
Shyster Lawyers and Lawyers Who Are Shysters he be Hence Ingue fal EL ATLANTICO BO en ins Current Items PENSION PASOS ALLAN SIME stations and so it for a The Church of God College Recognized Mr.
Depósito de Maderas Maduro Lumber Yard NACIONALS If one will turn to his dic defined as meaning One gone from us for ever: some FRANK MADURO Jr.
tionary he will find this, who carries on legal busi will soon go; while one at term, as used by Lic. don ness in a mean and tricky least has had the temerity PROP.
Antonio Cruz in an article manner.
to return and to be once carried some time Frank Maduro hijo, ago in Linn has reared many more catering for clients.
the columns of this Journal. of these Shysters. Some have We have just heard of a PROP.
Best native lumber Lawyer who has joined these Maderas del país. ExisOr Shysters. he took nearly tencia permanente three hundred colones from nuestro depósito.
at moderate prices a woman to defend her husband business but is now gone the way of all such.
Old adages are quite true although our younger generation do them the honour of terming them symbolic In consequence of the lax Our Secretary of Hacien Show me manner in which teachers da, Mr. Paco Gutierrez, ha your company and ll know who you are and other employees of his arranged in association with of We again advise all ho department have been offi his Inspector General nest citizens, who find them ciating, the Director of Edu Finance, Colonel Zavaleta Iselves in need of legal ad lar Machado, has issued catin, don Alejandro Agui that for each log (tuca) ofan a fine lumber cut from natio ivice, to consult those persons circular calling on all Heads nal forests the of character who know who contractor of Branches to see LISIS is who and what is what in that will pay ten colones, and for DUSHA Limon so that these dishotheir subordinates pay grea each of ordinary wood five nest Lawyers may find ter respect to their duties. colones.
it advisable to get back from The Grand Old Man ofisi whence they came and give In order that our athletes Costa Rica, don Ricardo JiSi Ud. va a PANAMA hospedese en la our City a break in legal may be able to participate menez, has advised his cri lle rascalities.
in the Central American tics not to look back at tri tor vialities but to correct any wrongs they may encounter to in o Ith ward toward progress. LIMON, COSTA RICA says, if they keep looking bt Dear Mr. Editor.
Board of Indiana, Importación back they may be turned Will you permit me the votes high honours to the Imports and Exports y into pillars of salt. How very privilege to voice the plea Anderson College of the a propos in all our Orga ja sure the following has pro Church of God, when the Exportación nizations of today, is dona duced among the members members of the State Body Ridurdo advice that his of the religious Body known in session at Indianapolis Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit as the Church of God. recently unanimously adopt young countrymen should lift up their eyes and gaze ed Compra de Cacao en By the monthly Magazi which places the Institution the recommendation, full at the future of their a ne, The Gospel Trumpet. grano Cocoa Purchased country.
on an equal basis with the le it is seen that on the recom larger schools of the nation.
mendation of Arthur The aim of the Church of During the Bull Fights in Campbell the Educational God denomination is to teach Cartago last Sunday, one of the children by means of its LUIS WA CHONG Schools directed by the Sun Murder in Olympic games in Panama the stands, which could not during the Carnaval Festivi bear the weight of the crowd assembled on it, broGUACIMO GUAPILES day School Association, to CAHUITA ties next February, our Exe good cutive Council is being askke away and threw many to 0of tomorrow thereby bring During last week, a man. ed to approve an the ground in the vicinity of expense Cantina, Licores ing Peace and Goodwill to known by the name of Wil vote of three thousand dol the Bulls. Several persons Extranjeros y del país.
all men.
fred Wynter and residing lars.
were badly battered and Tienda bien surtida in Cahuita, while under the bruised and one lad was so William Stewart.
influence of liquor, got quar As the result of seriously hurt that he died recent Abarrotes en general Precios sin competencia Cimarrones relling with his common law adjustments, our Country the following day.
wife, also a boose fighter: it Foreign Debt now totals ended by his getting hold of 109, 000, 000 colones and The Executive Council his machete with which he will require an annual ap has been asked to make an chopped her in pieces. He propiation of 5, 450, 000 to appropiation for the School proposal is being entertal. Under Representative celler is at present in the Cuartel meet its obligations. In this of Dentistry, long promised ned for the erection of a radio plan the proposed station would here awaiting the result of huge sum is included the the Community. It is expect broadcasting station to be ow be under the direction of the the investigation, being con British loans amounting to ed the item will be consider ned and operated by the govem Navy Department. The producted by the Criminal. 1, 668, 317, 14. 1, as also the ed during the present exment of the United States and grams would be of an educatio Court.
debt to the English Construc traordinary sessions of Con to be devoted for the most part nal nature, wburdened by adtion Cº.
to the broadcasting of short wa vertising. And what is more, the BOOTH ve programs to Central and station will be so powerful as It was recently announced South America, says a Washing to drown out the European pro Best that some of our Sugar Fac Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX ton dispatch to the New York grams for a change.
tories were asking permisTimes. It has the backing of Radio fans in the American Baked sion to export a part of their Whe ABOGADO Federal Communications republics interested in United Berlin product, yet we note that Commission, and Representati. State programs should welco.
Bread the National Liquor Factory y NOTARIO PUBLICO ve Celler of New York has in me the above announcement, Buns has imported the huge quan troduced a bill calling for an ey might welcome it still mo Biscuits Cakes tiy of 1, 000 quintals of reappzopriation of 700. 00 for the re if fight retums, baseball scofined Sugar from Cuba for Oficina: Altos Pasinstallation of the station, and res and race results could by The. People Bakery use in the manufacture of 50. 000 annually for its up any chance be given an educa Box 179. Limon classic wines.
cual Ingianna kee tional interpretation. was pointed out that both Germany and Italy have short stations that broadcast to the southern American republice Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We tez to call your attention to our remark at the back which tend to drown out broad de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
castia from the Uted States.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office Under an international agreemens reached in Madrid five cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month years ago five short wave frede cada mes quencies were assigned to the Be so good as to comply with this request and do not United States, but have never Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our servicc, a step which been used. It is now feared if de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take left unemplobed they may be re allocated at the internations) conference scheduled to be held at Cairo, Egypt, next year.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Radio Station for the Americas Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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