
ESTFALIA Again to the Front Franco Representative Spread of Banana HE DR. MAX FERALTA MIXTURE The Old English Señor matie Representative of Gene Monday night there was was very badly battered with These disgraceful occurrences re! Franco, the Chief of the re.
Cur Banana men are exhibi. awful bochinche at this sticks and bottles with a nasty are due, as we have on other oc.
solutionary movemens ta Spain ting much concern regarding Nine Night was being gash in the head, while others casions stated, to a lack of police left us lat suni, in continua the possibility of the fungus ated in honour of the late received minor wounds.
supervision. Formerly, an Agenttion of his tour aung Die La which has been destroying lartoWhitelock, and during the The wounded were taken to the of Police resided in the district, tin American Counties Sa.
ge areas in Honduras taking by of the function a distur hospital while a coolieman and but for some reason this position The government was asked to hold in this country, its presen of arose between the Coolies a woman were arrested as the was abolished and Mr. Jalet has permit a public mea. inz Leins ce having been reported.
Bothe Negroes. young man promoters of the fight. Two oth to officiate between Santa Rosa, held in one of the Theatres in It is stated that aeroplaness a Lewis was so badly cut in ers. who have fled across the riv One Mile, Cieneguita and West: San Jose in the caterest of the are being employed to fumigate bdomen that it is said there ler, are being searched for by the falia which covers a distance of Nationalist, Party, this was ie the In Honduras with powerful rdly any hopes of his recov police, more than five miles from one ht fused, however, oy Executi insecticides: in addition to the point Another named Robinson to he the other. There are ve in accordance with the de treatment being administered tour rural policemen, we under claration of Costa Rire the roots.
stand, under his jurisdiction, but trality in connect with the as they get no pay they exhibit conflict.
little or no interest in the happenings around them.
Don Cleto Gon Construction The Westfalia vicinity is a larCo.
as obtained its rapid and great popularity by hav se field of labour and deserves zalez Travels hig cured an immense number of persons who sufSome of the Bondholders of better avtentica. It extends to the English Construction Comered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These the Fruit Company farm at One of the grandest of our old pany who operated in this coun ow gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from Fearesem East, to the Westfalia men, Lic. don Cleto Gonzalez try over thirty years ago of uch complaints as Farm and along the coast of the Viquez, twice President of Costa fered to dispose of their shaBananito Barmouth, where there Rica, has been in bad health for res to the government at fifty COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, is a somewhat considerable lot some time, and on Sunday last per cent of their face LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, value.
of settlers. It carries two liquor he left for Panama to consult a Had the offer been from BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION all shops, one conducted by a china specialist for his ailments. the shareholders, we understand man and the other by a coolie The Atlantic Voice takes this it might have been accepted.
woman; at whose place dances, means of wishing don Cleto a but coming as it did from only OINS THEin the Cause of net tinually occur as we have men tinate illness, so he may return deem it advisable to approve.
Public Health tioned in these columns from ti full of strength to carry on his ENEDICTS It might be remembered that Our most zealous Medico of me to time. As it is well konwn strenuous duties of recompiling it was this Company, wzo consHealus, Doctor Carlos Umaña, that this district is a marijuana the Laws of our dear country. He tructed among others, the impos ur tried and trusted friend has been very busy during the centre and a den for contraban is accompanied by two of his dauing edifice in San Jose which Judge of the Civil Division past fortnight examining all distas, it is difficult to fathom ghters.
houses the Postal, Telegraph, pur Judicial Department, has vendors of our eatables. Seve why the authorities have so aban and other Tepartments of the en a victim of the arts of Cu ral have been found unfit and doned it. At nights the lower or government. They were given go Lic. don Octavio Rodriguez their activities have, in conce der of Limon citizens flock to vernment Bond; in part payus for a twenty days vaca quence, been suspended untu this den of immorality where they Changes in air Mail Rates ment for their work, don Wenin order to get married and they are cured of their ail. are met by criminals who, to Among the several changes ceslao de la Guardia was their the Benedictine Ranks. ments.
escape justice, hide themselves which, according to the notice ap Agent.
he Atlantic Voice wishes don Coronel Arturo Loria, our Co across the Banana River until pearing in last Sunday official avio a long, happy and prospe mandante of Police, has given their vile acts are forgotten. Sure Gazette, have been made in our 30OTH. life in matrimonial creles. the Health Officer every aslly such a placu deserves to be International Air Mail Service, y never an untoward momentsistance in the carrying out of under the guance of a stern. we note the rates on ordinary Best ken the threshold of their these duties which are certainly Agente of Policia one who correspondence to the United Sta never always pleasant.
must be respected by all. tes of America will be 15; JaBored maica C1. 65; Panama, the Canal Berlin On the commission of a crime Zone and Nicaragua 60; MéBread the Comandancia is commun ca xico, Venezuela and other central ed with from the Aviation ground American Countries 15; Europe Buns and the police usually arrive on (via New York) 25.
Biscuits Cakes the scene before Mr. Jalet, who These rates People Bakery are payable for Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist also resides in the heart of the leach fifteen grammes or fractio. Box 179. Limón De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University.
City, even obtains a knowledge New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, zal part thereof.
of the occurrence. Or what use, Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional therefore, is such a Police Offifesionales en su moderna Services in his New Up cers, to be of any avail, he should Clínica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic. live on the spot. He might be a contiguo a la oficina Located next to the very good man, but his services del Cable. All America Cables are of little value while he resides outside the vicinity. We hope LIMON, COSTA RICA the Governor will see the necessi Importación ty of making an appointment at Imports and Expurts this centre, where it is even more, male infant is reported to covered with a thin film of skin, necessary than a Cieneguita, San Exportación ve been born recently in a hos eight teeth in the upper jaw and th Rosa or Jamaica Town which Depósito de Madera ol at Meriden, Conn, a similar number in the lower are in close proximity to the Lumber Deposit th a full set of teeth. Although! are stated to have been visible. Cuartel Compra de Cacao en Cocoa Purchased grano Dr. MEDAL Jr.
FOLD FRIO SILENCIOSO COMO UNA NOCHE INVERNAL MAXIMO DE EFICACIA PRECIOS MOD. COS La única con el Rejol Encantado Descongelador, que deshiela automáticamente cada 24 horas la Refrigeradora, evitando un trabajo molesto y asegurando el mayor rendimiento.
DIEZ MODELOS CINCO ANOS DE GARA. TIA Fom page main as at present.
pany suggest the extention It is left to be seen whether of the concession to fifty years the Executive Council will 7to enable them to more inten consider the matter or permic sively exploit the Banana In the Company to carry their dustry on that side of operations to other countrics country and which would in as they did in 1926 and caus clude the construction of cered this country to suffer an tain wharves and branch rail. awful crisis.
ways, these to be turned over to the govertiment in order and free of considerations in the year 1970. In re GUACIMO GUAPILES airn for these activities and 0the amount of cash which Cantina, Licores would be involved, it was sug Extranjeros y del país.
gested that the government Tienda bien surtida guarantee not to increase their current rates of taxes or Cus Abarrotes en general toms dues and that the pur Precios sin competencia chase price for the fruit real good LUIS WA CHONG AGENTES EXCLUSIVOS AVELINO DE LA PENA Co. Sucs.
LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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