
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday August 28th. 1937 gypt King Solemnly Invested Around the Courts a on a vvas accused SO Excursion to Jamaica who topped off their white; LUIS WA CHONG Last May Farouk, the youth and Austria against England of using the somewhat recerful King of Egypt. attended En and her Allies in 1914 it became ty unearthed golden fillet once Sidney Smith Acquitted of Lic. bino Villalobos who gland greatest of festivals a British Protectorate. At the worn by Ancient Egypt King, conducted Seduction Charge the complainani 1he Coronation, and on return close of the War Britain placed Tutankhamen for the coronation cose, has given nolice of appeal ing to Cairo had his own king. His Late Majesty Fuad, 1, the but as Mohammedan Sovereigns and will we understand. be ship solemnized, a month or father of the present King, on are never crowned, and being The decision in the case making every effort to have so ago, by ceremony for the throne with the title of aware of the fact that the peo against Sidney Smith for Se the decision reversed.
which there was neither prece. Sultan though he was styled ple had, during the period of duction was given on the 16th, dent nor tradition.
King during the latter part of Turkey suzerainty, become instant by Judge Vicente Deson. Frank Douglas Free of On the death of Queen Cleo his reign. However, on the 2nd accustomed to see each new ti of the Criminal Bench.
symbolically invested Smith, a former Telegraph Arson Charge patra, the last of the Polemaic of the present month, his son. Sultan Dynasty, nearly The investigation conducted the six footer Farouk 1, was with the sword, he deciced to Operator for the Northern Rail2000 years ogo, Egypt became a province correctly hailed by dignitaries make use of the gorgeously way stationed at Siquirres, was by the Criminal Court in consut of the Roman Empire (as Mus representing his 16. 000, jewelled sirord of Mohammed under formal prosecution for nection with the fire which was solini claims Ethiopia now is) lects as. The first Severeign Ali, founder of the present dy the seduction of a well known set to a house in Matina some until 461 AD when it fell to invested as King of modern nasly, this historic emblem was young woman of that township. months ago, has proven null charge against the Mohammedan Empire, and Egypt, the Senior Arab King however nowhere to be found. The grounds for the proseso far as the Tu key ioining Germany dom. The minor Kingdoms are Hence, with neither sword nor cution were that the accused, Frank Douglas is concerned.
Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the crown exactly available, it was under promise of marriage and It was emphatically stated by Yemen established since the eventually decided that the Sta while the parents of the com one George Bailey that DouWorld War and to a great ex. le procession should be featu plainant were obsent, seduced glas told him during a private José Achion Ng. itent under British influence, red by a shining gold coach the young woman then came conversation that he, the accuComerciante Detallista hence the difficulty now arising for King Farouk and a bright to this city and entered into sed, had set the house afire to red limousine for the Premier, matrimony with another gir avenge himself of certain resentLicores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, in Palestine while the Civic Fathers spent Smith denied the charges and ments he entertained against Articulos de Ferreteria Much difficulty is said to ha 50 000 dollars on the crection offered evidence to establish one Delfina Dunbar or Lawson Eléctricos todo se encuentra ve been experienced by the of triumphant arches and ela the fact that he never had any who occupied the place at the Egyptian Premier. Mustafa El borate decorations along the intercourse with the compla. time. The Court however did en este establecimiento, Nahas Pasha, in deciding how main thoroughfares of Cairo inant nor that he ever made pro not feel that this atatement was PRECIOS TE SITUACION the ceremony should be correcil condncted as there were no vvas seen everyvvhere as also sly or implied.
The national colour, Green. mises of marriage eitherexpres worthy of that amount of cre.
dence on which to convict the LIMON precedents by which he could the country flag The green After making a careful study accused, as Bailey could give be guided; he therefore thoughivvith vvhite crescent and of the evidence pro and con, no explanation why Douglas there vvhite stars. Dressed in a the Judge came to the concu should have made such a serious uniform of red, withe and green sion there were strong doubts estatement to one who was not cari ying the baton of a Field regarding the guit of the an intimate friend of his; the Marshal. His Majesty and he had to Court was also much more favvhirled in his coach of gold accord him the benefit hence vourably impressed with Douflanked by native runners and the acquittal.
glas Than the witness Bailey, Royal Guardsmen hence the dismissal of the charge by The Union Grand Lodge of Mechanics Douglas has been established blue red fezzes, to the «Barlman» cr as a Tailor in Estrada for the GUACIMO GUAPILES Parliament House, vvhere, vvith past five years, we learn, and the temperature at 104 degrees. Oenjoys the respect and confi.
