
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday August 28th. 1937 LA FUENTE Grasshoppar war Brings out Troops que le Egypt King Solemnly. charge DENVER, Col. More than Lincoln County where, it is es.
SALOMON CHIN 125, 000 acres of land in East timated 4, 000 acres of land Cuando viaje a Turrialba, visite When in Turrialba visit ern and Southeastern Colorado have been destroyed. About Wee. Le LA FUENTE are barren of gross and crops. 2000 acres of this was crop land. LA FUENTE The result of the most damaging in all, nine Coloradu counties Cantina y Restaurant ESTRADA Contiguo al Dr. Portocarrero re infested.
Coffee, Restaurant Bar grass poer infestation in the State history. The same situa The grasshoppers have eaten Abarrotes y Licores Adjoining Drug. Store Buen Café a 10 cts, la taza tion prevails in small sections the stems as well as the leaves Artículos del Pais Dr. Pertocarrero of New Mexico. Texas and of vegetation on land they have Precios al alcance de todos Splendid Service Precios Economics Good Oklahoma infested. They wee so thick on los bolsillos Coffee and meals.
Heavy kills of the gratory some highways in the State LA IBERIA hoppers have been reporled that traffic was delayed as long CLAUDIO BRENES Cia. recently by the widespread use as two hours.
of poison, but the infestation is Bodies CRONICAS DEL MINUTO far from checked, entomologisis ghyvavs by passing automobi. Larcency Charge Agains reported. The principal question les have mace the Del orfelinato al hogar donde le esperan pavements Mrs. Salmon Dismissed las now is where the grasshoppers so slippery that cars couid not will settle after they fuly develop pass until highvvay vvorkers caricias, los halagos y la fortuna their migratory wings. In the spread gravel and sand.
Following on the informa Ya se ha informado de la co tendría el halago de llamar usually remain in one section. mologist of the United States some weeks ago regarding first stages of development, they Dr. Parker, senior ento lion releaced in these column tragedia de don Carlos madre a la mujer In Co orado the problem be Bureau of Entomok gy arrived in the arrest of Mrs Salmon of Bravo, importante vecino de diera el ser. Ni siquiera podría came so acute that Governor Colorado from his neadquarters Granada, Nicaragua, su hogar saber cuál era su apellido Teller Ammons declared ar in Bozeman. Mont. to make a Jamaica Town on suspicion lo formaban él, su señora y verdadero.
emergency and called out the survey of the situation. of having stolen the sum o un niño de cinco años, que Ahora resulta que este Colorado National Guard to aid As a precautionary measure thirty seven colones from a era el alma de la casa. Pcro, niño, será el más dichoso WPA workers and government the army of vvorkers is sprea. suit cose belonging to one como en los cuentos de ha las del mundo Los esposos Bra and State agricultural experts dig savvdust poison on thou Davidson who occupied a un día voló al cielo. Verdad vo lo adoplarán, le darán sus to cope with the infestation sands of acres surrounding the room in her house, it can es que arriba hubo fiesta, apellidos y su fortuna. Lo Principal damage has been in linfested area now be stated ihat the accus batir de alas repiqueteo de necerán en cuna bien alavis.
sed has been freed of the campanillas de oro. Pero sus da; le prodigarán las caricias padres, que en el niño irabın que otros padres le negarar.
Afler examining the records su dicha quedaros ir conso. Quién escribió en el libro (From page 8)
private fortune of fifty million token at the investigatio lables. Para ellos el suc250 del destino que este mucha Faurok took his oath on the dollars to his son Farouk the charge, Judge Manuel tuvo rescnancias de lagedia. cho, salvado lag os imanie sacred Koran, it vvas as fo. During the fourteen years of Martínez came to the coni ¿Sabéis lo que es perder un de una muerte sigura, por the Almighty, to observe the more nio ferial pri gres3 man in the proceedings to prove that llovvs promise before Allah. Fuad reign. Egypt has made usión, there was nothing in hijo? Calculáis lo que eso hambre y frio, habia de ser constitution and Lavys of the the past 000 years. The late significi cuando sólo hay un dia el niño mimado de un Egyptian people and to niain King was Mrs. Salmon was the only DOSS2s sed of a uno es posible no esperar hogar extraño, donde todo lain the national independer ca strong character and has le person who could have co más? Es como si el mundo cbunda. Quién pudo ima and integrity of their territory a gond example to his son immilled the offence, and that mismo quedara sin luz Esi ginar que las lágrimas que On the day after his investi Farouk.
according to the report sub entrar a las lin e las con los se ahogaron en sus ojos de ture, King Farouk drove thrcugh King Farouk ani his four milled by the officials who ojos abiertos, y muy abiertos recién nacido, porque no the poorest quarters o Cairo. sisters Favvziya, Faiza, Faika inspected the place, Davidson como queden después de una hubo mano maternal que los vvhere he was vvilday cheered, and Fathiya vere educated id could have himsef hidden gran tragedia.
