
Saturday August 28th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page The Weaker Races Again Sacrificed LIMON TRADING COMPANY The Doctor Max Peralta Mixture The imposition taken of Aby throughout the whole transac hovvever of the more amicable ksinia by the Sghting machinestion and the nations of this he relationship vvhich today exists pf Italy has been a cause of misphere seeing this have gra vvith Italy, his presence in either nuch dissatisfaction at the Lea dually disassociated themselves England or France is consideLUMBER YARD gue of Nation as well as among and organized an independert red undesirable. This is beyond ndividual groups the world over. League for their own protection every idea of charity, in fact al.
and as a consequence of the and the prevention of aggres most beyond the thought of or. We have opened a Lumber Yard Typocrisy exhibited boih within sion one against the other. dinary decency qand without the League Cham Th2 climax of these manoeu Italy has shovin England that where we carry in stock a complete bers, the nations of the Western verings has now been reached. She is but a toy in her hands: Hemisphere have become dis for it wil have been seen by she has threatened to destroy assortment of all kinds of Native gusted and have either withdrawn the cables of the 19th. instant the Suez Canal inside of twen Lumber. Special sizes to order.
Þr are withdrawing from this that Britain has intimated to ty four hours: she has threate.
Great Assembly which was be Haile Selassie that she can nolned to take charge of Malta and We also have Portland Cement, Rooflieved, at its inception, to be the longer give him asyluni vvithin Cyprus vith bui a fevy hours ng, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenJonly means of protecting the her territories, and this uncha fighting: she has shovvn by her weaker nations and avoiding ritable, unhuman dictate has been vvarlike manoeuvres that she is tine and all other building materials.
bloodshed among the stronger followed by France. Wnat does mistress of the Meaiterranean nes.
this mean? Here is an unforlu and that Sicily being impregna When Italy invaded Abyssinia nate man, who, after gathering ble to any nation, is the key to Send in your orders without declaring war, there was together some of the most pre the Suez Canal and the Red Sea really no necessity for such a cious jewels of his country and which are no longer of any maLIMON TRADING COMPANY declaration as there were reso making them a present to the terial importance, as Englen!
lutions on resolutions against Cron of England, is offered can be easily cut off from her Limon Division Italy unwarranted designs, but protection on British soil as a Indian Empire, from Australia these were only destined to af guest of honour: a British crui and from Nevy Zealand: he Jord her the opportunity of doser is placed at his disposal and has launched such propaganda 000020960900e. 002 minating the entire African Em he is safely removed from the among the Arabs to Egypt and pire. There never was any sin dossibiliès of capture by the the Southern countries of Eu pe. He has gained every pur not proven that without his cerity of purpose displayed laian forces.
In consequence rope that England is today vvi pose on which he has been bent. aid h: League of Nations is a thouth any dignified influence in He demanded the withdrawal fiasco? By courting the friendseither these parts or in Northern of the British fleer from the Me hip of Hitler has he not got or Eastern Africa. By her help ne? He threatened the British in connection with the many diferenzan and was it not do France and England vvorried to General Franco she aims at occupancy of the Balearic Is Isles with his squadron of sui successes being obtained by lands vvhere gigantic air bases cidal planes did it not have the revolutionary party in the has obtained its rapid and great popularity by having its result? Did he not defy En Spanish vvarfare?
vvould be established to destroy the fortifications of Gibraltar.
gland and France by his inter Certainly Mussolini is the cured an immense number of persons who suffered All this bluff has so intimida vention in Spain and so quie greatest diplomat of Europe, so from LIVER ond STOMACH complaints. These now ted the British government that led them in their non interven it seem there is nothing left for gratefully recommend it to all who suffer from such Chamberlain has seen fit to fur tion Pacı? Has he not by his Haile Selassie to do but bovy complaints as ther humiliate British peoples diplomacy, lessened the influen to the dictates of this reincarCostiveness, Foul Breath, Headaches, by personally writing a letter ce of Briton pretensions in nated Caesar and return, by his to Mussolini begging him for Egypt and along the coasts of permission to Ethiopia as an Loss of Appetite, Skin Eruptions, Nausea, his friendship, and as an indu the Red Sea? Has he not put italian subject full of hate and Biliousness or Indigestion cement decided to declare poor Britain to her wits end in con disdain for everything British, Haile Selassie an undesirable nection with Palestine? Has he person on British soil, although Rome liou ul yet demanded sich a declaration. What humiliation! What indignily! How can The blood of stout hearted BriTokro. Japan most ambi. of 14. 44 meters and equipped tons feel in the face of all this tious aerial attempt, a non stop vith a 600 horse povver engine.
