
The United on the Pacific Vaice The Atlantic peti Japan Accused Before League Joe Louis Wine Again againA Dangerous Pole Return dangerous pole carrying electric ex The proposals, submitted the Company turning their for the approval of the govern attention either in the direc Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic ment by the Compañia Banation of Nicaragua or Gu terra nera de Costa Rica in connecla with the natuhal curtait Editor English Section: NATION tion with their desire to intenment of their operations 02 sify their activities in the Pathe Pacific side here, a Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 4th. September 1937 No. 160 cific Zone, having been deniedricn, drawn up by the far by the Executive Council, they mers and numerously signed were withdrawn a fortnight or by all classes in that comuur so ago and the matter cossider Inity, has been sent to the Pre ed closed in so far as the sident praying that the additio representative of tae Company nal concession be granted the In a note to the League tral and Northern positions tions the Chinese nation have, were concerned.
Company of Nations China has accused by land, aic and sea, thus ma effectively carried out during As subsegent events, howe The proposals of the Com Juan of precipitating the king it purely and simply an the past ten years, thus deliver indicated the likelihood ofl To page conflict in the far East, and act of aggression. This pre berately disturbing the peace informs the Powers that the sent action of Japan is a con of the Far East and violating beginning of the struggle is tinuation of her aggressive the fundamental principles of not Yet in view. She accuses programme initiated in Man the pact of the League of Na and hammering the entire right Japan of rejecting all cierta churia in 1931. She has oc ticis. By making use of war side of his face. At the stars, res for a pacific settlement cupied all that region from as an instrument of her natio Joe went away with the light of their local disagreements Peiping to Tientsin and now nal policy, while ignoring ai!
but Farr proved he was no chic and declares Japan is como proposes to occupy all thc pacific meals for the settle ken; and in reality, toward the mised by a policy of military North of China so as to do ment of international contro close, proved superior in the ta conquest and expansion in the minate the other regions in versies. Japan has also violat pidity of his changes in action Asiatic Continent favouTo page 11 spite of her pretensions by Many News papermen Ted Farr but the Judges and Powerfully armed Japanese affirme tions, that she has no forces have invaded an exten territorial intentions the Referee, after comparing their points, unanimously decle.
sive portion of Chinese terri China. She is endeavouring red Joe the winner. When Dotory and attacked their cen to destroy all the reconstruc desire to call the attention novan, the Referee, raiset tha of those concerned to the very hand of Louis in token of victo Our Excursionists ry, the greater part of the thir ty thousand spectators gave an During the forenoon of Fri also greatly appreciate the of the Railways lot between the overwhe ming shout in favour day of last week, the motor scurtesies ankmesses Switch at the Liamond Crossing of 2nd Avenue In one of the greatest heavy, of the decision.
ship Bocas del Toro return tended them by the Diploma and the corner weight fights the pugilistic According to the experts of and 8th. Street ed here with those of our ci tic Representatives of Costa world has witnessed, the Cham the United Press New. Louy tizehs who had seized the op Rica. Every one seemed deThe stay wire, intended to keep pion Joe Louis vanquished his, won by a wide margin; but the portunity Mr. Nelson Extermined to outdo the other the pole in place, has been bro Britia Challenger, Tommy Farr, European newspapermen hoc cursion afforded of spending party in according our peo is now bent toward the West. It at the close of the firteen round round, tied in two and lost in ken for some weeks and the pole last Monday night, by decision sht Tommy had won in eight a little more then a week ple a pleasant and happy may be up rooted at any moment Bout, he thas retains his title five. The decision was given in with relatives and friends in me the neighbouring Republic of It is understool that with serious consequences, as sco of Champion of the world. The exactly the opposite terms in don res of persons fraffic the Panama. They appeared to Rogelio took the opportunithroughout the spot Tre wa, never a greater surprisel favour of Louis. All are agreed have all had a most ocjoyacy of discussing with the gocne may then get in contact with the Critics were of the opinion distance the best heavyweight day, and some to American Figo Fans, as anorever, that Farr is by a long ble time.
