
The Jamaica Burial Scheme Association Japan Accused Befo.
a Dr. ERWIN WEDEL LA FUENTE Rio de Janeiro to be Much Improved Embargoes. rifles and a large quantity of ed the pact of the Peace of heavy artillery with the neces Last week was a red letter oneſ veral of the other benevolent and Mr. Stanley Briton very fitting for the members of this benevo fraternal Societies were present. 19 acquitted himself of his trust Paris of 1927. and by acting sary contingent of men to han to dle them as also a sufficient lent Society as a consequence of The Revds. Pitt and of extending a sincere and hearty contrary to her promises the visit of Mr. Leo Brown. Forde officiated, the former un greeting to Mr. Brown, and he respect the sovereignty, inde quantity of ammunition to and back them up. If the other the Supreme President of the Sodertaking the religious part of took the opportunity of inform pendence and territorial ciety. Mr. Brown arrived from the function while the latter ac ing his audience that our distin administrative integrity of Chi Powers would send a combin na, she has also violated the ed fleet to Chinese waters, ali Jamaica on Saturday the 21st. ted as Chairman and, as custom guished visitor had been a com August and was given an enthu ary, did honour to the occasion rade of his in the Trenches in the pact of the Nine Powers, sign these refractory nations would siastic welcome at a meeting held by his wit and humorous eulogies World war and held the positioned in Washington.
soon learn that a Gentleman that night in the St. Mark Pa of the different actors. high of Staff Sargeant Major to the By this accusation it is evi agreement is not merely rish Hall. He left for the Capital class programme of 31 items was British West Indian Contingent dent that the eight other Pow Scrap of Paper, but a validi on Monday and returned on Wed carried through and during which who operated in Egypt. Mr. Briters who signed this Treaty ty of their honour among the nesday: on the following evening the St. Mark Philarmonic Choir, ton also gave the much apprecia ought to set foot on this ag peoples of the earth, a public reception was accorded under Choirmaster Daysley, rented information that Mr. Brown gression, but as Germany and him by a very fashionable nudien dered some selections which could had been permitted a seat in the Italy stand accused of practi ce who turned out to extend a hardly be surpassed anywher: gallery of the House of Commons cally the same thing, it only hearty and general welcome to for tone and harmony. The quon a particular occasion. In a devolves on the United States Francisco Fonseca Ch.
a worthy son of the Isle of tette entitled Redemption we most unselfish address, Mr. Char France, Britain, Russia and LAWYER NOTARY Springs. Representatives from se specially appreciated.
tes Hayling welcomed Mr. Belgium to co operate and PUBLIC Brown on behalf of the St. An impart such a lesson to the thony Sick and Burial Aid So offending Power that this re Office: ciety.
Pacts peated disrespect of Mr. Charles Harold Montalbert and promises may cease.
Adjoining to the City Up Smith was then installed by the to now Russia is the only one Public Library ENGLISH SPOKEN Supreme President as the RepreCIRUJANO DENTISTA sentative in Costa Rica of the Su Willing to act: she has arrang FORMER JUDGE OF THE preme Council ed to send to China 362 fight of the Jamaica LIMON DISTRICT COURT 5, 000 На instalado su CLINICA frente al Club Burial Scheme Association. Dr. ing planes, 209 tanks, Muir, the Organizer of the Miramar, donde ofrece a su numerosa clien Local Society, and Mr. Mi tela los más modernos tratamientos dentales not, ably assisted with the instal lation ceremony, and at its close Mr. Brown, in a most touching speech, thanked all present not Cuando viaje a Turrialba, visite When in Turrialba visit only on behalf of himself but of the Supreme Council over which LA FUENTE LA FUENTE Cantina y Restaurant Coffee, Restaurant Bar RIO DE JANEIRO Brazil. Planeiro Federal Commissioner he presided, for the honours done Contiguo al Dr. Portocarrero him. He gave a short history of An ambitious urban plan for Adjoining Drug Stode Because Rio de Janeiro is the Society, its aims and objects, Buen Café a 10 la taza Dr. Portocarrero opening new streets, avenues set amid numerous hills, tra and rendered sincere homage to Good and boulevards, some up to ffic handling has become a its founder, the late Andrew Duf Precios al alcance de todos Splendid Service 100 feet wide, at an estimated serious problem, and is daily fus Mowatt.
los bolsillos.
Coffee and meals.