During the earlier days of authorities. persisted most of backing down? Athough the light from Tokyo to Nevy It has a retractable landing gear (the week Puntarenas had the Dairymen decided to sus conquest of Ethiopia has 1o York, in an all Japanese designed and contains 14 tanks in the some unusual experiences in pend sales while the tax y been fully acknowledged by ani buit vronder plane. is vvings for gasoline, claimed to connection with her Milk remained in force, so on Britain, she may as well do so expected to be launched in the be sufficient fuel for So to 90 supply Monday last the citizens of now, this being the only thing ar future.
hours of flying With the view, we unders Ithe Pacific Port experienced left to submit to the will of Mu The crisis in North China may ſtand, of bringing the trade fa serious scarcity of the ar ssolini, But how long will this delay the venture, but with the courtship of in this commodity under their ticle; in order however that lası? Probably for a few short greater control, especially as the children of poor families months, for knowing as we do nese promoters vvill go forward regarding price, the Munici should in no way suffer as althe policy of the Italian dictator with their original plans.
COMERCIANTE pal Fathers inaugurated cer consequence of this act of war will come, and it may as The plane, just completed at por más de 20 años fain regulations which included protest, don Ricardo Jiménez, iwell happen now rather than the Aeronautic Institute of ImEstablecido en la Provincia the payment of a tax. The our Ex President, had 300 allow diplomatic activities to perial University, is declared to Vende al detal, Vinos y Licores extronjeros y del país, ploducers objected to this as bottles brought in from his continue casting shame in the be capable of traveling 10, 000 abarrotes en general.
they claim the condition of Lecheria and distributed free faces of Britons better they lor more miles vvithout refueling.
MISCELANEA the industry cannot afford y among them; he has since die in warfare.
Briton has undoubtedly lost Eager to surpass the Russian 5stablecimiento esquina such a payment which taken the matter up with the her prestige as the greatest di record, the institute has fabri Norte del Mercado, said to range between twenty Minister of Gobernación with plomatic nation on earth for Becated a plane vvith a vvirg span Entre 43 and fifty colones per quarter the hope of having it a micably nito Mussolini has proven him of 28 meters, an over all length As, however, the Municipal seltled.
self the best diplomat in EuroJapan Plans Non Stop Flight Puntarenas Short of Milk easing of the tension the Japa: EDGAR YOUNG Maduro Lumber Yard Depósito de Maderas NACIONALES FRANK MADURO Jr.
Maderas del país. Existencia permanente nuestro depósito.
Best native lumber en at moderate prices FRIO SILENCIOSO COMO UNA NOCHE INVERNAL MAXIMO DE EFICACIA PRECIOS MODICOS La única con el Rejol Encantado Descongelador, que deshiela automáticamente cada 24 horas la Refrigeradora, evitando un trabajo molesto y asegurando el mayor rendimiento.
DIEZ MODELOS CINCO AÑOS DE GARA. TIA Our Politics set So as to speed up the arrang, day. The are said to be 6, 030 ments for starting the pciitical voters in that locality hence it campaign for the election of will require sixty days to Deputie; to ongress in February them all taken.
next, the government is rushing As it is estimated that the the photograph matter for all work of getting the picures of it is worth. Within a period of every voter read ycannot be twelve days the phocographer: dcne o ntime, it has been deworking in Turrialba took 200 cided not to demand then ac photo3 an average of 100 peil this coming election, AGENTES EXCLUSIVOS AVELINO DE LA PENA Co. Sucs.
LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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