
The Atlantic Vaice Rental of the Govt. Strips Along Lines Canditions in Europe and the Far East The Excursion to Jamaica deem necessary, any suspir another five or ten colones. This is certainly «killing SO Many are the complaints reaching us regarding Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic the exhorbitant fees demanded by the parties in Editor English Section: NATION charge of official mattere in the different Sections along the lines of the Ferrocarril de Costa Rica.
Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 11th. September 1937 No. 161 It is alleged that many of the Agents of Police have been making quite a harvest by exacting large sums from the people who erect their homes within the fifty foc strip of land reserved by the government along either side of the railroad We have been frequently piratical acts. This conferen reason of Russia charging roadway, and although the erection of these builbenring, during the past few ce opened yesterday and at Italy with responsibility for dings generally result in the creation of village3 weeks, of many ships of the time of writing these the sinking of two of her by which the country revenue is benefitted in more British, Russian and other lines we have not heard ships in the Eastern Mediteways than one, the rates recommended for the rental tionalities being either results. It is however known rrannean and claiming the of the lots on these strips are burdensome to the ank or heavily damaged in that should the effort be fullest compensation. These the Mediterranean by tor abortive. England will in charges were presented by poor colonists, ar pedoes shot at them by some mediately initiate such acti the Soviet government just We do not object to a Police Agent receiving unknown underwater craft. vities as will have not only shortly after the suggested a fee (although as a government salaried man, this As these acts threatened the the desired effect but will conference was announced, should not be. of say five colones for writing a freedom of this important also permit the nationality hence Mussolini and his Ally waterway, England, in asso of the guilty party being Hitler, refused to have any note to the Ministerio de Fomento soliciting the siation with France, lost no discovered. It is consequen thing to do with it. The in occupancy of a lot, and for subsequently def ning a time in calling the other in tly feared that changes may tention of England and Pranthe 24 by 14. 75 metros on earth and indicating terested nations to a confe eventually take place in ce is to have their navali same on paper by four lines with the boundaries ience with the view of ini existing diplomatic relatio units patrol the entire trade for the information of that Department. These genLiating a collective and effec ships; more so in view of routes of the Mediterraenan tive line of action which the strained conditions with instructions to theirtlemen, however, charge any thing from ten to would put an end to such which have already risen by commanding Officers to lwenty five colones in addition to which the intesink, capture or detain, as, rested party has to incur the expense of coming to they may in their discretion Limon to get his signature duly authenticated for looking col Those who are thinking of of the Goose. and deserves the consideration of a This may be the last Ex other unit, irrespective nationality.
making the trip to Jamaica cursion to Jamaica by these righteous Governor. We further understand that in The Italian Dictator hav some instances the lots, although so defined proin December will do well to large boats for the 1937 38 toto the call at the Humberto Alva Season, so all who can possi ing rejected in duce much trouble for the unfo:tunate occupiers as claim of Russia and intimat varez Agency Office, next bly do so should avail them: ed his intention of ignoring it is often discovered they encroach on the rights to that of Lindo Bros, and selves of the opportunity of get registered. On booking having a fine time during any others which might be of adjoining settlers.
submitted, for the round trip it will be the festive season in the Old it is expected At present the government has been advised necessary to make a deposit Countrie.
that diplomatic relations to charge after the rate of one cent per square of Five dollars with Mr. between the Please write to Mr.
two nations Burrow who will extend the Nation, metre fo: the occupancy of these building lots.
may be severed at any moSecretary of the corresponding receipt. Do Union District, Box 137 ment. France, on the other hence the poor labourer who, by dint of his thrift this in time, and also receive for all particulars, a call hand, is so disturbed by the and perseverance, has erected a small ranch for the list your passports, there on him at the Alvarez Agen (TO PAGE accominodation of his family on a plot with a frontawont be any last moment cy Office any week day be: ge of twenty five metres and a depih cf 14 314 merush.
Itween the hours of and 12 JUDICIAL jtres must pay three colones and sevenfy cents per can it be The Threatened Central American Conflict CHANGE amount for a flat on which to create a home, when this same men will be given by inis same government The many friends of Lic. Jan hectarea of land on which to plant cacao for During the past week our Sist. President Somoza even procured don Carlos Rosabal, will be fifty cents per month?
er Republics, Honduras and Nica. himself an armoured automobi glad to know he has been very le to per onally direct opera named Agente Principal de The Executive seem wrongly advised and we brink of a belligerent outbreak tions, Policia Judicial for San Jo are suggesting that the occupiers of the lots submit as a consequence of the latter It is only due to the pacifie issuing a series of Postage mediation of Costa Rica, El Sal se, in place of Lic. don Fer a petition to the President and his Executive Adnando Lara, resigned.
Stamps on which certain territovador and Guatemala, coupled Mr. Rosafbal occupied the (To page 9)
ry claimed by Honduras is shewn with that more recently institut as being in dispute. Thousands ed by Uncle Sam, that a clash position here of Second Alof soldiers were rushed to the has 50 far been a voided: but calde and was much admirborder. line of these countries: having regard to the well known ed for his rectitude of acall the old faithful men of the dispozitions of the nationals of tions, Limon is sorry to have Nicaraguan National Guard, both Republics, it would not be lost him.
who had been placed on the Re Surprising if the conflict evenserve List, were recalled and tually materialized.
The St. Anthony Fete SERVICIO DE VAPORES HA All roads will lead this coming week to the St. AnSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK hony Garden Party on the con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA Catholic Lawn. Those in charge have long been pre LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS paring to entertain an imEUROPEOS AMERICANOS mense crowd on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday VAPORES SALIDAS and have consequently provided many surprises for the City pleasure loving VERAGUA Septiembre 12 crowd. QUIRIGUA Septiembre 19 PARA EUROPA Setiembre 25 As the function is in aid (Via Cristobal)
of a good charitable cause. PETEN Septiembre 26 there ought to be a moth attendance. Do not fail PARA CUATEMALA Setiembre 20 ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
to be out on the night of the 15th. as there will be seveAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas: ral very special attractions HAPAG LLOYD for Independence Night.
Let us all spend the night Para ctros informes derijase a las oficinas de la United AGENCIA COSTA RICA Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica happily and then start savAvenida Central Telefono 2086 ing for the Excursion trip to TEI EFONO 3156 Jamaica on the 14th. December.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Lagua have been on the UNITED FRUIT Co.
Hamburg. Amerika Linie CARIBKA, mam


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