
turday vopec TRUE HEARTED LIMONENSE HONOURED Guillermo Niehaus Co La PUERTA ABIERTA er la AMERICA HISPANICA MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Meritorious service is hardly tation was accompanied by an ad. to suffering humanity regardlers eve. recognized until after the one ares expresing the sincerest gra of religious prejudices or politi LIMON crvctly concerned has passed on tituie and genuine regard they all cal sentiments and should at all to the Great Beyond. How much entertained for their Chief and time. be guided by spiritual and Compro Cacao Material de Tranvia more satisfactory would this not General Adviser. To th 30 very buman diseipines in the Inter st of Sercicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo De il it took place while he were expected expressions of loving her fellow creatures.
yet in the flesh, such a, occurred a appreciation from thore with The Doctor Exterica Importación de mercaderia en general fortnight ago when the one hun whom he laboured, Doctor Begratitude for this pical manifes drex and twenty Nurses, Atten che most suitably and feeli. ely tation of loyalty to the Institudants and members of the generplice, giving a succinct resumetion and his actions were to erai staff of the San Juan de Dios of the history connected with the tily applaudel by all p:ezent.
Flospital of San Jose tendered School for Nur es. He said much Among those who attend the Doctor Luclano Beeche, the ni raia was due the memory of function, apart from the Emily Superintenutsnt of that Institu Dr. Carlos Duran who founded the Doctor, wer don Carlos La.
tlon a recognition of their grati the School in 1910, but which, un ru, Vice President of the Board. NUEVA YORK, mayo de 1937 las carnes argentinas. En mel tudo for and appreciation of the fortunately, continued for only Charity, and don Juan Rodriguez. EL Viaje del Presidente Roo del senado en Wazhington many attentions and kindnesses e fucive months. However, in the Pret ldent of the Charity Board of sevelt a Buenos Aires. leemos ahora la ratificación del cor joyed by them as a consequence yea: 1920, under the auspices of Heredia.
en la revista United Frul nio sanitario firmado por el of his constant thoughtfulness, the government of don Francisco Doctor Beeche his a tru. Limo Company New. tuvo tan re nistro de Estado Hull y el em particularly with respect to the Aguliar Barquero, he (the spea nen e he was reared here. After sonancia en toda America vjador argentino, y el hacer de founding of the accommodation ker was enabled to establish the completing his elementary Educa. aun en el mundo entero. Cre, parecer asi ese estigma de whereby they are now able to pur present school which had been tlon, ewent to Jamaien, inter en el Nuevo Mundo, un panora Justamente se queja la Ara sue th:ir studies in the art of one of his ideals throughout hised the Kingston Hospital and arma de paz que se asienta, con no. por otra parte, eging caring for human sufferings as professional life. well trained ter pursuing the regular course mayor firmeza que nunca, en suponer que la buena voluut also th. establishing of a Hai! Nurns, continued Doctor Beche, of studies, passid a highly crear el perfecto reconceimiento del creada por las palabras del vecisidente Roosevelt haga que where they may confortably rest one who give no thought to solable examination as a Druggist. la actitud de verdaderos arter thair arducus labours. cial or racial distincitions, whose Shortly after his return here benos que los Estados Unidos han Argentina, a su vez, se apre!
The recognition took th form only thought was for the sick, went to the United State: for adoptado para con la demas re a suprimir las reatsleerd de cambio monetario que to a li size! picture of the Doc was the most rffective collabo higher studies, wher: he finally repúblicas americanas.
his Medical tor which was hung in the Hall. rator of the Doctor and a rea! obtained Diploma. Ni el Brasil ni la República ban causado tanta peraid.
Argentina dejaron duda algul los exportadores estadounio to be known hereafter as the Sa mother to the afflicted. Nurse Doctor Beech has been most at Lan Luciano Beeche. The presen erould be an lement of service tentive and sympathetic to his na del sentir de lo pueblos laisses.
panoamericanos respecto de los Reiterando su creencia many patient: from this city, bo Estado, Unidos, ni del conven que nue tra cilivilización ce all rejoice 11 his succeses cimiento de que la sincera adtual se apoya en el intercam end particularly the pleasure this beslin a los principios democra internacional de mercato recent recognition must have afticos constituye el verdadero va el Pre. idente Roosevelt elogis forced him.