vernment authorities the ma: the electric wires which are al that Joe would have had an easy ligater Fingland has sent across In an interview with Mr. ter of the prohibitive regula iways charged.
the walk over with Farr. Tom, hu the Atlantic within last Rop:15 Gusić rez, Director tions now in force against co rever, maintained his ground thirty years.
of the Atlantic Voice, shortly loured West Indians, and we throughout the encounter, and Among the great pugflits who after his return with the Ex believe his efforts toward the Crown Offered Duke and in many a round caused the were in the ring while the con cusionists, the writer found melior were highly him brimming over with prai cessful but he awaits the reDuchess of Windsor campion to recede; he was a testants were preparing were so the aggressor in several. Max Schmeling, Wiro will be se and ppreciation for the turn here of the Panamanian Ladon newspaper is res. Early in the contest Joe. the next to challenge Joe for spleadid hospitality showered Minister, Mr. Espriella bei ponsible for the recent state ked the left eye of his opponent the title and Jack Tempsey: on them by all with whcm fore releasing anything.
ment that Polish Workers had wao bled severely all through they were both greatly applauthey came in contact, and al We further gather that th the Duke and Duches of ind the right; toward toe end buwe ded.
so for the very courteous man way has been clcared for a cor to accept the Crown of Pover he repaid Joe in ia his own Farr and his Agent accepted ner in which they were treat ther Excursion to take place land.
coin by closing his right eye the findings without any protest.
ed by the officials of the go during and the former October and was beartily two cheered for his courage and vernment, particularly those of others during the Carnival pe Bocas del Toro, Almirante. Co riod next year.
great fighting abilities. It was lon and Panama City. They noted that during the greater There is still an indication tha In view of the antie pated of portion of the encounter Louis the Mediterranean will be the fensive against Madrid, the city right hand punch was sadly mis scene of the more serious activ. Municipal authorities are arrang sing, and at the close of the ties should the threatened Euro ing to evacuate. 300, 000 non com fight he explained that this was pean outbreak materialize.
batants during the next four caused by his having hurt st Several merchantmen and war months.
during the third round ships of British and other nationalities having been attacked and some destroyed, latterly with ap SERVICIO DE VAPORES preciable losses in lives and ma GRAN FERIA! GRAN FERIA!
terial, by underwater craft claim Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK ed to be Italian, England has orcon escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA en el patio de la Ig esia Católica dered that her Units in those wa ters be immediately strengthened el 13, 14 y 15 de Setiembre LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS with instructions to those in com EUROPEOS AMERICANOS mand to open fire on anyth ng which shall attempt to interfere STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! READ!
VAPORES with her tree transit of such wa SALIDAS There is a Big Time coming li the Season ters. This policy is being support Biggest Allraction, ed by France, and as Russia has LET NOISE IT AROUND PETEN Septiembre also been suffering rather sever Arthony Crind Lawn Party On The Lovely VERAGUA Septiembre 12 ely in this respect, it is to be ex Caholic Grounds pected she will also be taking SEPTEMBER 131h. 141h. 15 QUIRIGUA Setiembre 19 steps to protect her ships; hence (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
there is no known just what Three Gea Nights of Big Enjoyment and Fun It may happen as the result of these ALVARADO CIA. Sucs. latest developments.
comes like Chrisires. Once a Year So everybody Arrangements are unde: wsy mekirg recdy. Everybody wil be there Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
for the holding of a conference First Class Music, Just you follow ibe g Crowd among the Powers interested in kdmission: E0 25 cenis. Children under 12 years Free Para otros informes dirjase a las oficinas de la United the Mediterranean with the view Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica of initiating such activities as Please Note. Dancing will be inclosed ard so sepoToled from the rest of the Fair. Take the Chil.
TE! EFONO 3156 will put an end of these piratdren to enjoy then seives. Big Surprise We for cal acts. as the attacks have them. Remen they are admitted FREE been termed Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The Threatened War UNITED FRUIT Co.


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