanish th government ini, has not yet fallen because itr bing wage between. escape complete annihilation was dever seriou ly attacked. Rightists and Leftists but bet apture of the important Pass or għai.
Keszan, the invading forces are Circles feel that should thy continue to oppose The ports still held by the gov Veen force Diplomatic of Commethe rationalist party. All or near comment on the Southern coast nism and anti. Communism. Tu. now proceeding in a Southerly di Japan is taking advantage of the rection opportunity ofer by the unNorth of the Country have been ar, so subjected to the vigilencere was much rejoicings in Italy taken by the force; operating un of Heavy fighting still proceeds settled conditions of Europ 81 po their opponent ships thai over the capture of Santander the Shangai district, and the litics to get away with as mueb der the Command of Gen. Davila, little or no supplies or ammuni juich is ruga ced as a distincty has been terribly damaged by of China as she can.
and now that Saatander has fal tion can be securel, hence the triumph of the Fascist arms.
len in their hands it is expected rumour that certain advances ha Representative of the Natiohe many fires produced by the It will not be long before ve already been made with the nalist Group arrived in this coun.
the small section of this sec vew of surrendering to the na cry a few days ago; he is visitlor stin under government boalists. As far up as the Darda ing these parts, under special ins.
control is also taken. It is selles, Russian ships laden with tructions, to ascertain the attitu Those who have had the plea With re pect to the Aguas ako surmised that General Fran supplies and arms for the loya de of the Latin American nations sure of reading The Court of Zarcaz as it has been found that co will now once mroe turn his lits bave been sunk by, it is alloward the Spanish problem Monte Cristo will no doubt re the supply is not only aniple leged, Italian submarines.
collect the remark to Mercedes but can be obtained by the gra that all things will come to him vitation system and will also be who waits and hopes. Well, the free from the possibility of conthis source has patiently waiting and hoping been recommended Limon was en fete last T165 of friends, admirers and weil Demit Position for a proper supply of healthy The estimated cost of itstalday in consequence of the arri wishers, who specially journeywater, and at last, according to ling a proper supply from the val of. Mr. Otto Cortes Fernaned from San Jo. e to bid him the report of the Commission Rio Banano is placed at four dez from Europe.
welcome home. Every local ofThe Jamaica Banana Industry appointed by the Minister of hundred thousand colones with Mr. Cortes, a son of our les ficial was al o out to meet one is reported to have suffered a ce Public Works and with trious President, Mr. Leon Cor who shews signs of becoming vere loss by Ge cent retire our which a regular monthly experiture eminent Civil Engineer, of five thousand for puraping tes, occupied the position of Se one of the Lights in the Diploment of Mr. Kissfer from the Mr. Munchwas associa etc. while that from the Aguas cretary to the Costa Rican iematic Circle of the country. He Management of the United Fruited we gladly note that the Rio Zarcas will require an expendigation in Paris, and although was accorded a further and he had been creditably fulfilling most enthusiastic reception on Company interests in that Aguas Zarcas has been defini ture of some one millioa olonthe many duties attached to so arriving in San Jose.
land and Captain List frately selected as the source fromes.
which such a supply should be AssociaIt is to be hoped that she Puimportant an office, he decided The ATLANTIC VOICE wishes the Banana Poducers taken.
blic Works Department will inito return among his own. don Otto the highest achieve ion.
The proposal regarding the tiate the work at once, in keepHe was met by his mother as ments in his future career.
Me srs. Kieffer and Lit have also an exceedingly large crowd been associat with the Banar present intake from the Rio Ba ing with the promise of president nano was carefull examined but Cortes when he visited ug some In lustry of Jamaica for a long due to the several deiects ob three months ago. With the exzamt. of years, 200 much of served in the scheme, as its present position in the world the fact that numerous als penditure of a little more: pa habi tience to which the ount upply i; due to their meal and tations vere found to exis. ferred, Limon will the fore soon well known efforts. It is hoped the valley surrounding the rivBy the Panama Newspapers it with the arrangements being be blessed with an uleguate is noted that the Chamber of made for the Oympic Games to chat their rtiriment tron actier by which contamination supply of good water, and SO Commerce of Colon feted Mr. be inaugurated for the fiestas cly participating in the trade could be produced, it was feit we will all be able to forget the Rogelio Gutierrez Ross, the Ad there during next February.
do not signify they will no lonhat the use of the waters from sufferings we experience at yre ministrator of this Journal, and Mr Gutierrez is no stranger ger be associated with the indu this source should not a cun sent.
Mr. Roberto Soto, Secretary to to Panama as he ved sidered our Governor, who left here some y ars 230en he founlast week on the Nelsca. Excur de! the office of the West Insion. It is stated that the visitdia On Company, hence his preof these gentlemen to our neigh sence was much appreciatedby bouring Republic is connected his many friends.
Arrival of Diplomat Banana Chiefs Panama Welcomes Costa Ricans lethere try Rice Shortage Still Gives Trouble UNITED FRUIT Co.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS EUROPEOS AMERICANOS VAPORES SALIDAS The Rice probiem still enga still a Shortage of rice tals per manzana to meet the ges the attention of Presidenttion of fostering the cultivation needs of the populace. Win the Cortes and his Advisers. Every on a very large scale: though ac authorities able to induce effort has been made to keep cording to statistics, it will re our farmers to place this area manzanas under cultivation?
the price of this commodity at;quire cultivating 22 a maximum of thirty cenis per with an average yield of ten quin pound, but the question of securing continuous and adequate importations is causing concern, GRAN FERIA! GRAN FERIA!
although we understand arrangements are being concluded by en el patio de la Iglesia Católica our Minister of Finance, by which he expects to obtain zu el 13, 14 y 15 de Setiembre ficient quantities pending thie arrival of the local product on the market.
There is a Big Time coming li the Season Several localities which receiv Biggest Attraction.
ed supplies from the last imporLET NOISE IT AROUND tation have already sold out.
Anthony Grand Lawn Party On the Lovely whie in others, where a scarciCatholic Grounds ty is again being experienced SEPTEMBER 15 141, 15 certain speculators are said to be endeavouring to secur (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
price beyond that fixed by the Three Gala Nights of Big Enjoyment and Fun government, 30 much so that comes like Christmas Once a year So vrybody one of these who was caught is moking ready. Everybody will be there selling at thirty five centz ha.
First Class Music, Just you follow ibe g Crowd been fined one hundred colones and his stock of the commodity Admission: 50 d 25 cents. Children under 12 years Free confiscated Please Note. Dancing will be enclosed and so sera rated from the rest of the Fair. Take the Ch.
With the view of permanently dren to er jov ihemselves. Big Surprise well for relieving the situation, considethem. Remcmb they are admitted FREE.
ration is being given the ques QUIRIGUA PETEN VERAGUA Agosto 29 Sept. Sept. 12 a ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Para otros irformes dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TEI EFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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