enjugara, se convertirían luego his father is buried and on ile it is claimed, of the British covered, the charge agains to pray at the Mosque in vvhich England and have all the traits the case where it was dist Estos padres quisieron a andando los años, en su next he revievved his Army in His mother, Queen Nazli. is Mrs. Saimon was consequen, doptar un niño: Pensaron propia felicidad?
the cooler hours si after dawn. also vvith him.
ellos, y en eso se empeñaron Pero era preciso que se By this time every important tly dismissed.
sus amigos. que os raban desarrollara otra Tragedia: la joven throughout the country fan acongojados. que no del hijo que vuela al cielo, had been equipped by the gov.
habría otro camino para mi para que este niño abando ferment vvith a radio loud TWEEDS tigar tan gran dolor. Un niño nado encontrara los padres lepeaker in the public square de uno o dos años; la edad que le habían faltado; el so the vvhole kingdom could SERGES ENGLISH en que sus sonrisas son color del hogar; las caricias isten, for the first time, to its VICUNAS Sovereign vvho, addressing his fiesta, sus lágrimas preocu de la fortuna.
people froni the Palace said, FLANNELS pación; si porvenir promesa Son los designios supe inter alia. al pledge myself to que embarga todo el tiempo riores, que con la misma be the first servant of my EVERY ARTICLE FULLY GUARANTEED disponible, llena todo un hofuerza que dirigen y ordenan country: thank everyone, the gar. Por (s) sólo la presenciale movimiento en los mundos Egyplian people as vvell as de un angelito, sea adoplado siderales, van disponiendo, fo e gners, for the loyalty they at JACK ORANE STORE simplemente, puede ocupar el con el dedo invisible, pero have shevyn to the Fatherland vacío que queda en a casa, todo poderoso, el destino and to mysef. LIMON cuando el hijo único, sale en del hombre.
It vvas in the year 1922 that su caj blanca hac a la mo Britain, by Treaty granted rada de os muertos, llevánEgypt the status of en IndepFr. Martin Narváez endent Sovereign State and dose con él los corazones brought King Fuad, a compade sus padre hechos tizas ritively poor man, to the throne; aquí vien lo más cu rio 50 del caso que relatamos Santiago, Chile. The board conditions linking Chile and Se acude en busca del niño 80OTH of exports for agricultural pro Germany through the operation deseado a México; se piensa Mr. Syrett, at present of ducts announced that plans were of compensation arrangement en los propios niños le país, The Old Capital, Cartago, bul Best well advanced for the exporta varrant the assumption that pero todas las esperenzas known throughout this Zone by tion of the bulk of Chilean wines the Reich vvill soon take almost fallan. Entonces se ccude a reason of his many years associa Baked to Germany all Chile vines, vvhich Costa Rica. Se escribe a uno tion with the Merchandise Depar: Berlin The volume of exports to the expected to stabilize prices here y otro amigo. y buscando el mont of the United Fruit Compa Bread Reich already exceeded 50 per anal elp ma ain high standards encargo, se localiza un niño ny, returned here the earlier part Buns cent of the total wine production Figures given out reveal thag que recogió el orfelinalo, hará of the week from the United Sta Biscuits Cakes in the first half of the year, Belgium, the Netherlands and eño y medio. Un niño since; where he had ben on a visit with Germany purchasing more Svitzerland are next on the liste padres. Fue encontrado a la o his many relatives.
The. People Bakery tant 3, 000, 000 litersof inportant buyers.
vera del camino de Aserri. The Atlantic Voice tenders Box 179. Limón It is declared that economic Había estado algunas horas him a hearty welcome home.
abandonado a la buenaven kura. El pecho de una noble dama, ofrecido a tiempo, lo volvió a la vida y las HerThe distribution of the Royal has long since been disconti Maundy in Westminster Abbey. nued, though the Almonry Of manas de la Caridad, maon Maundy Thursday is the ci ls and children of the Rova dres amorosas, se encarga LIMON, COSTA RICA survival of a very old custom. Almonry are still girl with ron de su crianza. Así iba Importación The vvord maundy is suppo tevvels vvhen they attend the tomando cuerpo. Como no Imports and Exports sed to be derived from com Maundy Thursday ceremony.
tería nombre le pusieron!
maund and to have reference! When Queen Elizabeth took Hernán Chinchilla. El ajuar Exportación to the injunctions given by. part in the ceremony in the Ha!
con que se le encontró se Christ to His disciples on the al Greenvvich, in 1572, the pool Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit eve of he Crucifixion.
guardó por si algún día una people to vvhom she ministered In many places the religious vvere vvomen. The aims tha madre trataba de indentificar Compra de Cacao en observance of Maundy Thursday she distributed, consisted al ser arrojado de sus entrahas included the ceremony of broadcioih vvith vvhich to mas Cocoa Purchased Das para abandon vrlo en la grano vvashing the feet ol old men govvns, a pair of sleeves vía púb ica. Para Todos éste vvho represent the Ivvelve vvooden platter upon vric era un niño desdichadu. Nuni Apostles. In England that custom (To page 10)
Reich Buys Chile Wine Back from Vacation but who, at his death. Tett a ALLAN THE ROYAL MAUNDY SIME y Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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