
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page Saturday August 28th. 1937 Galapagos Exiles Yearn For Rescue Dr. MEDAL Jr.
The Estrella Train Delayed Isabello, the island named Guillermo Niehaus Co.
Influenza Virus Found in Ferrets Guayaquil. Ecuador co was magnificent in the dry hes for food, and as a reslony of so called Commun season, but impossible when ulls some of them are alCirujano Dentista Ameorican American Surgeon Dentist ists, exiled to the Galapagos it rained, because the roof most naked.
De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University New Islands, has not found life leaked like a sieve. The majority of the lexiles New Orleans, EEUU.
Orleans, SA enchanting in the famous The exiles divided themsel are of weak character and aenchanted isles. according ves into wo groups, one doing they suffer intensely. FreguenOfrece sus servicios Offers his Professional to Saul Mora, newspaper the communal work and the tly some retire to the beach profesionales en su Services in his New Upman, who is the first of ihe other testing. These groups, an sit for hours in attitudes moderna Clínica Dental exiles to return to the main alternated week by week, ihe of profound nostalgia.
to Date Dental Clinic.
workers gathering firewood. In the three months spent instalada contiguo a la Located nex to the In Ecuador the line drawn carrying water, cooking and there we sighted three ships.
oficina del Cable: All American Cables between Communists and po cleaning: the resters engaged Their appearance caused all litical opponents of the gov in sports, took long walks to rush to the beach, hpping ernment is not very definite and read.
they were rescue ships You There are only four Com «Every Monday morning, can imagine the drop in their munists in the island colony. Mr. Mora said, era general morale when they lost sight according to Mora, who is election was held to select of the ships below the horizon.
not a Communist. The other the administrator of the coloexiles, he says, are a polit ny for that week. The admi ical potpourri.
nistrator had charge of the What might have been a strious congratulated for the very effi «The diverse political ideas supplies in order that the ra accident on Tuesday last, was a cient manner in which they ma of the colonists. says Mora, tions might be as small as Always Read voided by the guidance of Supre nipulated their equipment. The have created a dangerous possible without starvation. boom of placed in had made her customary run un position for operating, was ob in serious consequences al pplemented these rations by The Atlantic der Conductor Weeks and Engl served to be about one foot only any moment. When politics purchasing from the islanders; neer Brooks, and was coming is from the high powered wires are discussed there are vio when they had spen! all their Voice on time when, on arriving at San the Electric Company, hence if lent altercations. money, they traded their clotta Roga the left hand pilot wheel the least bit of carelessness had The government gave the of the engine (No. 27) suddenly been displayed a contact with us thirty exiles 1, 000 sucres away from the axle in the tye; se wires may have occurred with. 100) and landed them on fortunately the train, was being the most appalling results.
brought to a stop at the station for the Queen of Spain, The whe nthe mishap occurr May we suggest that the Elecmoney was invested in 1, 100 MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Conductor Weeks immediately tric Company have their wires, pounds of rice, 500 pounds reported the matter by telephone, conveying the power from the of sugar; two cases of cigar LIMON an dsoon engine No. 21 with tue generating plant at Rio Blanco to ettes, one case of matches, Brown Hoistand a wrecking gang the storage plant in the city car twenty packages of flour and Compra Cacao Material de Tranvía reached the spot. Getting to world ried to a higher position where a number of packages of under the guidance of Foreman they cross the Railway Lines atmacaroni.
Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo Muller, the gang quickly and ve the curve leading from Trebol u «They installed us in a lar.
Importación de mercaderia en general ry efficiently had the crippled that there may be no possibility ge house. sald Mora. Il engine raised and the broken parts of a contact taking place during replaced to enable the train to manipulations similar to those proceed, though slowly, to Limon which were carried out by the where she arrived about three Railway employees last Tuesday.
hours after her scheduled time.
Congratulations must also be Had this collapse happened while accorded Engineer Brooks for his LONDON. The Report for Many useful experiments were that provided by blood tests on the general run it might have accustomed care in handling his 1935:36 recently issued by the made in connexion with this oc shovving ine connexion betyveproduced a serious wreck Irain. He has been much ridicul Medical Research Council concurrance, which was important en the virus neutralizing antitain an interesting account of for more than one reason, The wrecking gang must be by the public for his apparent body in the blood serum and experiments and research inslowne but his methodical way to the cause and prevention of only recorded case of an influen the strong hope, vvhich the ReIn the first place, it was the resistance to infection, leads to of handling his engine probably the world scourge of influenza virus passing from a ferret port qualifies by stressing the avoided, on this occasion, a more za to a man, thus providing the fin need for caution, that in the It is novy scientifically esal link in the scientists chain mouse a vaccine vvill be found expensive wreck and serious inLic. DANIEL ZELEDON conveniences. The same goes to tablished that in the words of of reasoning.
vyhich yvill not only cause the Abogado Conductor Weeks for by his ex the Report. Ihe virus propoga Secondly, it was the only appearance in the blood of theDerience and quickne of thoughted in the ferrel is the prima. one in which human material se virus neutralizing antiboy Notario Público and action he saved his passen ry agent of epidemic influenza vvas found infective for nice dies, but will also protect the in man.
gers fro mbeing unnecessarily deA series of experiments leadevidence in conjunction vvith ſection, as well as ferrets, and this respiratory passages from inlayd and overtaken by night. ing up to this conclusion had WI conc.
again. old Man! as its climax an accident to one Oficina: Altos PasWeeks: here is where the exde of the doctors engaged in the recual Ingianna rience of your 80 summers count. search Before this occurrance, ex periments had proved that the Importante Conocer influerza virus could be trans Important Netice ferred from human beings to ferrets and thence transmitted Aceite verde Green Oil to mice, pointing to the probeOrders have been received her loyal Girman must by the end of ginal home of the virus. but!
bility of the ferrer being the ori. understand, from the Hitler the current mouth desist from mem alter pls to confirm this theory bership in the Rotary Clubs of any by transferring the virus from Para la picazón del Warranted to cure, country the ferret back to the man had! Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña Itch. Mange, and other The Nazi government claims been unsuccessful.
Skin diseases.
that the Rotary (From page 10)
Organizations This transmission vvas even are inimical to the ideas of Na tually effected when one of a Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in gettinga vvas half a side of salmon, the firm, having been founded by Ma small batch of ferrers which had same amount of ling. six red sonry and upheld principally by Stuari Harris. who was exc!
been infected sneezed over Dr. Búsquelo en todas Bolile on Sale in all herrings, and six loaves of bread. Jews who cre the avowed ent mies mining it, wäh the result tha las Farmacias a vvhite vvondeo dish of claret of the Hither regime and so not fa in the space of torty five hour Drug Stores vvine. The forvels she had used and the aprons vvorn by her vourably disposed to th epolitical te dacier succumbed to a sher, attendants.
aspirations of the German peoples attack of the disease.
The last English Sovereign to perform the ceremony of vvasbing the feel vvas James the Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nola al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back Second vvho. on April 16, 1655 de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads. lo quote a record that is preserved at Somerset HouseEste recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office. vushd. vvip and kiss the cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month feel of 52 poor men vvith vvon derful humility. de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not In lieu of clothing and provi. Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which sions the poor people nov de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
receive money and there is, in addition, the distribution of specially minted Maundy coins.
The number of recipients is the same as the Sovereign age, Nazis Ban The Rotary Club The Royal Mau. a a la te Compañía Eléctrica de Limón 513 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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