
th. 1937 itton Inn in Splendour THE VOGUE URO.
umber. sir.
ERWIN WEDEL Hacien Trez, hz ion with eral of natio antractor and for od five were was er Yard ay night, 27th August Brown is inspecting his Bran table at Britton Inn at nine ng be remembered in ches here and in Panama: o clock that evening: Mr.
uence of the fare and as he was leaving us for Harold Smith presided and inquet the Officers of Cristobal the 29th. ul among those present were, al Branch of the Ja timo, nothing could have MC Leo Brown, the (rial Sheme Asso been more fitting than for Guest of the evening: Mr.
Ladies Gents Tailoring gave their guest of his many friends and admi Pedro Vieto, Administrator Mr. Harold Leo rers, at this outpost of his of Customs, and his AlcaiFor Style Character Supreme President Society, to accord him a de, Mr. Gonzalez Garcia: Organization. As men thrilling send off Mr. Juan Bautista Peralta, and Goed Taste.
prices in our last issue. Mr. the beatifully, decorated vicepresident of the Munici invited met around!
pal Board. Rev. Forde; Mr. and Mrs. Muir; Mr.
If you want the experience of Angus; Misses and Gillings: Mrs. Grey; Miss wearing a real smart outfit, Tris Williams: Messrs.
come along to Burrow, Nation, Brie tton, Rouse, McRae, CIRUJANO DENTISTA and Brotherton.
JOHN ROGERS After all had done justiLIMON avales instalado su CLINICA frente al Club ce to the most enticing Menu Euca) of amar, donde ofrece a su numerosa clien the Chairman proposed the toast of the President of the Ladies say he is adept at los más modernos tratamientos dentales Republic to which Mr. Vie making Coats, Costumes, to responded and the Costa Breeches, Ete.
nditions in Europe. Juan Peralta also spoke of From Page British as the result of the the geat privilege afforded Miss Iris Williams claimed in the Baptist Church with Ian ofssiveness of Germany bombing of the British Am them of being associated the ladies certainly the Revs. Forde and Pitt rdo dj spain in the Spanish! bassador near Shanghai, with such education and cul worthy of all the good things officiting. Immediately this his cni le, that she threatens which may also be of benefit ture as they found in those showered on them. After all terminated Mr. Brown acs at triow open her frontiers to the Soviet Union in any around them. Dir. Smilh also these expressions of mirth companied by a large numet authat country so all who action she may eventually presented the toast of the and logic, Mr. Nation was ber of persons left for the Counter to participate in the decide to take on her Wes King which heartily requested to toast the Press pier where he boarded the admi may be free to do so. tern front.
drunk followed by the Na which he did in his customa Quirgua and sailed for. for th regard to conditions The entire diplomatic tional Anthem. Mr. Muir ry lucid style. The Rev. Cristobal to found the 137th Hee Far East, China hav atmosphere therefore then gave the tcast of the Forde then congratulated Branch of the Society in voking btained the help of Rus pears most disturbed, and Society, and he carefully all for the very pleasant Panama.
urneda men and ammunition, we may expect the happen elucidated it from its incep and harmonious evening and very checked the advance of ing of anything at any mo tion to the present happy wished Mr. Brown a long Orgar aps and is now keeping ment. What with Spain ac occa Con Miss Gillings, career of usefulness among Worthy Appreciation dos at bay, much to the sur cusing Italy for her open the Assistant Secretary, re his people. In her toast to As a token of their appre his of the entire world. participation in her national plied in very choice langua the Chairman. Miss Giciation of the thirty years hould growing belief, howe troubles and Russia charg ge. Mr. Betton proposed the lngs lauded him for his service he has rendered the gau in informed circles is ing her with Piracy, while toast of lue Cuest of honour greatest virtue Patience government in the Departtheir as time goes on the China invokes the 3rd. and who, in replying, returned, which she attributed will find they have 17th. articles of the League with much hilarity, the com the success of the Society. Chief of Staff at the Casa ment of Foreign Affairs, as led a much harder pro Convention against the arm plements paid him he In responding Mr. Smith Amarilla, all the Diplomatic tion than they imagined. ed aggression of Japan, it attributed to the late Aur thanked Miss Gillings for Representatives to this coun sin of course, is most pleasl does seem as if this session, drew Duffus Mowatt, the assigning him such a worthy try recently gave Mr. Jose to the Soviet govern if there be any, will be the Founder of the Society, the charaeterietic and promis Antonio Garcia a brillant as it materially redu last of the League and all reasons for such praise. The ed, if it really did exist, to homage.
the value of the Tokyo nations will thereafter have also thanked all who had in endeavour to make it more with Hitler the opportunity of breaking any way contributed to his manifest in the interest of The following remarks of hen there still exists out and doing what suits comfort.
the Association.
the Papal Representative, tension with the each one best.
The function came to Monseñor Chiarlo, proves Mr. Brotherton sipped the the genuine respect in which nd toast to the Visitors to which close shortly before miduthis high officer is held Mr. Burrow replied in his ight by the Rev. Mr. Forde You have always proven usual Irish manner. The task praying the blessing and yourself a personage of that of toasting the ladies fell to peace of God on all concern gentillity which has contriCirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist Mr. Angus, and he took the ed.
buted to maintain with relin de la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, New Orleans, EE. UU.
Mr. Brown took the 11 ed tactics and singular diNew Orleans, opportunity of reminding them that the rudeness of o clock service at the Wes plomacy, the very high esol Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional their rudeness, when they leyan Church on the Sunday teem for which the name of esionales en su moderna Services in his New Up are rude, is much overwe and carried it through in a Costa Rica is famed in her Clinica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic.
ighed by the goodness of masterly manner. At p. relations with the fost culcontiguo a la oficina their goodness when they the same day he was the re tured countries of this del Cable.
are good. In responding, apient of a public farewlllearth.
apto e of not the pro to of a Dr. MEDAL Jr. 18 Located next to the All America Cables REFRIGERADORAS SPARTON FRIO SILENCIOSO COMO UNA NOCHE INVERNAL ental of the Govt. Strips.
From page 7)
ers pointing out the unreasonableness of the ount. We would suggest a charge of fifty cents month. payable yearly in advance. If three men selected and an nluential Lawyer engaged to tain an audience with the petition in hand some wod must result therefrom? of course the expens attendant on this would have to be provided those interested.
The government is encouraging agriculture in its branches, and occupiers coald be required 10 ant fruit trees of every description, so that soon strips would become real orchards and be an lornment to the roadway and an agreeable picture Tourists and other travellers to this beautiful Suntry of ours. Then, apart from all other consirations, the payment yearly in advance of the ousands of the Six Colónes would be sure re2nue without the usual worries and expense for ollection.
MAXIMO DE EFICACIA PRECIOS MODICOS La única con el Reloj Encantado Descongelador, que deshiela automáticamente cada 24 horas la Refrigeradora, evitando un tratajo molesto y asegurando el mayor rendimiento.
LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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