Ladar que América opony a to método que ha seguido el Min ab elutsumoj tro Hull en la celebración But few person or our present dog loj Lmos del comerciales, europeo. no es menos signi tratados met generation may remember the aplicativo el hecho de que el refle que ha dado dijo resultado Establecimierto de Licores, Tienda y Abarrotes plauses the Medical profesion ac Jo de eve frente unido de Amé significativos. CA minist corded Doctor Beeche for the Thrica se eta manifestando en el Hull pazari seguramente a isis on Tropical Diseases he pre Canadá por medio de la convic historia como uno de los El más surtido en Matina sented and read at the Convención creciente de que el bienes grandes ministros de Estado tion of Medical men hel mang tar del Do inio se halla ligadoſ el valor y la visión política years ago et the Myrtle Bonk con la idea del panamericanis ha demostrado en el manejo Kingston, Jamaica, under the aus mo.
las relaciones exteriores, y es pict; of the Rockefeller Institute. Cuatro lustros han pasado, cialmente por lo; esfuerzos 49 Will He represented Costa Rica at the de. de que estalló la Guerra Cizo en la Conferencia de Mon Estados tevideo y que ha seguido hacia expositions were regarded among Unidos ven el origen directo dedo de entoncez acá, por haceris the very bust. From thence we los problemas que ce le han ver a la America todas las ve In an interview with a United, of President Roosevelt gives it hava watached ho career until we pres. ntado en sus e fuerzos por tajas que rezultan de liberaliz Press Correspondent, the mother out he will not stand for a third see him now at the summit, nat restaurar su comercio exterior, la politica en materia de come Presidential Campaign. She says only of his medical attainments Aun cuando la Conferencia de cio internacional José Achion Ng.
that with what he has accomplish but of his affability, generosity Buenos Aires tuvo por objeto No ha sido mera casualidad, ed, he has fulfilled that which Comerciante Detallista and gennlity to those whose good primordial el formular planes declaró el presidente Roosevel was expected of him and he is Licores, Abarross, Cristaleria, ready to step down, there being Fortune it is to serve urder hini, para la seguridec cclectiva y la en Buenos Aires el que las nat adopeión de los principio de ciones que le han opuesto SA ticulos de Ferreteria y so many men in the United Star Doctor its heartlest congratula se en ciertas guerras, el pre sean las que más alto han dick The Atlantic Voice tonders the neutralidad que debieran seguit más altas barreras al comercio Eléctricos; todo se encuentra tes well capacitated to fill the Presidency, Lions and as a son of Limon we dente Roosevelt hablo en ella de que necesitaban de la guerra ca este establecimiento.
Mrs. Roosevelt ada that her are specially proud of him. This! lo necesario que era para la ver mo un instrumento de su polit: PRECIOS DE SITUACION son has never tolerated dictatoris the second son of our Province dadera paz y seguridad internaca. Ccallgados contra la guerre LIMON ship in anyone, least therefore who was acquired the highest a: cional lo qu, pudiera llamar elas naciones americanas, y cos.
could it be expected of him tainments in the Economic and el desarme económico.
liberales tratados comerciales, a Social life of the Country. Shall Refirióse con franqueza el creciente comercio entre ella We not be proud of them? presidente a lo injusto que era tiene que compensarles las péta coto el que los Estados Unidos se vadidas sufridas en otros merci lieran de sus leyes sanitarias col dos por razón de las barrera mo un arma aduanera contra que todavía queden en pie.
HOP LEE LUNG ROOSEVELT Return Convention and his adiress and Magna, en la que los SON MUCHAS Flame. Throwers to War On Locusts in Argentina COOPERATIVA or las ventajas que le ofrece a Ud. señor agricultor, nuestro ya bien conocido plan de Buenos Aires. Argentina is Le government asked Conde making ready to mass 100, 000 po grecs to appropiate 10, 000, 000 trerful flamethrowers against so, for the locust war.
an enemy within her borderlocusts, The National Board of Defense announced a broad pro Aumente hoy mismo el número de gram to out the 10: the nuestros favorecedores. Tráiganos in ects through every stage of 11!
o envíenos su CACAODuring the flying stage, taWee. Le methrowers are to attack tbe pests. The government would ESTRADA pay farmers who trap adult lo Abarrotes y Licores custs with iron barriers ten cen tavos per 30 kilogramg or about Artículos del País three cents por sixty six pound Precios Economic Barriers would be sold by the LA IBERIA acacood.
government at reduced rates, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
coming year for bathing to SALOMON CHIN Bu 1BANCO DE COSTA RICA

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