It cost of 15, 000, 000; demoliwas mentioned tion of hundreds of buildings increase in numbers. Under beginning at Bambery, a small vil growing worse as automobiles that the Society which had its CLAUDIO BRENES Cía.
and boring of two tunnels has the new been approved, and the work traffic, which is now confined irine, in the year 1901 with a mem plan mo. motorlage in the Parish of St. Cathewill be begun immediately by largely to Avenida Rio Bran Milla Maritima bership of forty, now covers eve the newly appointed Rio de co, will be directed to other ry nook and corner of Jamaica Dear Mr. Editor got the Attlanticc Voice to channels, so divised as to with its 136 Branches and eigh Permit pace to ventilate support the propaganda. Sad provide for traffic increase teen thousand members. Apart the following. Ilhas Ton who was more latterly supportduring several years. Floods, from its sentimentality, Mr. brought to ht that some oed by Mr. Fernando Asch, never which after heavy rains usua Brown oration was interespers the Lawye:3, who were instort charged the people one colon lly paralyze the city traffic, ed with many humourous epithets td by the admiratoriet ut for their services.
out will be overcome by tunnels which exhibited the depth of the Tributacion Directa to institute If these charges are really under the streets to the sea. speaker oratorial capacity. these embargoes, are now charg being made President Cortes cer LIMON Demolition of buldings will Addresses of welcome were also ing the settlers all sorts of sums! tainly, will not be pleased begin with the razing of a given by Mr. Angus: Nir, as honorarios for the lifting of hear of it. If any remunerations Fábrica de Hielo hundred. year old building McKenzie of the Order of same, although 6ey have orders are to te made, they should be now used by the Government Oddfellows: Mr. Henry of the Lo from the chief Executive to re to those who had fearldsly ad y Refrescos Printing Offices. Rio de Jayal Phoenix Lodge and Mr. lease these levies and hand over vocated the cause of the fettlers.
neiro landmark, this building Nation of the Concordia Lodge of the monsys to those o estra With thanks for spac was erected during the reign the Mechanics. These were intersed free of all costs. Sufergr of Emperor Joao VI. Until persed with musical items which This would seem an iniquito:13 several years ago, alongside included Wine is a Mocker. o imposition on these poor people.
the the building was the original solo by Mrs. Grey. The song more so fact Rio de Janeiro aqueduct of bird of the Choir, Miss Cole, that the men who initiated the Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON LA FLORIDA heavy bronze more than a renuered Estrellita and again campaign in favour of the set hundred years old and an displayed a complete mastery oftlers; men such as Mr.
ABOGADO Nation, who travelled on icot antique collector delight. her beautiful soprano. Mes.
Fábrica de Hielo y NOTARIO PUBLICO With few inhabitants when Bernard; Miss Williams; Mrs. to Cahuita, Puerto Viejo, etc Venta de Leche the aqueduct was constructed, Barnes; Miss Gordon and interviewed don Juanito Roma Rio de Janeiro slaves gat Miss Charles also contributed to gosa and Lic. Teodoro Picado to Oficina: Altos Pasy Maderas hered there for water, which the programme and were great gain a hearing with the President, the Minister of Finance trickled down from the Santa ly appreciated.
and Mr. Aragon Administrator cual Ingianna Theresa hills.
The Supreme President of Direct Tribitation. Who also presented with a parchment on which was inscribed the history of the Limon Branch (No. 134)
IMPORTANTE CONOCER IMPORTANT NOTICE it was very pieasingly read by Bro. Charles Gourzong. The Choir then sung the chorus Sing Para la picazón del Ye Jehovah Praises after which Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasqui Green Cil by The Union Grand Lodge of Mechanics the Chairman made his closing na, Comezones.
remarks and again gave proof of his mastership of the most eleWarranted to cure Sant language and refined expres sions of love and goodwill. The The French Liper COLUMBE leaves Linton Thursday Ateh, Menge, and other 16th December arriving at Colon the following day On the 18th.
hymn Blest be the Tie that the COSTA RICA of the koval Netherlands Line leaves CoSkin diseases.
Binds was sung and followed by Jon for JAMAICA arriving in Kingson December 20h.
Benediction given by the dear The SIMON BOLIVAR leaves KINGSTON of reold Patriarch, the Rev. turn trip January 4th.
Excursionists are afforded the opportunity of spending the Pitt.
Christmas and New Year Holidays with their families and gends Cómprelo ahora mismo Don Delay in getting Special mention must be made of in the Isle of Springs and of witnessing the drawing for the 000 Búsquelo en todas a Bottle on Sale in all the mastery displayed by Mr Jamaica Derby Sweepstakes on the 27 December.
las Farmacias Drug Stores Cunningham, the Organist of the Bookings for Ist. 2nd. Srd. Class and Deck. Start prepations Choir, and Mr. McGreath on the for this Exceptional Opportunity and await further Information piano me COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY to FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
view of was Excursion to Jamaica Aceite Verde Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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