The French Liner COLUMBE leaves Linion Thursday he took his oaih of office as dence of the vvhole neighbourCantina, Licores hood.
16th December arriving at Colon the following day. On the 18th. soon as the three Regents, Extranjeros y del país.
the COSTA RICA of th: Royal Netherlands Line leaves Co appointed thirteen years prelon for JAMAICA arriving in Kingston December 20th.
viously to rule during his miTienda bien surtida The SIMON BOLIVAR leaves KINGSTON of the renority, had turned over to him turn trip January 4th.
Abarrotes en general Excursionists are afforded the opportunity of spending the the povvers they had exercised, Precios sin competencia Christmas and New Year Holidays with their families and friends (To page 10)
in the Isle of Springs and of witnessing the drawing for the 2, 000 Taniaica Derby Sweepstakes on the 27 December.
Bookings for ist, 2nd, 3rd. Class and Deck. Start preparations LIMON for this Exceptional Opportunity and await further Information.
Fábrica de Hielo The Police Court has been uttering obscene language to kept very busy with a number the damage of the character of Refrescos of cases for Slander.
Mrs. Amanda Daley. The New trains, improved loco Cars are to be put into service: Hazel Whitelock was sentenc Browns Attorney, Solicitor motives, extensive programmes New electric expresses will es to pay a fine of thirty cue Polson, has appealed.
of wagon construction and nu be introduced between Waterloo colones and all costs and da Judge Francisco Villalobos, merous improvement schemes and Portsmouth.
niages, for uttering slanderousl who has been presiding are included in the 1937 pro Cheap Fares are extended by and defaming words agaiast Isell, this ourt from the inception of grammes of the British Railways the introdnction of «Point to Jobe. Whitelock Attorney, Lic. the present Administration.
LA FLORIDA There are to be 512 new Point» tickets to cover all kinds Carlos Silva, has appealed. seem determined to stamp out Narine Howard fined the envful habit so inuch obserlocomotives, 25 of which will of circular tours and round jourof Fábrica de Hielo be of the Castle class, famous neys to meet the anticipated twenty five colones for send ved among a certainless for their association with the desire of overseas visitors and ing vulgar messages to Ms. Le our peope of wilfully endangeVenta de Leche Cheltenham Flyer. of the people in this country to plan er her tutorship.
ticia McKinley by children und ring the characters of others.
Princess Royal class similar individual tours. These Cheap Myrtle and Edna Brown were our much esteemed Judge will It is hoped that these efforts of y Maderas 10 the Princess Elizabeth which Tour Tickets are issued throu each fined twenty colones for be successful.
male the world record non stopi ghout the year at rates of approruns from London to Glasgow, ximately 10. per 100 miles for and back; and 14 streain lined third class train travel, and 15 pacihc type locomotives of the per too miles for first class tra Silver Linck. class for working vel Itineraries covering visits Son muchas las ventajas que le the high speed expresses be to coastal and inland resorts, 1ween Bradlord and Leeds and Cathedral Cities and beauty spots London.
have also been prepared.
ofrece a usted, señor agricultor, For increasing the comfort of To assist the progressive depassengers, new standards of velopment of trade and industry nuestro ya bien conocido plan de design have been adopted for the British Railways are further 2, 000 caniages which are to be improving their freight facilities constructed, and 69 Restaurant by building 32, 460 new wagons Kitchen and travelling Buffet lof various types.
Aumente hoy mismo el número de nuestros favorecedores. Tráiganos COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY Police Court Activities Railways in 1937 The British FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
Dr. Erwin Wedel Cirujano. Dentista o envíenos su CACAO.
Ha instalado su CLINICA frente al Club Miramar, donde ofrece a su numerosa clientes los más modernos tratamientos dentales BANCO DE COSTA RICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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