
Page CURRENT LIMON TRADING COMPANY LUMBER YARD We have opened a Lumber Yard where we carry in stock a complete assortment of all kinds of Native Lumber. Special sizes to order.
We also have Portland Cement, Roofing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and all other building materials.
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 4th. 1937 Guatemala and Mexico ITEMS fonducd The New Logital has decided that all entrats, The French nation bahoIt would seem as if the co of a financial nature alt, In noured Mons. Luis Duron y Satruction of the Public Hospital future, be made poyable in the re, Archbishop of Guatemala, by of this city is at last to ta currency of that country Ins confering on him tie title of ken in hand. The money needed ſtead of in dollars. It has also Knight of the Legicn of Hofor the work is in hand and been decreed that all payment nour tenders are invited by the Board now so stipulated will be paid Pre. ident Cardenas of Mexico of PuSlic tance, le ten In Cordovas and must be been decreed that all payment ders must be submitted by the aecepted as the legal tender of Queen Wilhelmina of the 300h. instant and the work is to the country.
be carried out uider the direction of the Fuolle Works Depart ment.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard Threatened Conflict It wafeand a week o more NACIONALES ago that Csere would have been FRANK MADURO Jr.
a conflict between Ho. duess and Nicaragua in connection PROP with their Bandar y que tica, Frank Maduro hijo, but by Judicioas manupulation PROP.
e danger seem to have pas.
Maderas del país. Exisced.
tencia permanente en Nicaragua Currency nuestro depósito.
at moderate prices The Sicaraguan government EL ATLANTICO Best native lumber LIMCN TRADING COMPANY Limon Division The Lure of the Tropics Johney on the Honeymoon Trip ENGLISH JACK ORANE STORE old sea France Opens Europe Highest Auto Road for alat honeymoon?
neymoon? Yes my dear a very m going to the Tropies. im sio 15 to the outlying ind Honeymoon, my dear. 15 happy one. Did go too, Mot sick of the subway and the tur (By ED. WHITMAN) and to tilt over the nearese bus when people who have saved up her? No, my dear, your father moil of the city and m going a handful of sweetly ringi. is their carings, get marriet took you away, but brought back down to the Tropics.
golden doubloons, go for a honeymoon; which is your back say Going Back Down be As for the sights to be seen a season full of bliss.
sacked Panama City. There a cause for many year; lived in today, there are turtles that Ito of that gold and jewelry ooer various Islands and republies still hidden in the jungles of ting the otuaries of Costa Rica weigh up to 500 pound, frequenthat bound the Caribbean Sca Panama and on the innumeraTWEEDS grew banana, in Honduias. ble tiny islands that dot the Ca Hondures teem with crocodiles, The waters of Nicaragua and dug for face and other ancient ribbean Sea off the coast of SERGES treasures in Guatmeala made mov Central America. We know this the plumage of parrota, macaws their jungles are brilliant with ing pictures in Rica explore because, in the first place, Mor VICUNAS the outlying Island and jungles of gan and the other pirate lea: lous deep sea fishing ali along and egrct, and trora marvePaneme by air, took a motor boat ders invariably divided up the FLANNELS the coat of Central America.
through the island waterways booty as soon as they got their There are ancient Mayan cities of Colombia, explored the beau hands on it. What the indivi Every article fully guaranteed crumbling away in the jungle tiful island of Jamaica, ind, dual did with his share after fastnets, mounds to be exhumed vrossed Cube by a combination that was hig own business jade ornaments to be discovered at or automobile and mule in And it was a sutpid pirate, in beautifully fashioned pottery about equal proportions.
deed, who tried to bring his avaiting the archaeo czist di LIMON This time, ve got to write wag back to Port Royal, Jamai vining rod. ere are a travel book, make some les ca, without having it taken walls cuilt centuries ago till res and prepare some articles, cway from him en route, legitiguard. ang may pacc. her will seek fresh material, and, mately. or the illegitimately. No, bers. Outstanding among them besides, wouldn want o tai these cutthroats cached their are the Morro Castle at Havana about the fascinations of Hava gold right down in Centrai and the forticatio3 at Cartage na, the charm and gayety of her America, hoping eventually to na, Colombia, and am going to people, the rhythm of her mu be able to return and quietly make a special trip on my voya sic, if all this wasn in my blood pick it up and slip back to En ge to include a mu e back visit Saint Maurice, France. Pre ke of Geneva with the Medits Take Jamaica, a garden spot gland to end their days in pea to one of the most astonishing sident Albert Lebrun has inou rranean required nine yeaes or if ever there was one, an Lland ce. Some of them accomplish architectural triumphs in the gurated the highest automobile construction. It runs near die only 140 odd miles long and 30 ed this purpose, but think me 25 miles wide, yet of Western World. a feat of ong road in Europa the 1seran lasa famous passes of Mount ceais honey, the hunderds whose stupwe neering comparable to the baila higiway twining betiveen mora and Saint Bernard in the Decombed with excellent motor re later scuttled or who died in ing of the pyramid or ice contain peaks with an altitude reapartment of Savoie close to the roads with vegetation.
brols, never to return.
truction of the Panama Canal, ching 230 feet Italian fronties.
It is no uncommon ocu:Ten refer to the mountaintop The Dighway, linking the Lal Orch. strawberries, da ce today to have Carib fisher citadel of that erstwhile plasia nanas, ginger, calla lilies the men return to port from e cür King of Haiti, Jean Christophe se and many other fruits and flo Many the fantastis tale told wers thyacinths) bloom in such about this extraordinary mean pro usion there that, once seen, ment to one man Jamaica remains forever indeli and drive: how upon one con bly impressed in the mind as cio, to demonstrate to a visiting Todo habitante de nuestro país que sienta verdadero the veritable Garden of Eden.
COMERCIANTE ambassador from a foreign com carifio por él, esta obligado a comprar unicamente la think the nicest place on por más de 20 años try the perfect cbedience te ca the entire island is the Myrtle Establecido en la Provincia Bank Hotel manded from his men, he caini owned and prat Vende al detal, Vinos y LImarched a detachment of Cheat ed by the United Fruit Compa cores extranjeros y del país, abarrotes en general.
over the ramp at the highes ny, and set like a jewel in a section of his mig ty foticis MISCELANEA que es la que produce la renta para el seslenimiento beatif garden plot righi 5stablecimiento esquina plunging them hundreds of feef del Hospital de San Juan de Dios y del Asifo Chapui next to the sea at Kingston Norte del Mercado to in tant death szains Debe tenerse en cuenta que protegiendo a los From old Fort Royal, at the en Entre 44 rock bele trance to Kingston Harbor In que padecen, nos protegemos nosotros mismos Jamaica, a down acro the Caribbean to Panama and Co lombia, will folow the identi cal course taken by the pirates Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back when tsey set forth to sack the de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
incredibly rich old cities such as Porto Bello, Cartagena and Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Old Panamá cina dentro de los primeros 10 dias before the 10th of the month When set to the Canal Zo de cada mes ne will traverse the thmus Be so good as to comply with this request and do not on a trip parallel to that taken Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y eviternos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which by Henry Morgan when he led de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take his expedition of 175 pack ani mals and 600 pisoners, all heavil, laden with the booty he and his men stole when tey!
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica.


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